Radikal Chef - Euphoria (feat. Dokkeytino & Separ) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radikal Chef - Euphoria (feat. Dokkeytino & Separ)

Euphoria (feat. Dokkeytino & Separ)
Euphoria (feat. Dokkeytino & Separ)
Mjay on the beat bro
Mjay on the beat bro
Spať budem v rakve jak Dracula
I'll sleep in a coffin like Dracula
Pull-up na svoj cieľ jak Jaguar
Pull up to my goal like a Jaguar
Ponúkam ti eufóriu jak Yakuza
I offer you euphoria like the Yakuza
Šéfkuchár v ušiach, do oči kapuca
Chef in your ears, hood on my eyes
Eufória keď mám v aute nové beaty
Euphoria when I have new beats in the car
Basy dunia, v späťáku je Praha city
Bass booming, Prague city in the rearview mirror
Rapperi sa modlia nech som v pi-i
Rappers pray I'm already gone
Po každom hite kyslý jak uhorka v cheese, hihi
After every hit, sour like a pickle in cheese, hihi
Eufória v nových Gucci
Euphoria in new Gucci
Keď s ňou ležím a len vyžierame sushi
When I lie with her and we just eat sushi
Keď ma jej pusy volá do jej pussy
When her lips call me to her pussy
Instagram vlci idú po jej tele, juicy
Instagram wolves after her body, juicy
Celý hood (Celý hood), celý hood (Celý hood)
The whole hood (The whole hood), the whole hood (The whole hood)
Stojí za mnou ale nie sme Crips and Bloods
Stands behind me but we're not Crips and Bloods
Celý klub, celý klub, žijeme si náš slovenský Hollywood
The whole club, the whole club, we live our Slovak Hollywood
Eufória jak po prvej mojej show
Euphoria like after my first show
Desať kamošov kričí "Yeah, yeah, yo"
Ten friends shout "Yeah, yeah, yo"
Jak prvý sex (sex) a prvé Air Max
Like the first sex (sex) and the first Air Max
Prvé BMW a Dom Pérignon
The first BMW and Dom Pérignon
Eufória, eufória
Euphoria, euphoria
Keď ju vidím jak ma zvádza mama mia
When I see her seduce me, mama mia
Piatky s mojou crew iná galaxia
Fridays with my crew, a different galaxy
Tisíc fans, hurhaj, diabol tasmánia
A thousand fans, commotion, Tasmanian devil
Eufória, eufória
Euphoria, euphoria
Keď ju vidím jak ma zvádza mama mia
When I see her seduce me, mama mia
Piatky s mojou crew iná galaxia
Fridays with my crew, a different galaxy
Tisíc fans, hurhaj, diabol tasmánia
A thousand fans, commotion, Tasmanian devil
Uhm, rollí moja babe brko v posteli
Uhm, my babe rolls a joint in bed
Strain sa volá Euf, cítim euphory
The strain is called Euph, I feel euphoria
Neopúšťaj sa čas všetko urobí
Don't give up, time will do everything
Myslia že som iný, no som rovnaký
They think I'm different, but I'm the same
vždy pre mňa pills ako Zendaya
She always has pills for me like Zendaya
Navždy moja hm, žiadna debata
Forever mine, hm, no debate
Múza stále so mnou, nikdy nie som sám
The muse is always with me, I'm never alone
The most
Tinovelly bude raz samaritán
Tinovelly will one day be a Samaritan
Nad posteľou obraz, na ňom batika
Above the bed a picture, on it a batik
V klube po nás narušená statika
In the club after us, disturbed static
Počítam bankovky, shout out matika
I count banknotes, shout out to math
Je wet keď sa jej dotýkam
She's wet when I touch her
Pôjde so mnou, hm, vážne hocikam
She'll go with me, hm, seriously anywhere
Sklamal som ju, hm, asi tisíckrát
I let her down, hm, about a thousand times
Eufóriu mi ako prvýkrát
She gives me euphoria like the first time
Ako prvýkrát, eufória, eufória
Like the first time, euphoria, euphoria
Eufória, eufória
Euphoria, euphoria
Keď ju vidím jak ma zvádza mama mia
When I see her seduce me, mama mia
Piatky s mojou crew iná galaxia
Fridays with my crew, a different galaxy
Tisíc fans, hurhaj, diabol tasmánia
A thousand fans, commotion, Tasmanian devil
Eufória, eufória
Euphoria, euphoria
Keď ju vidím jak ma zvádza mama mia
When I see her seduce me, mama mia
Piatky s mojou crew iná galaxia
Fridays with my crew, a different galaxy
Tisíc fans, hurhaj, diabol tasmánia
A thousand fans, commotion, Tasmanian devil
Počujem jak sova more húhuhu
I hear the owl's sea hoo hoo hoo
Potrebujem vyladený zvuk
I need a tuned sound
Eufória vypredaný klub
Euphoria sold out club
Keď to hrá jak demo vyjebaný hnus
When it plays like a demo, fucking disgusting
Prsa v DMs, nejsú ako tak
Tits in DMs, they're not like that
Vie že príde, keď ju namotám
She knows she'll come when I reel her in
Vždy ma zdvihne, keď jej zavolám
She always picks up when I call
Feat je klinec, jednotky na nohách
The feat is the nail, ones on the feet
Budova sa trasie ako tuk
The building shakes like fat
Keď zajebem pull-up vypadne ti pohár z rúk
When I hit a pull-up, your glass falls out of your hands
Jak Yzo, kde je tráva, kde je plug?
Like Yzo, where's the grass, where's the plug?
Majú eufóriu, keď nabehnem na stage robia hluk
They have euphoria, when I run on stage they make noise
Bust down ice, na môj krk
Bust down ice, on my neck
Ja mám naozaj VVS, oni majú iba súš (štrk)
I really have VVS, they only have gravel (gravel)
Eufória z toho jak sme cool
Euphoria from how cool we are
Dal som tej kultúre toľko že na mňa neskúšaj pľuť
I gave this culture so much, don't try to spit on me

Авторы: Mjay

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