RADWIMPS - 狭心症 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - 狭心症

I'm glad I only have these two eyes,
For if I saw all the world's sorrows,
I surely wouldn't be able to go on living.
うまいことできた世界だ いやになるほど
This world is so well-made, it makes me sick.
And yet, why do people, in their delusion,
Go and attach eyes everywhere in this vast world,
ご丁寧に眼付けて あーだこーだと
So carefully, just to argue and complain?
僕は僕の悲しみで 精一杯なの
I have enough to deal with just my own sadness.
見ちゃいけないなら 僕がいけないなら
If I'm not supposed to see, if it's my fault,
Then quickly bring me a needle and thread,
塞いでしまうから 縫ってしまうから
I'll sew them shut, I'll close them off,
But let me see everything one last time.
For 1 to be 1, you see, even today,
100から 99も奪って生きてるんだと
I live by taking 99 from 100.
I don't remember asking to be taught that,
いいから ほら もう黙ってて イワンのバカ
So just shut up, you Ivan the Fool.
From the world's perspective, you are now,
どれだけ かくかくしかじかと言われましても
No matter how much you're told this and that,
下には下がいるって 喜びゃいいの?
There's always someone worse off, so be happy?
僕は僕の悲しみも 憂いちゃいかんとさ
But I can't help but worry about my own sadness.
泣いちゃいけないなら 僕がいけないなら
If I'm not supposed to cry, if it's my fault,
涙腺など とうに切っといてよ
Then you should have just cut out my tear ducts,
生まれた時にさ へその緒の前にさ
At birth, before even the umbilical cord,
ついでに口 横に裂いといて
And while you're at it, slit my mouth sideways.
したら辛い時や 悲しい時も
Then, even when I'm in pain or feeling sad,
I could smile as if nothing's wrong.
そうでもしないと とてもじゃないけど
Because if I don't do that, there's no way,
I can bear to be myself.
今日もあちらこちらで 命は消える
Lives disappear here and there, even today,
はずなのにどこを歩けど 落ちてなどいないなぁ
But no matter where I walk, I don't see them fallen.
This is taking cleanliness too far, really.
なんて素晴らしい世界だ ってなんでなんだか
What a wonderful world, but why, somehow,
そりゃ 色々忙しいとは思うけど
I know you're busy and all, but
Lord, why do you just stand there spacing out above the clouds?
Scolding your children's mischief is your duty, isn't it?
勇気を持って 拳を出して
Have some courage, raise your fist,
Do whatever you want.
見なきゃいけないなら 僕がいけないなら
If I'm not supposed to see, if it's my fault,
Then just paste them onto the back of my eyelids,
生まれた時にさ へその緒の前にさ
At birth, before even the umbilical cord.
If you want to defy me so much,
僕が嬉しい時も 気持ちいい時も
Then when I'm happy, when I feel good,
Bring me crashing down with every blink.
だってじゃないとさ 忘れてしまうから
Because otherwise, I'll forget,
That I only have these two eyes.
I'm glad I only have these two ears,
世界の叫び声がすべて 聞こえてしまったら
For if I heard all the world's screams,
I surely wouldn't be able to breathe.
僕は僕を 幸せにする機能で
The function to make myself happy is
いっぱい いっぱい いっぱい いっぱい
Full, full, full, full,
いっぱい いっぱい いっぱい いっぱい
Full, full, full, full.
見ちゃいけないなら 聴いちゃいけないなら
If I'm not supposed to see, if I'm not supposed to hear,
When the next life takes root beneath us,
宿った時には へその緒の前にさ
Before even the umbilical cord,
I will close all the entrances to this world,
閉じてあげるから 塞いだげるから
I will seal them shut,
I will protect you,
逃がしたげるから その瞳から
I will let you escape from those eyes,
So tears will never fall again.

Авторы: yojiro noda

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