Rafa Pons - Será - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rafa Pons - Será

Will it be?
Será que estoy seguro que no pierdo
Will it be that I am sure that I do not lose?
Y cuando dudo te sonrío.
And when I doubt, I smile at you.
Será que tantas noches me han dejado
Will it be that so many nights have left me
Un rastro amargo en el colmillo.
A bitter trace on a canine tooth.
Será que resulto ser un acierto
Will it be that I turn out to be a success,
Que el veneno que te inyecto,
That the poison I inject you with,
Se aplicara con ternura.
Will be applied with tenderness.
Será que te he encontrado
Will it be that I have found you,
Que te quiero o será solo otra locura.
That I love you, or is it just another folly.
Será que no me asusta estar viviendo...
Will it be that I am not afraid to be living...
Será solo un ratito, será eterno.
It will be just a little bit, it will be eternal.
Será que no he dormido y que me aburro
Will it be that I have not slept and that I am bored
En este Talgo que hoy me lleva.
In this Talgo that takes me today.
Será que he decidido que mi alma
Will it be that I have decided that my soul
Está buscando compañera.
Is looking for a companion.
Será como Dios quiera
Will it be as God wishes
Aunque no exista.
Even if it does not exist.
Será siempre a mi manera
It will always be my way
Y serás protagonista.
And you will be the protagonist.
Será como imagino aunque
Will it be as I imagine, although
Seguro que será mejor contigo.
Surely it will be better with you.
Será si te adivino y te atreves.
Will it be if I guess you and you dare.
Será solo si es cierto lo que ofreces.
It will be only if what you offer is true.
Será que estoy borracho de mi mismo
Will it be that I am drunk on myself
Y hoy comprendo que solo se es feliz
And today I understand that one is only happy
Cuando se crece compartiendo.
When one grows by sharing.
Será que me da igual si me equivoco.
Will it be that I do not care if I am wrong.
Será que no te encuentro, que te escojo.
Will it be that I do not find you, that I choose you.
Será que ahora que
Will it be that now that I know
Que ya no necesito a nadie, me completas.
That I no longer need anyone, you complete me.
Será que en ese espacio que es tan mío
Will it be that in that space which is mine alone
Y que protejo, navegas.
And that I protect, you sail.
Será que cuando me aprietas la mano
Will it be that when you squeeze my hand
Sospecho que este gusano
I suspect that this worm
Ha encontrado su manzana.
Has found its apple.
Será otro dardo más, pero quizás,
Will it be another dart, but perhaps,
Esta vez será diana.
This time will be bull's-eye.
Será otro dardo más, pero quizás,
Will it be another dart, but perhaps,
Esta vez será diana.
This time will be bull's-eye.

Авторы: Rafa Pons

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