梁文音 - 寂寞之光 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 梁文音 - 寂寞之光

Light of Loneliness
A coin rolls on
The busy street
誰會發現 遺忘的故事就在自己腳旁
Who will find the forgotten story at their feet
沉沉睡在捷運車廂 直到過了站
Sleeping soundly on the subway train until it's past the stop
電影已散場 心還在飄蕩
The movie has ended, but my heart still wanders
A woman with magnolia flowers in her hand
Lightly tapping on each glass window
誰會抬頭 看一眼那小心期盼的目光
Who will look up and see her hopeful gaze
追不到的高樓大廈 在暮色中泛黃
The towering skyscraper I can't reach turns yellow in the twilight
看板反射孤單的身影 搖搖又晃晃
The billboard reflects my lonely figure, swaying and trembling
我的日子 在等誰聽見啊
My days, waiting for someone to hear
我的哀愁 想跟誰說說啊
My sorrow, wanting to tell someone
我的憤怒 只埋在心底嗎
My anger, should it only be buried in my heart
我的快樂 有人能分享嗎
My happiness, can I share it with someone
總是渴望 有狂舞的力量
Always longing for the power to dance wildly
總是渴望 能一覺到天亮
Always longing to sleep until dawn
總是等待日出那道 寂寞之光
Always waiting for that ray of light of loneliness at sunrise
The street vendor under the arcade
Silently stewing a pot of soup
就像熬著 生活裡說不出的酸甜苦辣
Just like stewing the unspeakable bitterness and sweetness of life
碎碎念的電台DJ 對什麼人說話
The radio DJ mumbles to himself
有時候只是想在天空 開出一朵花
Sometimes I just want to open a flower in the sky
我們都在 喧嘩裡沉默過
We have all been silent in the hustle and bustle
我們都在 狂歡裡失落過
We have all been lost in the revelry
我們都為 某個人努力過
We have all worked hard for someone
我們都曾 軟弱想放棄過
We have all wanted to give up
可是我們 還是走過來了
But we have walked through it
最後我們 一點點蛻變了
In the end, we have transformed little by little
在生命中守護一道 寂寞之光
In the midst of life, guarding a light of loneliness
我的日子 在等誰聽見啊
My days, waiting for someone to hear
我的哀愁 想跟誰說說啊
My sorrow, wanting to tell someone
我的憤怒 只埋在心底嗎
My anger, should it only be buried in my heart
我的快樂 有人能分享嗎
My happiness, can I share it with someone
總是渴望 有狂舞的力量
Always longing for the power to dance wildly
總是渴望 能一覺到天亮
Always longing to sleep until dawn
總是等待日出以後 這世界還會有全新的模樣
Always waiting for the new world that will come after sunrise
我們都在 喧嘩裡沉默過
We have all been silent in the hustle and bustle
我們都在 狂歡裡失落過
We have all been lost in the revelry
我們都為 某個人努力過
We have all worked hard for someone
我們都曾 軟弱想放棄過
We have all wanted to give up
可是我們 還是走過來了
But we have walked through it
最後我們 一點點蛻變了
In the end, we have transformed little by little
在生命中守護我們 熱烈擁抱時的寂寞的光亮
In the midst of life, guarding the lonely light we embrace
我們都在 喧嘩裡沉默過
We have all been silent in the hustle and bustle
我們都在 狂歡裡失落過
We have all been lost in the revelry
我們都為 某個人努力過
We have all worked hard for someone
我們都曾 軟弱想放棄過
We have all wanted to give up
可是我們 還是走過來了
But we have walked through it
最後我們 一點點蛻變了
In the end, we have transformed little by little
在生命中守護一道 寂寞之光
In the midst of life, guarding a light of loneliness

Авторы: Ting Huang, Chong Li Mu Cun

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