RADWIMPS - Aitai - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - Aitai

Meet You
会いたい 会いたい 会いたい 会いたい
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
君に 会いたい 会いたい 会いたい
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
話したい 触れたい 抱きたい 見つめたい
I want to talk to you, to touch, to hold you, and to look at you.
これを超える気持ちが今も 生まれない
I still don't have any feelings that surpass these.
僕は生きてるよ 君のいない世界で
I've been living in a world without you.
たまに笑ってみたり 何か夢中になったり
Sometimes I smile, and sometimes I find things to keep me occupied.
だけど君が ここにいなくてもいい理由
But there still isn't any reason
なんかどこにも 見当たらないまま10年
why it's okay that you aren't here. Even after ten years.
I wonder whose body the oxygen you were supposed to breathe
now wanders around inside.
なんてさ なんてさ なんてバカ真面目に
So seriously, I wonder. I wonder.
I sometimes think about it.
会いたい 会いたい 会いたい 会いたい
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
君に 会いたい 会いたい 会いたい
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
聞きたい 撫でたい 怒りたい 嗅ぎたい
I want to listen to you, to caress you, to get angry, and to smell you.
これを超える気持ちが今も 生まれない
I still don't have any feelings that surpass these.
What would you say if you were here?
What would you do?
I wish I had recorded
the one word of "It's okay" you said to me.
君がここにいないと ダメな理由ばっか
I've only been compiling reasons why I can't be without you,
and before I knew it, it's already been ten years.
君がいなくなって ほんの少しだけ軽く
The weight of the Earth has become a little lighter
なったこの地球で 今日も息をしてるよ
since you disappeared, and I'm still breathing today.
なんてさ なんてさ なんてバカみたいに
So seriously, I wonder. I wonder.
You're here with me.
君にもう一度 出逢える奇跡をここに
I thought about asking for a miracle
お願いしよう なんて考えたけれど
that I could meet you once again but
それはきっと無理 だって僕はもうすでに
that's probably impossible. Because I already used up all my miracles
君のこと見つけた時に 使っちゃったから
the moment I found you.
会いたい 会いたい 会いたい 会いたい
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
君に 会いたい 会いたい 会いたい
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.
話したい 触れたい 抱きたい 見つめたい
I want to talk to you, to touch, to hold you, and to look at you.
I know that there's nothing in this world
この世のどこにもないと わかっているよ
that can surpass this feeling.

Авторы: Nodayouzirou

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