RSP - アンマー ~母唄~ (Music Video) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RSP - アンマー ~母唄~ (Music Video)

アンマー ~母唄~ (Music Video)
Momma - Mother's Song- (Music Video)
アンマーよ アナタは私の全てを許し全てを信じ全てを包み込んで
Momma, you forgave everything I did, believed everything I said, and enveloped everything I encompassed
惜しみもせずに 何もかも私の上に注ぎ続けてきたのに
And without hesitation, you continued to pour everything onto me
アンマーよ 私はそれでも
Momma, even so, I
Unknowingly lived as I pleased
初夏にアジサイが咲く頃 私は生まれたと聞きました
They tell me that Hydrangeas bloomed in early summer when I was born.
Your joy as a mother must have been immense
「誰にも真似のできひん 自分だけの色信じてほしい」と
Believing in your own unique color that no one else could imitate,
悩み抜いた末に この名を私につけたと聞きました
After much contemplation, you named me this, I've heard.
いつも働きづめだった母と 過ごす時間は僅かで
Momma always worked so hard, so the time we spent together was scarce,
夏休み絵日記が書かけないと 何度もダダをこねました
And during summer vacation, I threw tantrums because I couldn't finish my picture diary.
With a slightly troubled expression, you said, "Sorry," over and over, and next to you
I remember crying forever and ever.
アンマーよ アナタは私の全てを許し全てを信じ全てを包み込んで
Momma, you forgave everything I did, believed everything I said, and enveloped everything I encompassed
惜しみもせずに 何もかも私の上に注ぎ続けてきたのに
And without hesitation, you continued to pour everything onto me
アンマーよ 私はそれでも
Momma, even so, I
Unknowingly lived as I pleased
居場所がないと決め付けて 嘘と朝帰りを繰り返し
Assuming I had no place to belong, I repeated the cycle of lies and late nights
And seeing the history full of "Mom," I turned off the power.
それでもこんなバカ娘の たったひとつの夢を信じて
Even so, you believed in the only dream of your foolish daughter,
あなたはいつもいつも側で 応援し続けてくれました
And always, always by my side, you continued to support me.
アンマーよ 私はアナタに言ってはいけない
Momma, I couldn't tell you
The words I absolutely shouldn't have uttered.
I threw them without holding back, trampling on your heart.
アンマーよ アナタはそれでも変わることなく私を愛してくれました
Momma, even so, you continued to love me without changing.
木漏れ日のようなぬくもりで 深い海の様なやさしさで
With a warmth like sunlight, with kindness like the deep sea,
全部 全部 私の全てを包み込んだ
You enveloped everything, everything, and everything that was me.
橙色染まる空の下 手をつなぎ歩いた渡月橋
Under the sky tinged orange, holding hands, we walked across Togetsukyo Bridge.
今日も変わらず この胸に映し出してる
It continues to be reflected in my heart today without fail.
今辛くともまた立ち上がるのは あなたの背中見て育ったから
Even if things are tough now, I stand up again because I was raised watching your back.
今少し他人に優しくなれたのは あなたの愛に満たされてたから
Even if I'm a little kinder to others now, it's because I was filled with your love.
今幸せだと思えるのは あなたの子に生まれてこれたから
Even if I can think that I'm happy now, it's because I was born as your child.
アンマーよ あなたが一人で現実を抱え込み悩みぬいた夜に
Momma, on the nights when you held onto reality all alone and struggled
孤独に泣いていたことを 私は知らずに過ごしていたのに
I lived without knowing that you were crying alone in loneliness
アンマーよ アナタは私の全てを許し全てを信じ全てを包み込んで
Momma, you forgave everything I did, believed everything I said, and enveloped everything I encompassed
惜しみもせずに 何もかも私の上に注ぎ続けてきたのに
And without hesitation, you continued to pour everything onto me
アンマーよ 私はそれでも
Momma, even so, I
Unknowingly lived as I pleased

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