Raduza - La Finestra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Raduza - La Finestra

La Finestra
La Finestra
Guarda, oh, guarda, mia bella
Look, oh look, my darling
Dalla tua finestra
From your window
Mi vedrai andare in guerra
You will see me go to war
Tra i soldati a sinistra e a destra
Among the soldiers left and right
Non mai ritornerò più
I will never come back
Neanche ti darò un bacio
Not even to give you a kiss
Guarda, come con gli occhi miei
Look, how with my eyes
Per l'ultima volta ti abbraccio
For the last time I embrace you
Sulla mia testa piovono i fiori
Flowers are raining on my head
Che gli alberi stanno perdendo
That the trees are losing
Senti la nostra riturnella fuori
Listen to our refrain outside
Mai la balleremo, lo so
We will never dance it, I know
Vyhlédni ještě, lásko moje
Peer out still, my love
Z okna zpoza třešní v plném květu
From the window beyond the cherry trees in full bloom
Spatříš kráčet vprostřed voje
You will see me marching in the midst of the army
V srdci navždy nesu poslední tvou větu
Forever I carry your last words in my heart
nevrátím se víc
I will not return
Ani nepolíbím tvoje rety
Nor will I kiss your lips
Tvé vlasy a tvou smutnou líc
Your hair and your sad face
Budou navždy laskat jen ty bílé květy
Will be caressed forever only by the white flowers
Vždy když budou padat třešní květy bílé
Whenever the white cherry blossoms fall
A s vánkem budou tančit na zemi
And dance with the breeze on the ground
Vzpomeneš si, lásko, na ty chvíle
You will remember, my love, those moments
Kdy jsme pod nimi tančili my
When we danced beneath them
Navždy dnes se loučíme
We say goodbye today forever
Pod stromy s květy bílými jak ledy
Beneath the trees with white flowers like ice
Když ne náruč, aspoň oči
If not my arms, at least my eyes
Obejmou tě, lásko, naposledy
Will embrace you, my love, for the last time
Vždy kdy budou padat třešní květy bílé...
Whenever the white cherry blossoms fall...
A s vánkem budou tančit na zemi
And dance with the breeze on the ground
Vzpomeneš si, lásko, na ty chvíle
You will remember, my love, those moments
Kdy jsme pod nimi tančili my
When we danced beneath them
Guarda, oh guarda, mio caro
Look, oh look, my dear
Guarda la mia finestra
Look at my window
Mi devi lasciare, tutto chiaro
You have to leave me, it's clear
Coi genitori a sinistra e a destra
With your parents left and right
Non ti rivedrò più
I will never see you again
Neanche ti darò un bacio
Not even to give you a kiss
Guarda, come con gli occhi miei
Look, how with my eyes
Per l'ultima volta ti abbraccio
For the last time I embrace you
Sulla tua testa piovono i fiori...
Flowers are raining on your head...
Che gli alberi stanno perdendo
That the trees are losing
Senti la nostra riturnella fuori
Listen to our refrain outside
Mai la balleremo, lo so
We will never dance it, I know

Авторы: Radůza

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