Radikal Chef - 6:30 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radikal Chef - 6:30

Je ráno 6: 30 svitá,
It’s 6:30 in the morning, the sun is already rising,
No nikto z nás nespí,
But neither of us is sleeping,
Z Beefeateru je fľaša dopitá,
The Beefeater bottle is empty,
Je prázdna jak vesmír.
It’s as empty as space.
Povedz mi čo bude s nami a s našimi snami whoou,
Tell me what will happen to us and our dreams, whoou,
Keď naše drogy ramená čo chvíľu nesú nám ten kríž,
When our drugs are the shoulders that carry our cross for a while,
Vraciame z citov,
We're returning from emotions,
Viac ako z piatkových drinkov,
More than from Friday drinks,
Fajčíme to brko pomaly a pritom horí moc rýchlo.
We smoke that joint slowly, and yet it burns so fast.
Len jeden raz pri tebe, dotyky, ticho,
Just once with you, touches, silence,
Západ a východ,
Sunset and sunrise,
Len jeden raz v tebe a na tebe a potom v posteli cígo,
Just once in you and on you, and then a cigarette in bed,
Poď sem a vdýchni mi život,
Come here and breathe life into me,
Z tvojich pier s dymom,
From your lips with the smoke,
Som z tvojich pier mimo,
I'm out of my mind from your lips,
Chutia jak pepermint s ginom,
They taste like peppermint and gin,
Poď sem a vdýchni mi život,
Come here and breathe life into me,
Sme čoraz viac ku smrti blízko,
We are getting closer to death,
Navždy sa pri tebe viním že nie som Nakamura Hiro.
I will always blame you for not being Nakamura Hiro.
Sama seba sa pýtaš, prečo si tu pri mne a prečo ja som pri tebe,
You ask yourself why you are here with me and why I am with you,
Pre pravdu sa skrývaš, tvoj chalan asi nevie že v posteli pijeme,
You are hiding from the truth, your boyfriend probably doesn't know we drink in bed,
Na výčitky isteže príde deň, áno tu a teraz žijeme (prízemné),
There will certainly come a day for regrets, yes here and now we are living (down to earth),
Pocity jak na leane, so stresom so svetom so sebou prímerie.
Feelings like on lean, a truce with stress with the world with myself.
Nemáme minulosť a nemáme budúcnosť,
We have no past and we have no future,
čo si oni myslia je úplne jedno veď ľudia hlúpi moc,
What they think doesn't matter at all, people are too stupid,
Whoou, necítime pocity,
Whoou, we don't feel emotions,
Netrápi nás to čo vás trápi lebo sme pocitmi dobití.
We are not bothered by what bothers you because we are beaten by emotions.
Nemáme minulosť a nemáme budúcnosť,
We have no past and we have no future,
čo si oni myslia je úplne jedno veď ľudia hlúpi moc,
What they think doesn't matter at all, people are too stupid,
Whoou, necítime pocity,
Whoou, we don't feel emotions,
Netrápi nás to čo vás trápi lebo sme pocitmi dobití.
We are not bothered by what bothers you because we are beaten by emotions.
Je ráno 6: 30 svitá,
It's 6:30 in the morning, the sun is already rising,
No nikto z nás nespí,
But neither of us is sleeping,
Z Beefeateru je fľaša dopitá,
The Beefeater bottle is empty,
Je prázdna jak vesmír.
It’s as empty as space.
Povedz mi čo bude s nami a s našimi snami whoou,
Tell me what will happen to us and our dreams, whoou,
Keď naše drogy ramená čo chvíľu nesú nám ten kríž,
When our drugs are the shoulders that carry our cross for a while,
Neznášaš tých chlapov,
You hate those guys,
Chlapov čo plačú jak teplí,
Guys who cry like sissies,
čo sa ti vnucujú a chcú ťa len vlastniť jak nové Bentley.
Who impose themselves on you and just want to own you like a new Bentley.
Nie som zaľúbený debil
I'm not a lovesick moron
A preto mi veríš,
And that's why you trust me,
Pod očami kruhy sme tak trochu bledí, tak trochu bledí,
Dark circles under our eyes, we're a little pale, a little pale,
Nezáleží na tom čo stane sa dnes, čo zajtra ráno,
It doesn't matter what happens today, what tomorrow morning,
Dýchame nikotín z okna,
We breathe nicotine from the window,
Vzduch je tak svieži,
The air is so fresh,
Nezáleží na tom čo stane sa dnes a čo zajtra ráno,
It doesn't matter what happens today and what tomorrow morning,
Dýchame nikotín z okna, čas skurvene beží.
We breathe nicotine from the window, time flies, damn it.
Fotím si ťa na IG nech zvečním tie chvíle - zakázaný príbeh,
I'm taking pictures of you on IG so I can capture these moments - a forbidden story,
Na sebe moje Pigalle, pod ním nemáš nič, nie pri mne si fresh,
I'm wearing my Pigalle, you're not wearing anything underneath, you're not fresh with me,
Na tele zopár modrín, po tejto noci príjemne to bolí,
A few bruises on your body, it hurts pleasantly after this night,
Pozeráš na mobil, vravíš musím odísť, tak odíď, tak dovi.
You look at your phone, you say I have to go, so go, so bye.
Nemáme minulosť a nemáme budúcnosť,
We have no past and we have no future,
čo si oni myslia je úplne jedno veď ľudia hlúpi moc,
What they think doesn't matter at all, people are too stupid,
Whoou, necítime pocity,
Whoou, we don't feel emotions,
Netrápi nas to čo vás trápi lebo sme pocitmi dobití.
We are not bothered by what bothers you because we are beaten by emotions.
Nemáme minulosť a nemáme budúcnosť,
We have no past and we have no future,
čo si oni myslia je úplne jedno veď ľudia hlúpi moc,
What they think doesn't matter at all, people are too stupid,
Whoou, necítime pocity,
Whoou, we don't feel emotions,
Netrápi nas to čo vás trápi lebo sme pocitmi dobití.
We are not bothered by what bothers you because we are beaten by emotions.
(Nemáme minulosť a nemáme budúcnosť,
(We have no past and we have no future,
čo si oni myslia je úplne jedno veď ľudia hlúpi moc,
What they think doesn't matter at all, people are too stupid,
Whoou, necítime pocity,
Whoou, we don't feel emotions,
Netrápi nas to čo vás trápi lebo sme pocitmi dobití.)
We are not bothered by what bothers you because we are beaten by emotions.)
Nemáme minulosť a nemáme budúcnosť,
We have no past and we have no future,
čo si oni myslia je úplne jedno veď ľudia hlúpi moc,
What they think doesn't matter at all, people are too stupid,
Whoou, necítime pocity,
Whoou, we don't feel emotions,
Netrápi nas to čo vás trápi lebo sme pocitmi dobití.
We are not bothered by what bothers you because we are beaten by emotions.

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