Radikal Chef - Caffe Latte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radikal Chef - Caffe Latte

Caffe Latte
Caffe Latte
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Keby sa mi chcelo
If I wanted to
Z postele nevstávam - postel vstáva za mňa
I don't get out of bed - bed gets up for me
Pozerám na mobil 40 zmeškaných - 35 mama
I look at my phone, 40 missed calls - 35 mom
Checknem zostatok na účte, zrátam si na stole prachy, (cash)
I check my bank account balance, count the money on my table, (cash)
Dožerem Bake Rolls,
I finish eating Bake Rolls,
Dopijem Red Bull a potom sa v tom dyme stratím. (preč)
I finish drinking Red Bull and then I disappear in the smoke. (gone)
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo, mohol som chodiť s tou modelkou z Prahy
If I really wanted to, I could have been dating that model from Prague
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo, mohol som na rohu predávať gramy
If I really wanted to, I could have been selling grams on the corner
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo, mama to zariadi bol by som právnik
If I really wanted to, my mom would have arranged it, I would have been a lawyer
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo, bol by som v móde hlboko jak Dalyb
If I really wanted to, I would be deep in fashion like Dalyb
Keby sa mi chcelo, vydávam desiaty album
If I wanted to, I'm releasing my tenth album
Rovnakých vecí kvantum, ide o predaj, kalkul?
Quantities of the same things, it's about sales, calculation?
Nie, nejdem sa nasilu tlačiť, spamovať, páčiť
No, I'm not going to force myself to push, spam, like
Keby som vtieravý mohol som na sebe
If I was intrusive, I could have had
Nosiť Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace
Wear Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Ja nie som Young Thug, a nie som tvrdý jak Muay Thai
I'm not Young Thug, and I'm not hard like Muay Thai
Ale ak si ku mne zlý, asi dostaneš päsťou high five
But if you're mean to me, you'll probably get a high five
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo som sčítaný tak ako Majk Sprite
If I really wanted to, I'm as literate as Majk Sprite
A možno aj som ale milujem špinavý rockový lifestyle
And maybe I am, but I love the dirty rock lifestyle
Rodina sa na mňa hnevá, rodina sa na mňa hnevá
My family is angry with me, my family is angry with me
Prečo nejdem do fabriky zarobiť si aspoň ďalšie eurá
Why don't I go to the factory to earn at least more euros
Lenže ja nechcem málo, pretože s málom budeš mať málo
But I don't want little, because with little you will have little
Skončí to basou alebo smrťou, alebo vypredanou halou
It will end with jail or death, or a sold-out venue
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo, mohol som mať o 100 žien viac
If I really wanted to, I could have had 100 more women
Mohol som mať zlatú reťaz a na nej mať pripnutý zo zlata polmesiac
I could have had a gold chain with a gold crescent moon attached to it
Keby sa mi fakt chcelo, bol by som dávno v Hip hop Reality
If I really wanted to, I would have been on Hip Hop Reality a long time ago
No nie som kariérny jebo, netlačím sa ako iní do riti
But I'm not a career dick, I don't push myself into other people's asses like others
Rapperi držia hubu, nechcú si urobiť zlé
Rappers hold their mouths, they don't want to do anything wrong
Ale ja vypľujem hlien, pľujem čo chcem a potom mám hneď krajší deň
But I spit out phlegm, I spit what I want and then I immediately have a better day
Som génius tak ako Zayo a skutočný MC jak Gleb
I'm a genius like Zayo and a real MC like Gleb
Najstarší z najmladších v hre, naj
The oldest of the youngest in the game, the best
Lepší z najlepších hej, skapeš na hate
The best of the best, man, you'll die of hate
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off
Keby sa mi chcelo, ako sa mi nechce
If I wanted to, like I don't want to
Mohol som sa mať o trochu viacej lepšie
I could have been a little better off

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