Rakova - Galaxia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rakova - Galaxia

Yung Corpsey la productie
Yung Corpsey at the production
Si mai bag o cafea la tonomat la 7 seara
And I still get a coffee from the vending machine at 7 pm
Vine ceru' roz de parca vine primavara
The sky turns pink as if spring has come
Eu tot imbracat in negru cu doi ochelari de soare
I'm still dressed in black with two sunglasses
Parca ma reflecta lumina de la felinare
As if the light from the streetlights reflects off me
Mintea mea departe-n galaxie
My mind is far away in the galaxy
Stau inalt ca SpaceX, ma imbrac prea basic
I'm standing tall like SpaceX, I dress too basic
Vreau sa trec la o etapa superioara-n viata
I want to move on to a higher level in life
Neaparat maine sa ma umplu de gheata
I'll definitely fill myself with ice tomorrow
Neaparat mine sa ajung pe Marte
I will definitely get to Mars tomorrow
Ti-am zis ca daca reusesc facem parte-n parte
I told you that if I succeed we will be a part of each other
Sting telefonu' cand adorm in noapte
I turn off my phone when I fall asleep at night
Sa pot sa duc visul ala de ieri mai departe
So I can carry on that dream I had yesterday
Aici curg vorbe ca ploaie de meteoriti
Here words are flowing like a rain of meteorites
Dar ramane faptul ca nu am ce sa zic
But the fact remains that I have nothing to say
Poate ca Rakova o sa ramana o amintire
Perhaps Rakova will remain a memory
Sau poate ca va fi o legenda in devenire
Or perhaps it will become a legend in the making
Cazut pe pamant de pe luna
Fallen to Earth from the moon
Numar zilele in fiecare saptamana
I'm counting down the days each week
Pana vine ziua de renastere, sa fie
Until my birthday comes, let it be
Mintea ma duce departe in galaxie
My mind takes me far away into the galaxy
Cazut pe pamant de pe luna
Fallen to Earth from the moon
Numar zilele in fiecare saptamana
I'm counting down the days each week
Pana vine ziua de renastere, sa fie
Until my birthday comes, let it be
Mintea ma duce departe in galaxie
My mind takes me far away into the galaxy

Авторы: Cosmin Andrei Mihalache, Yung Corpsey

Rakova - Romanian History X
Romanian History X
дата релиза

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