Rafa Pons - Bobo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rafa Pons - Bobo

Es tan extraño ser feliz.
It is strange to be happy.
Sospecho que no es para mí.
I don't think it's for me.
Me escondo de la primavera.
I hide from the spring.
El caso es que no va a volver.
The fact is that she is not coming back.
Hace ya un año que se fue
It has been a year since she left
Yo aún la recuerdo a mi manera.
I still remember her in my own way.
Se desnudaba por pudor.
She would undress out of modesty.
Mejor el sexo que el amor.
Better sex than love.
No seas bobo me decía al preguntar si me quería
Don't be a fool she told me when I asked if she loved me
Y yo sabía que iba a acabar solo.
And I knew I was going to end up alone.
No la pude condenar, siempre intuí que daba igual
I could not condemn her, I always felt that it was the same
Enamorarla o castigarla en ese alma
To make her fall in love or to punish her in that soul
No había un hueco para mi.
There was no place for me.
Nunca fue cruel ni fue vulgar
She was never cruel or vulgar
Tan solo no me supo amar
She just didn't know how to love me
Y yo tuve que digerirlo.
And I had to digest it.
Me di al alcohol, ¿Y que queréis?
I gave myself to alcohol, what do you want?
Si el ego sufre no hay mas ley
If the ego suffers, there is no other law
Que odiarla algo mas que a mi mismo.
Than to hate her even more than myself.
No siento igual en otra piel.
I don't feel the same in another skin.
Grito cuando nadie me ve.
I scream when no one sees me.
No seas bobo me decía al preguntar si me quería
Don't be a fool she told me when I asked if she loved me
Y yo sabía que iba a acabar solo.
And I knew I was going to end up alone.
No la pude condenar, siempre intuí que daba igual
I could not condemn her, I always felt that it was the same
Enamorarla o castigarla en ese alma
To make her fall in love or to punish her in that soul
No había un hueco para mi.
There was no place for me.
Y hoy las ovejas no las cuento, que me las como.
And today I do not count the sheep, I eat them.
Temo más al hambre que al insomnio.
I fear hunger more than insomnia.
A base de golpes hoy por fin he aprendido
Through beatings, today I have finally learned
A desvelarme sólo con las que sueñen conmigo.
To stay awake only with those who dream of me.
No seas bobo me decía al preguntar si me quería
Don't be a fool she told me when I asked if she loved me
Y yo sabía que iba a acabar solo.
And I knew I was going to end up alone.
No la pude condenar, siempre intuí que daba igual
I could not condemn her, I always felt that it was the same
Enamorarla o castigarla en ese alma
To make her fall in love or to punish her in that soul
No había un hueco para mi.
There was no place for me.

Авторы: Rafa Pons

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