Radikal - Nemusia Ti Veri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radikal - Nemusia Ti Veri

Nemusia Ti Veri
They Don't Have to Believe You
Život neni spravodlivý a nikdy nebude,
Life ain't fair, and it never will be,
A každý ďalší neúspech ťa nechá viacej bez chute,
Every failure leaves you more and more empty,
Tvoje precia nesú hnev, nesú rev v každej sekunde,
Your burdens carry anger, a roar in every second,
Dobre viem sám čo je to hľadať dôvod pre úsmev,
I know what it's like to search for a reason to smile,
Zo srdca cencúle, zo snahy len prúser,
Icicles hang from the heart, efforts turn into disasters,
Na miesto chváli, vďaky, vyhráš len fraktúry čeluste,
Instead of praise, instead of gratitude, you win only fractured jaws,
No každý z nás, každý z nás si zaslúži viac,
But each of us, every single one of us deserves more,
Ako len na púšti stáť, modliť sa za tuhý dážď,
Than standing in the desert, praying for a downpour,
Skrývaš vo vankúši plač, no prehra naučí rásť,
You hide your tears in the pillow, but loss teaches growth,
A viera naruší strach, víťazstvo zaručí čas,
And faith shatters fear, victory is guaranteed by time,
Nesmie ťa zarmútiť pád lebo život bol vždy hardcore,
Don't let the fall break you, life has always been hardcore,
Zvracania, nespavosť, amok, dobrý pocit z práškov,
Vomiting, insomnia, chaos, the good feeling from pills,
Aj keď pochybuješ o sebe, nemôžeš vzdať to,
Even when you doubt yourself, you can't give up,
Lebo takto len dopraješ radosť neprajníckym hajzlom,
Because that only brings joy to those envious bastards,
Nemusia ti veriť, lebo dnes nič neni zadarmo,
They don't have to believe you, nothing is free these days,
Jedine minúta ticha pri tvojom hrobe nad rakvou,
The only minute of silence will be at your grave, by your coffin,
Nemusia ti veriť, nazývať po tebe hviezdy,
They don't have to believe you, name stars after you,
Lebo dneska je dôvera prepych ako žitie v mieri,
Because trust is a luxury these days, like living in peace,
Máš svoju mysel, svoju vieru, svoje srdce, svoje city,
You have your mind, your faith, your heart, your feelings,
Všetko pre úspech je v tebe, zmobilizuj tvoje sily,
Everything for success is within you, mobilize your strength,
Nestojím tu práve preto že mi všetci verili,
I'm not standing here because everyone believed in me,
Ale preto že ma podcenili, želali si nech som mŕtvy,
But because they underestimated me, wished me dead,
Nerobím to preto aby ma tu deti cenili,
I'm not doing this for kids to admire me,
Robím to pre svojich, nie pre tých v jednom kŕdli.
I'm doing it for my people, not for those in the same flock.
Teraz tu rapuje dospelý chlapec z chudobnej rodiny,
Now here raps a grown boy from a poor family,
Z úspornej spodiny, vždy sme sa úmorne brodili,
From the saving scum, we always struggled tirelessly,
Jedna matka, jeden plat, dve deti, dve školy,
One mother, one salary, two kids, two schools,
360 výplata, šli sme cez blesky, cez hromy,
360 paycheck, we went through lightning and thunder,
Nestojí to za reč, nikdy sme nechceli súcit,
It's not worth mentioning, we never wanted pity,
To krupobitie v hlave, občas v nič neveriť núti,
That hailstorm in my head, sometimes forces disbelief,
Dal som sa na rap, aj keď vo mňa neverila ani mama,
I turned to rap, even though even my mom didn't believe in me,
Aj tak som to chápal, chcela vzdelaného syna Paťa,
I understood, she wanted an educated son, Paťo,
Asi som sklamal, ale nesklamal som seba,
Maybe I disappointed, but I didn't disappoint myself,
Len makal viac ako treba, vyplul na papier aj črevá,
Just worked harder than necessary, poured my guts onto paper,
Neraz sa mi smiali no aj smiech si musiš vydobiť,
They often laughed at me, but you have to earn even laughter,
Aj nepriateľa zaslúžiť a povstať ako Tripolis,
Even deserve an enemy and rise like Tripoli,
Ja ani neviem ako som sa dostal sem,
I don't even know how I got here,
Z Ružomberka na stage, zrejme som mal šťastie,
From Ružomberok to the stage, I guess I was lucky,
Lenže štastie praje odvážnym a nie zbabelcom posratým,
But luck favors the brave, not the scared shitless,
Aj preto ma teraz poznajú od Sniny do Prahy,
That's why they know me now from Snina to Prague,
Jebem vaše radiá, som pravde príliš oddaný,
Fuck your radios, I'm too devoted to the truth,
Moje rádio, mojich fans, na ulici pod oknami,
My radio, my fans, on the street under the windows,
Môj otec sedí v base, skús sa trochu zotaviť,
My father is in prison, try to recover a little,
Viem že ma počuješ posielam do Dubnice pozdravy,
I know you hear me, I'm sending greetings to Dubnica,
Nemusia ti veriť, nazývať po tebe hviezdy,
They don't have to believe you, name stars after you,
Lebo dneska je dôvera prepych ako žitie v mieri,
Because trust is a luxury these days, like living in peace,
Máš svoju myseľ, svoju vieru, svoje srdce, svoje city,
You have your mind, your faith, your heart, your feelings,
Všetko pre úspech je v tebe, zmobilizuj svoje sily,
Everything for success is within you, mobilize your strength,
Nestojím tu práve preto že mi všetci verili,
I'm not standing here because everyone believed in me,
Ale preto že ma podcenili, želali si nech som mŕtvy,
But because they underestimated me, wished me dead,
Nerobím to preto aby ma tu deti cenili,
I'm not doing this for kids to admire me,
Robím to pre svojich, nie pre tých v jednom kŕdli.
I'm doing it for my people, not for those in the same flock.
Pozitívne myslenie, vždy neprinesie to čo chceš,
Positive thinking won't always bring what you want,
No nemal by si ustupovať nezmyselne o krok späť,
But you shouldn't needlessly step back,
Osud ťa len skúša koľko výdržiš na Golgote,
Fate is just testing how much you can endure on Golgotha,
či ochotný si non-stop drieť, pokiaľ ide o tvoj sen,
Whether you're willing to work non-stop for your dream,
Pozitívne myslenie, vždy neprinesie to čo chceš,
Positive thinking won't always bring what you want,
No nemal by si ustupovať nezmyselne o krok späť,
But you shouldn't needlessly step back,
Osud ťa len skúša koľko výdržiš na Golgote,
Fate is just testing how much you can endure on Golgotha,
či ochotný si non-stop drieť, pokiaľ ide o tvoj sen,
Whether you're willing to work non-stop for your dream,
Ak áno tak si bojovník a vieš že život bolí,
If so, then you're a warrior and you know life hurts,
A bolesť je dobrá skúsenosť ktorá sa rýchlo hojí,
And pain is a good experience that heals quickly,
Ak sa bojíš prehry, dopredu prehrávaš,
If you're afraid of losing, you're already losing,
život nemusí byť pekný len v komerčných reklamách...
Life doesn't have to be beautiful only in commercial ads...

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