Rakova - Ce ai făcut mă (feat. I'one) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rakova - Ce ai făcut mă (feat. I'one)

Ce ai făcut mă (feat. I'one)
What have you done, huh (feat. I'one)
Nu e nimic de zis
There's nothing to say
Punctez sobrele atins
I mark the sobrieties achieved
De puncte s-au stins ca rapuse de boala
The points faded away as if vanquished by disease
Noi ti-am zis, n-ai vrut sa asculti concis
We told you, you didn't want to listen concisely
Si s-au dus pe apa sambetei 13 ani de scoala
And 13 years of school went down the drain
Robotizat la modu′: viata pe planu' 2
Robotized in the mode: life on plan B
Si in prim plan sunt planurile, dar uite-te inapoi
And in the foreground are the plans, but look back
La ei, apoi la tine, apoi la noi
At them, then at yourself, then at us
Si spune-mi care-s aia plini si care-s aia goi
And tell me who are the full ones and who are the empty ones
Personal cu personalizat
Personal with personalized
Baricadat in fata suflului social, ce ct
Barricaded in front of the social breath, what ct
Constiinta-ti e oarba ca si credinta
Your conscience is blind as is faith
Dorind sa-ti adoarma dorinta si fiinta
Wishing to lull your desire and being
Si dormi copile, cum spunea ea
And sleep, child, as she used to say
Cu lanturi de maini si vise in saltea
With chained hands and dreams in the mattress
Ce te implora, reteaua de golani
Which implores you, the network of thugs
Acum e Pandora, c-ai uitat parola
Now it's Pandora, you forgot the password
Am vrut mult da′
I wanted a lot yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut tot da'
I wanted it all yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut mult da'
I wanted a lot yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut tot da′
I wanted it all yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Sa vina in sir indian
Let them come in single file
Sa-mi spuna simplu
To tell me simply
"Bogdan, lasa-te man, ca-ti pierzi timpul"
"Bogdan, give it up, man, you're wasting your time"
Nimic nu se lipeste, cade timbru′
Nothing sticks, the stamp falls
Tigru' meu l-a luat tribu′
My tiger was taken by the tribe
Sa-l fac primar ca triplu'
To make him mayor, triple that
Si sa ma comande, asta-i ironia sortii
And to command me, that's the irony of fate
Si roata se-nvarte, roata se-nvarte
And the wheel turns, the wheel turns
Pana cand te calca in cliseu′ mortii
Until it crushes you in the cliché of death
Cadem decade in fata portii inchise
We fall decades before the closed gate
Si la final "Ce ai facut, ma!"
And in the end "What have you done, huh!"
Spuma sau luna, ura sau ura
Foam or moon, hatred or hatred
Pe plaje savurand cocktailuri de sange
On beaches savoring cocktails of blood
Sau ajungi cocktailu' savurat incet
Or you get the cocktail savored slowly
Il am picat pe Venus, odata pe spuma
I dropped it on Venus, once on the foam
Odata pe luna, ce se aseamana se aduna
Once on the moon, what resembles each other gathers
Si bea pana capra, bea pana crapa
And drink until the goat, drink until it bursts
Ca lemnele in pensiunea Tensiunea lui Cioaca
Like the wood in Cioaca's Tension guesthouse
Laba ca-n strada, nu se compara
Paw like on the street, there's no comparison
Batrani depanand la ce-a fost odata
Old people reminiscing about what once was
Vezi ca nu se stie ce-a facut pe hartie
See, nobody knows what he did on paper
Sau ce-a dat la altu′ si doar ce-ai facut tu
Or what he gave to another and only what you did
Da' tu niciodata sa nu-ti pui credinta in filme
But you never put your faith in movies
Ca nu se face, tata, e cum ai pune credinta in minte
Because it doesn't happen, dad, it's like putting faith in your mind
Am vrut mult da'
I wanted a lot yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut tot da′
I wanted it all yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut mult da′
I wanted a lot yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut tot da'
I wanted it all yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Caut scaparea prin piese
I seek escape through music
Salvarea nu iese la suprafata
Salvation doesn't come to the surface
Dar muzica asta ma invata sa ma apar
But this music teaches me to defend myself
De intuneric unde cad deseori
From the darkness where I often fall
Ori fac piese ori imi fac filme
Either I make music or I make movies
Si stii ca imi e bine
And you know I'm good
Si stii ca nu e bine
And you know it's not good
Sa crezi prea mult in tine
To believe too much in yourself
In altii nu convine
It doesn't suit others
Nu te salveaza nimeni
Nobody saves you
Vreau sa las o urma
I want to leave a mark
Vocea in cap imi spune "ce ai facut ma?"
The voice in my head tells me "what have you done, huh?"
Incearca aceasta toba
Try this drum
Las-o asa macar pe proba
Leave it like this at least on trial
Ca sa vedem macar cum suna
To see at least how it sounds
La prim impact pare una buna
At first impact it seems like a good one
Mi-am vandut sufletu′ la diavol
I sold my soul to the devil
Nu l-a cumparat nimeni
Nobody bought it
Vise in oracol
Dreams in the oracle
Mult prea mare pretul
The price is too high
Dar de fapt e nul, nu poti da doi bani pe mine
But it's actually zero, you can't give two cents for me
Am vrut mult da'
I wanted a lot yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut tot da′
I wanted it all yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut mult da'
I wanted a lot yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done
Am vrut tot da′
I wanted it all yeah
Ce ai facut, ce a facut ma
What have you done, what have you done, huh
Ce ai facut, ce ai facut
What have you done, what have you done

Авторы: Cosmin Andrei Mihalache

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