RADWIMPS - 学芸会 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - 学芸会

The School Play
寄ってらっしゃい 来てらっしゃい 待ちに待った今日は学芸会
Come one, come all! The long-awaited school play is today!
みんな切磋琢磨して 力合わせて 作り上げてきた一大舞台
Everyone has worked hard together, creating this grand stage.
ちょっと待って そうだっけ? なぜにここに俺はいるんだっけ
Wait a minute, is that right? Why am I even here?
さぁさぁ列になって 胸を張って 幕が降ろされた
Alright, alright, line up, chest out, the curtain has been raised.
与えられた役名は 変哲もないただの『少年D』
My given role is just a plain 'Boy D'.
望んでなどいないのに 群れの中に 舞台上に
Though I never wished for it, here I am, among the crowd, on the stage.
上げられたはいいけど 脇役を任された少年D
Elevated, but only to be entrusted with a supporting role, Boy D.
先生 僕は僕の世界では 誰がなんと言おうと主人公です
Teacher, in my own world, no matter what anyone says, I'm the protagonist.
この世界では僕は少年D 名前も持たない少年D
But in this world, I'm just Boy D, a nameless Boy D.
台詞はひとつ「おやすみなさい」 そう僕がいなくても始まる舞台の
My only line is "Goodnight." Even without me, the play would begin.
端っこに立った少年D 誰も彼なんか見ちゃいない
Standing at the edge, Boy D, nobody even notices him.
でも僕にとってはVIP そう僕がいないと始まんないんだよ
But to me, I'm the VIP. Without me, nothing would start.
My world is...
待ってました お出ましだ ついに来た 出番だ 道あけな
Here he comes! The time has arrived, my turn! Make way!
皆々様 俺様のお通りだ ガンガンとライト 照らしておくれよ
Everyone, it's my time to shine! Let the spotlight shine bright!
何言ってんの? 言っちゃってんの まだサンタはソリに乗ってんの?
What are you saying? Santa's still riding his sleigh?
それは君の世界の話でしょ? 現実の中の話はこう
That's in your world, dear. In reality, it's like this:
いてもいなくても一緒なの どうこう言える立場にいないの
Whether I'm here or not, it's all the same. I have no say in it.
The faint light leaking from the spotlight on the lead actor is my illumination.
僕の照明 ここにいる証明 人様のおこぼれで生きれて光栄
My proof of existence. It's an honor to live off of others' scraps.
って思いなさい 演じなさい 胸張って脇を固めなさい
That's what you should think, and act accordingly. Puff your chest and stand your ground.
「こうなれば」と呟いて ついには狂いだした少年D
Muttering "If that's how it is," Boy D finally snaps.
予想だにしない事態に 舞台上はもはや独壇場
In this unforeseen turn of events, the stage becomes his own.
逃げ惑う群れの中 あえなく捕らえられた少年D
Amidst the fleeing crowd, Boy D is apprehended.
先生 これで晴れてこの僕が 誰が何と言おうと主人公です
Teacher, now I'm finally the protagonist, no matter what anyone says.
この世界では僕は少年D 名前も知らない少年D
In this world, I'm just Boy D, a nameless Boy D.
台詞はひとつ「おやすみなさい」 そう僕がいなくても始まる舞台の
My only line is "Goodnight." Even without me, the play would begin.
端っこに立った少年D 誰も僕なんか見ちゃいない
Standing at the edge, Boy D, nobody even notices him.
でも彼にとってはVIP そう僕がいたって もしもいなくたって
But to him, he's the VIP. Whether he's here or not...
違いなどないって? んなわけないって
It makes no difference? That's impossible!
Without me, things wouldn't be like this!
The school play ends in a huge fiasco, followed by a reflection meeting.
もう何なんだい? どうしたんだい?
What was that all about? What happened?
What on earth were you trying to do?
とんだ厄介だ 何百回と何万回と謝らんかい
You're a nuisance! Apologize a hundred times, a thousand times!
Promise everyone you'll make a grand comeback in the final performance.
この世界では僕は少年D 名前も持たない少年D
In this world, I'm just Boy D, a nameless Boy D.
My only line is "Goodnight."
Even without me, the play would begin.
端っこに立った少年D 誰一人彼など見ちゃいない
Standing at the edge, Boy D, nobody even notices him.
But to me, I'm the VIP.
Without me, nothing would start.
Even without me, the world keeps turning.
でも僕がいないと始まんないんだよ 僕の世界は
But without me, my world wouldn't start.
季節巡って 秋になって 待ちに待った今日は運動会
Seasons change, autumn arrives. The long-awaited sports day is here.
さぁさぁ位置について ヨーイ、ドンで
Alright, get in position. Ready, set, go!

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