RHYMESTER feat. Cypress Ueno & HUNGER - Bakuhatsuteki - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RHYMESTER feat. Cypress Ueno & HUNGER - Bakuhatsuteki

誰がマイクロフォンマスター? 知ったこっちゃないぜ
Who's the microphone master? I don't give a damn
Fresh なコトバと酸素 深く吸い込んで
Inhale fresh words and oxygen
Explode them on the drums
Explode them on the drums
Just explode them on the drums
Words, spit them out like a torrent style of rap
S and P and I and T spells 'spit,' used to be called that
それはくっちゃべる 唇と唇 舌と上顎の間に起きる
It's chatter, between the lips and the lips, tongue and the palate
いわば小さな爆発 基本、怒り(Anger)と渇望(Hunger)が爆薬さ
A small explosion, basically, the gunpowder is anger (Anger) and hunger (Hunger)
ブームがどうした? モードがどうした? 次のトレンドがどうした?
What's boom? What's mode? What's the next trend?
失われたこのスキルで斬る 自称ラッパー なんちゃってトラッパー Huh?
Cut the lost skill with this self-proclaimed rapper, not a trapper, huh?
When I hold the mike (hold) still (still) those kids aren't invited
Mr.D the burning burning heart 火傷したけりゃほら触りな Pow!!!
Mr. D the burning burning heart, if you want to get burned, touch it, Pow!!!
誰がマイクロフォンマスター? 知ったこっちゃないぜ
Who's the microphone master? I don't give a damn
Fresh なコトバと酸素 深く吸い込んで
Inhale fresh words and oxygen
Explode them on the drums
Explode them on the drums
Just explode them on the drums
Cypress Ueno is rapping
『お前はラップが下手くそだー!』聞き飽きだぜ Boys&Girls
'You're a rap amateur!'. I'm tired of hearing that, boys and girls
下手の横好き気付きゃ20年 口はつぐまず結ぶぜシューレース
Unlucky love, 20 years later, I don't say anything, I tie my shoelaces
ラッパーなのに言いたいことも言えない世の中 俺なら Poison
In this world where rappers can't say what they want to say, I'm Poison
次の一歩日進月歩 必死でしょ!? って必死だよ! Check your head
Next step, progress, serious, huh? I'm serious! Check your head
切った張ったや買ったや負けた 少し吠えれば周りはブー
Cut, fought, bought, lost, complaining a little bit, everyone booed
『だったらお前がやってみろ!』あ、これ NGワード!?(そっすね)
'So, you do it!' Oh, is this an NG word? (Yeah, it is)
お褒めの言葉と罵詈雑言のレッドカーペットをさーせん Walk
Walk on the red carpet of compliments and insults, sorry
試練の道行く思い込んだら 俺がサ上 手練れのボンバーマン
I'm a bomber man, a skilled man on the path of hardship, I'll do it myself
誰がマイクロフォンマスター? 知ったこっちゃないぜ
Who's the microphone master? I don't give a damn
Fresh なコトバと酸素 深く吸い込んで
Inhale fresh words and oxygen
Explode them on the drums
Explode them on the drums
Just explode them on the drums
いまだ日々流転する20年選手 どころかまもなく30年選手
Still a 20-year player in the ever-changing world, I'm almost a 30-year player
ほぼこのペースでいつしか米寿 迎えても一軍でフツ―にプレイ中
Probably at this pace, even when I'm in my mid-80s, I'll still be playing regularly on the first team
みたいな予定 アンタより長寿 気にいらなそうなアンチなどしょっちゅう
That's the plan, I'm older than you, my haters, who might not like it, are always around
Every day, I'm exterminating pests, 'Aren't you tired of so many idiots?' Don't you care?
利口なつもりだからなお面倒 誰に読んでほしいんだその連投
He's so clever that it's even more annoying, who wants to read that continuous post
A negative comment after reading something diagonally, after hearing something from someone who heard it from someone else
そんな貴方が僕のガソリン 心の火に油注ぐアソビ
You're my gasoline, playing with fire, a fun way to provoke me
お相手求め徘徊しちゃう また次の犠牲者発見しちゃう ワオ!
I'm looking for an opponent, I'll find another victim, wow!
誰がマイクロフォンマスター? 知ったこっちゃないぜ
Who's the microphone master? I don't give a damn
Fresh なコトバと酸素 深く吸い込んで
Inhale fresh words and oxygen
Explode them on the drums
Explode them on the drums
Just explode them on the drums
俺がHunger yeah
I'm Hunger, yeah
ドラムを聴けば全部わかる ドラムは人だ 骨だ 大黒柱
If you listen to the drums, you'll understand everything, the drums are people, bones, pillars
どれかやばいか ものすごい差が出る君がハマってるやつらはどうかな?
Are there any bad ones? What a big difference between who you're into
Ah 火を噴くフィジカルな頭脳戦が始まるぜ これがテクノロジーに負けない ラップのチカラ
Ah, a physical and mind battle will start, this is the power of rap that technology can't beat
Boon bye bye Hip Hop never die だが志だけじゃ足んない
Goodbye, goodbye, hip-hop never dies, but ambition is not enough
顔しからめながらでもある やることが
There is something to do, even if it is reluctantly
生きてるだけでストレスばかりだからさ みんな必要なんだ うだるように 熱い Funk
Life is stressful, so everyone needs it, burning like funk
不恰好な雑草が爆音でタクトをとって イカすラップでバックドラフト 爆破 Ride on!
An ungainly weed conducts the rhythm with a loud sound, riding in a cool rap and backdraft, ride on!

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