Radikal - Dáko Prežijem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radikal - Dáko Prežijem

Dáko Prežijem
We'll Somehow Survive
Viem že prežijem všetko,
I know I'll survive everything,
Dúfam len v dobrý koniec,
I just hope for a good ending,
Berem jedine jackpot,
I only take the jackpot,
Nechajte si tie drobné.
Keep the small change for yourselves.
Viem že prežijem všetko,
I know I'll survive everything,
Moja hudba je tu navždy,
My music is here forever,
Nechcem trón ani žezlo,
I don't want a throne or a scepter,
Chcem len kľud mať ako každý.
I just want peace like everyone else.
Aj keď neviem prečo myslím že som prežil všetko,
Even though I don't know why, I think I've survived everything,
Treskot bleskov, zmätok, peklo, detstvo,
The crackle of lightning, chaos, hell, childhood,
Neskôr v nervoch, v stresoch vreskot, cez noc detox,
Later in nerves, in stress, screams, detox through the night,
ťažké chvíle bez slov, keď pri mne zostal stáť len boh.
Difficult moments without words, when only God stood by me.
Wou, preto som čoraz silnejší, vždy svieži,
Wow, that's why I'm getting stronger and stronger, always fresh,
Ak ma chceš zastaviť rýchlo vytriezvi,
If you want to stop me, sober up quickly,
Koľko tisíc haterov, pred tebou za netom sedelo,
How many thousand haters sat in front of you behind the net,
Písalo, drístalo a nikam to neviedlo.
They wrote, they talked shit, and it led nowhere.
Koľko tisíc raperov, pred tebou môj úspech neznieslo,
How many thousand rappers couldn't stand my success in front of you,
Dissovali, pičovali no zo žiadnym efektom,
They dissed, they talked shit, but with no effect,
Nejde to, brate, všetko je len na mne,
It doesn't work, bro, everything is just on me,
či padnem, krachnem budem v rakve, vstanem.
Whether I fall, crash, I'll be in a coffin, I'll get up.
Utrem hlaveň snajpre a hneď udrem na cieľ,
I'll wipe the barrel of the sniper and hit the target right away,
V snahe trafiť správne ako sniper zajce, (éj)
Trying to hit right like a sniper hare, (hey)
Brate prežiješ koniec sveta (ou)
Bro, you'll survive the end of the world (oh)
Aj keď život ešte rozjebe ťa (ou).
Even if life still fucks you up (oh).
Aj cez bolesť je to nádhera,
Even through that pain it's beautiful,
Keď sa otočíš ku slnku, tiene padnú za teba,
When you turn to the sun, the shadows fall behind you,
Tak teda zapáľ cigaru na ten znak frajera,
So light a cigar on that dude sign,
Prežiješ tak veľa, že môžeš so mnou rovno toto zajebať.
You'll survive so much that you can fuck this up with me right away.
Viem že prežijem všetko,
I know I'll survive everything,
Dúfam len v dobrý koniec,
I just hope for a good ending,
Berem jedine jackpot,
I only take the jackpot,
Nechajte si tie drobné.
Keep the small change for yourselves.
Viem že prežijem všetko,
I know I'll survive everything,
Moja hudba je tu navždy,
My music is here forever,
Nechcem trón ani žezlo,
I don't want a throne or a scepter,
Chcem len kľud mať ako každý.
I just want peace like everyone else.
Prázdna peňaženka, vybielené konto,
Empty wallet, bleached account,
Aj tak nenariekam, vyjebem to vodkou,
I'm not complaining anyway, I'll fuck it up with vodka,
A potom zohnám dáke prachy na nájom,
And then I'll get some money for rent,
Napíšm krásne bary na ráno a hneď som s náladou parádnou.
I'll write beautiful bars in the morning and I'll be in a great mood right away.
Mal som byť bankárom alebo farárom,
I should have been a banker or a priest,
Ja blázon, z rapu na Slovensku sa nedá žiť ako faraón,
Me crazy, you can't live like a pharaoh from rap in Slovakia,
Balzamom na dušu je že robím čomu verím,
The balm for the soul is that I do what I believe in,
ľudia veria vo mňa, každá moja sloha im pomáha prežiť.
People believe in me, every verse of mine helps them survive.
A prežiť mne zas pomáhajú ruky hore,
And hands up help me survive,
Krutý bordel jak po bombe keď necháme kluby horieť,
Cruel mess like after a bomb when we let clubs burn,
Skľudni more, chce to trpezlivosť na každý deň,
Calm down sea, it takes patience every day,
Aj keď ťa nebaví žrať kura na paprike.
Even if you're tired of eating chicken paprika.
Zasa víkend na bare sa kurva zapálime,
Weekend at the bar again, let's fucking light up,
život na sekeru, výplata sa raz-dva minie,
Life on credit, the salary runs out in no time,
Ideme Hustle and Flow aj keď chytíme,
We're going Hustle and Flow even if we catch,
Jak skinny black žijeme XXL, heslo disident.
Like skinny black we live XXL, motto dissident.
A vždy skončíme s nejakou krásnou ženskou na cicine,
And we always end up with some beautiful woman on the dick,
Pritom nemáme tisíce, audi, žezlo a cilinder,
We don't have thousands, audi, scepter and cylinder,
život neni Disneyland, život je heroín,
Life is not Disneyland, life is heroin,
Smrteľne návykový, tvrdý, sme si toho vedomý.
Deadly addictive, hard, we are aware of it.
Viem že prežijem všetko,
I know I'll survive everything,
Dúfam len v dobrý koniec,
I just hope for a good ending,
Berem jedine jackpot,
I only take the jackpot,
Nechajte si tie drobné.
Keep the small change for yourselves.
Viem že prežijem všetko,
I know I'll survive everything,
Moja hudba je tu navždy,
My music is here forever,
Nechcem trón ani žezlo,
I don't want a throne or a scepter,
Chcem len kľud mať ako každý.
I just want peace like everyone else.

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