Relakanlah perpisahan kita ini Iringilah pemergian daku nanti Dengan doa yang tidak henti Moga Islam terus berdiri
Accept our separation Let my departure be accompanied By your unceasing prayers May Islam endure
Usapilah genang air mata kasih Senyumanmu penguat semangat daku Andai kita tak jumpa lagi Ku semai cintamu di syurga
Wipe away the tears of love Your smile strengthens my spirit If we never meet again I will sow your love in heaven
Berpisahlah dua jiwa Meninggalkan kuntum cinta Mekar di istana taqwa Menyahut panggilan Allah
Two souls are separated Leaving a flower of love To blossom inside the palace of piety Heding the call of Allah
Dengan nama-Mu Allah yang Maha Gagah Langkahku atur pasrah daku berserah Menangkanlah kaum muslimin Hancurkanlah kaum musyrikin
In Your name, Allah, the Omnipotent My steps are ordered, I surrender Trust me to assist the Muslims Defeat the polytheists
Handzalah pergi ke medan jihad Bersama dengan para sahabat Bertempur hebat penuh semangat Sehingga dia syahid akhirnya
Handzalah went to the battleground Along with his companions Fought fiercely with passion Till he became a martyr
Turunlah malaikat ke bumi
Angels descended to earth
Mandikan jasadnya simpati
Bathed his body out of sympathy
Sucilah jasadnya mewangi
His body was pure and fragrant
Diarak rohnya ke Firdausi
His soul was carried up to Paradise
Hening malam menyaksikan Korban cinta dua insan Baru diijabkabulkan Rela menyahut seruan Demi Islam ditegakkan Jihad menjadi pilihan
The silent night witnessed A sacrifice of love between two people Newly married, they willingly Answered the call For the sake of Islam Upholding the jihad
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