Radu Sirbu - Esti Doar O... - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radu Sirbu - Esti Doar O...

Esti Doar O...
You're Just A...
Eram doar doi copii la inceput
We were just two kids at first
Cu capu-n nori, pe-un drum necunoscut
With our heads in the clouds, on an unknown road
Cu multe vise mari si fara bani
With many big dreams and no money
Iti promiteam castele, peste ani
I promised you castles, in years to come
Dar spre a mea disperare, tu n-ai avut rabdare
But to my despair, you had no patience
Si-ai gasit alinare in bratele altuia
And you found solace in the arms of another
Si n-o sa-ti spun putoare
And I won't call you a whore
Cat m-ai rаnit de tare
How much you hurt me
Te asteptam c-o floare
I was waiting for you with a flower
Unde sunt eu, unde esti tu
Where am I, where are you
De ce ai ales sa-ti vinzi sufletul
Why did you choose to sell your soul
Puteai fi regina in regatul meu
You could have been queen in my kingdom
Dar esti doar o piesa intr-un muzeu
But you're just a piece in a museum
Si stiu ca-n viata totul are un pret
And I know that everything in life has a price
Ca sa castigi tre' sa inveti sa pierzi
To win, you have to learn to lose
Am plans ca un copil cand ai plecat
I cried like a child when you left
M-am risipit si-apoi m-am ridicat
I wasted away and then I got up
Tu ai ramas pierduta cu inima vanduta
You remained lost with a sold heart
Sperand ca bаnii iti vor aduce linistea
Hoping that money will bring you peace
Si-acum tu stii cat doare
And now you know how much it hurts
Cat ai ranit de tare
How much you hurt
Ai da orice pe-o floare
You would give anything for a flower
Unde sunt eu, unde esti tu
Where am I, where are you
De ce ai ales sa-ti vinzi sufletul
Why did you choose to sell your soul
Puteai fi regina in regatul meu
You could have been queen in my kingdom
Dar esti doar o piesa intr-un muzeu
But you're just a piece in a museum
Stiu, timpul vindeca rani dar lasa cicatrici
I know, time heals wounds but leaves scars
Cu toti banii din lume nu ai cum sa le stergi
With all the money in the world you can't erase them
M-am vindecat de tine dar chiar si asa ma tem
I healed from you, but even so I'm afraid
Ca undeva in mine tu ai lasat un semn
That somewhere inside me, you left a mark
Unde sunt eu, unde esti tu
Where am I, where are you
De ce ai ales sa-ti vinzi sufletul
Why did you choose to sell your soul
Puteai fi regina in regatul meu
You could have been queen in my kingdom
Dar esti doаr o piesa intr-un muzeu
But you're just a piece in a museum
Unde sunt eu, unde esti tu
Where am I, where are you
De ce ai ales sa-ti vinzi sufletul
Why did you choose to sell your soul
Puteai fi regina in regatul meu
You could have been queen in my kingdom
Dar esti doar o piesa intr-un muzeu
But you're just a piece in a museum
Dar esti doаr o piesa intr-un muzeu
But you're just a piece in a museum

Авторы: radu sirbu

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