RADWIMPS - だいだらぼっち - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - だいだらぼっち

一人ぼっちは寂しいけれど みんな一人ぼっちなら
Although being alone is lonely, if everyone is alone,
寂しくなんかない 一人ぼっちなんかじゃないから
Then it's not lonely at all. Because no one is truly alone.
「君は優しい人」 誰かに与えられたその
The label "You're a kind person," given by someone,
肩書きを守るため 必死に僕を飼いならす
To protect that title, you desperately try to tame me.
だけど もう疲れたよ 僕は降りることにしよう
But I'm tired of it. I've decided to step down.
一言で言えるような人間に 僕はなれない
I can't become the kind of person easily defined by a single word.
生きてる間の ほんのちょっとの時間くらい
For just a short while during our lives,
一人で大丈夫だよ 大丈夫だよ
It's okay to be alone. It's okay.
一人ぼっちは寂しいけれど みんな寂しいんなら
Although being alone is lonely, if everyone is lonely,
一人ぼっちなんかじゃない 寂しくなんかないから
Then it's not being alone. It's not lonely at all.
僕はもうダメなんだ 神様の失敗作
I'm no good anymore. I'm God's failed creation.
どこで何を 間違えたんだろう 答え合わせでもしよう
Where and what did I get wrong? Let's check the answers.
でも待ってよ もしかしたら この世界ははじめから
But wait, maybe this world was from the beginning,
失敗作や でくの坊の 放り込まれたゴミ箱
A failed creation, a trash can for the incompetent.
生きてる間の ほんのちょっとの時間くらい
For just a short while during our lives,
誰かといればいいんじゃない いいんじゃない
Isn't it alright to be with someone? Isn't it alright?
一人ぼっちは寂しいけれど みんな一人ぼっちなら
Although being alone is lonely, if everyone is alone,
寂しくなんかない 一人ぼっちなんかじゃない
Then it's not lonely at all. It's not being alone.
一人ぼっちは寂しいけれど みんな寂しいんなら
Although being alone is lonely, if everyone is lonely,
一人ぼっちなんかじゃない 寂しくなんかないから
Then it's not being alone. It's not lonely at all.
「ところで君は じゃあどんな人?」と尋ねられて気付いたよ
When asked, "So, what kind of person are you?" I realized,
一人だけじゃ 誰かがいなきゃ 僕が誰かも分からない
I can't even know who I am without someone else, without being alone.
僕は 生きてさえいないじゃないか
Am I not even alive?
一人ぼっちは寂しいけれど 君と二人ぼっちなら
Although being alone is lonely, if I'm alone with you,
寂しくなんかない 一人ぼっちなんかじゃない
Then it's not lonely at all. It's not being alone.
一人ぼっちと一人ぼっちが 集まってできたこの世界
This world created by a gathering of lonely people,
寂しいことなんかない 一人ぼっちなんていないよ
There's nothing lonely about it. There's no such thing as being alone.
Because we can't ever truly be alone.

Авторы: yojiro noda

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