Idem len žijem len dávam len dokola drbnutý freestyle
Rollin' the freestyle, groovin' to the beat, droppin' the sickest rhymes, for ya baby
Idem len freestyle
Rollin' in the freestyle
Žijem freestyle
Livin' the freestyle
Idem len žijem len dávam len dokola drbnutý freestyle
Rollin' the freestyle, groovin' to the beat, droppin' the sickest rhymes, for ya baby
Idem len freestyle či už je výhra alebo kríza, neriešim príkaz ani to kde budem za pol rok bývať zuby umývať
Rollin' in the freestyle, win or lose, I don't care about what you say or where I'll be livin' in six months, ain't got time to brush my teeth
Hlavná je výzva dosiahnúť čo chcem až potom je ciga, následne big up, následne pýcha, následne aplaus fame a čísla
It's all about the challenge, gettin' what I want, then it's a cigarette, then a big up, then the pride, then the applause, the fame, the numbers
Idem len freestyle cestujem míňam Electron Visa, Praha, Ibiza, pokiaľ ti nehľadím do očí tak si len pre mňa krysa
Rollin' in the freestyle, travelin' the world, spendin' that Electron Visa, Prague, Ibiza, if I'm not lookin' you in the eye, then you're just a rat to me
Naobed freestyle mekáč a pizza, Vietnam a Čína, suchoty z gina
For lunch, it's freestyle, McDonald's and pizza, Vietnam and China, feelin' the burn from the gin
Včera ma dožulo požulo aj keď to nebolo v pláne
Yesterday, I got chewed up and spit out, even though it wasn't in the plan
Ráno sa s opicou usmievam aj keď je sekera v bare
In the mornin', I'm smilin' with a hangover, even though there's an axe in the bar
Včera ma dožulo požulo aj keď to nebolo v pláne
Yesterday, I got chewed up and spit out, even though it wasn't in the plan
Aj keď kvôli tomu zas budú trucovať tie naše staré
Even though our parents are gonna be pissed off again
Dokola freestyle
All about the freestyle
Vidíš ma hore aj dole aj niekedy v strede cesty
You see me up, you see me down, sometimes in the middle of the road
Riešim len celkový dojem nie to či máš umelé cecky
I'm only concerned with the overall impression, not whether you've got fake boobs
Riešim len to čo máš v sebe až potom či máš nové
I'm only concerned with what you've got inside you, not whether you've got something new
Tie rýmy sa navaria samé som Radikal Gordon Ramsey (Radikal Ramsey)
These rhymes cook themselves up, I'm Radikal Gordon Ramsey (Radikal Ramsey)
Tak pijem a žijem nech nestratím feeling jak naše frajerky piercing
So I drink and I live, so I don't lose the feeling like our girlfriends lose their piercings
Už pár dní mám tie isté džínsy, shit
I've been wearin' the same jeans for a few days now, shit
špinavé od blata, od kávy a lacnej číny piči
Dirty with mud, coffee, and cheap Chinese food, damn
Neriešim trippin ale leanin
I don't care about trippin', I'm leanin'
Idem len freestyle snažím sa každý deň pochopiť Krista
Rollin' in the freestyle, tryin' to understand Christ every day
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