Rakova - Minţi bolnave (feat. Instabil Lexic) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rakova - Minţi bolnave (feat. Instabil Lexic)

Minţi bolnave (feat. Instabil Lexic)
Sick Minds (feat. Unstable Lexicon)
Ies din oras ca sa vad stelele
I leave the city to see the stars
Aerul parca imi alimenteaza catrenele
The air seems to fuel my quatrains
Diavolu' stie sa joace carti
The devil knows how to play cards
Joaca mai multe parti
He plays multiple roles
Il caut pe Mesia pe strazi, nu apare
I'm looking for the Messiah on the streets, he doesn't appear
Aud imnul vietii
I hear the anthem of life
Pe un vinil stricat
On a broken vinyl
Aroma batranetii
The aroma of old age
Il gasesti pe Treispe nicaieri
You can't find Thirteen anywhere
Cand am lexic instabil
When I have an unstable lexicon
Stau cu Instabil Lexic, doar ca sa zic
I hang out with Unstable Lexicon, just to say
Comportamentul omului e unul ciudat
Human behavior is strange
I-e frica de singuratate,
He's afraid of loneliness,
Se lupta incivil cu tot ce e uman
He fights uncivilly with everything human
E o carte deschisa
He's an open book
Cu o istorie compromisa
With a compromised history
Descrisa doar din avamposturi
Described only from outposts
Intrebandu-ma care e costu'
Wondering what the cost is
Sa produci rau necesar
To produce necessary evil
Si de fapt care e rostu'
And actually what's the point
A se da vina pe diavol oricand si oricum
To blame the devil whenever and however
Ca oricum eu nu inteleg
'Cause anyway I don't understand
Iau o lupa, privesc viitoru' si ma fac profet
I take a magnifying glass, I look at the future and I become a prophet
Sunt mai rau ca diavolu', tine minte
I'm worse than the devil, remember
Te iei dupa ambalaj, te fac din cuvinte
You go after the packaging, I make you out of words
Am atatea tinte ce nu au scapare
I have so many targets that have no escape
Astia cer mila si ci fratioare
These guys beg for mercy, bro
Sunt mai rau ca diavolu', tine minte
I'm worse than the devil, remember
Te iei dupa ambalaj, te fac din cuvinte
You go after the packaging, I make you out of words
Am atatea tinte ce nu au scapare
I have so many targets that have no escape
Astia cer mila si ci fratioare
These guys beg for mercy, bro
Nu fa manele din vorbele mele
Don't make manele out of my words
Ca yo's ala ce te lasa cu sechele
Because I'm the one who leaves you with sequels
Ca Sechelariu, jucam pe Lia Manoliu
Like Sechelariu, we play on Lia Manoliu
Te fac din scheme, provoc eczeme
I make you out of schemes, I provoke eczema
Versuri fara rost, o ard anost
Meaningless lyrics, I'm boring
Nu fii ta cu mine ca nu's prost
Don't be stupid with me, 'cause I'm not stupid
Adu' banii traiti-ar familia
Bring the money, bless your family
Ca ma duc la puscarie dac'o ard ca-n Sicilia
Because I'm going to jail if I act like I'm in Sicily
Si stii ca pot, ca-mi permit
And you know I can, I can afford it
Ms pe libertate... e doar un mit
Ms. Freedom... it's just a myth
Hai sa-ti spun eu, zdreanta, ca m-ai enervat
Let me tell you, rag, you pissed me off
Ca pe din p-n pul'ai decolat
Like you took off from the ground up
In viata dai de zdrente, tarfe pe fata
In life you meet rags, whores on the face
Astia cer bani ca n-au ce pune pe masa
These guys ask for money like they have nothing to put on the table
Ruleta-i hoata, te trage-n teapa
Roulette is a thief, it shoots you in the head
Baiatu-i geniu, te arde, dar nu te-ngroapa
The boy is a genius, he burns you, but he doesn't bury you
Sunt mai rau ca diavolu', tine minte
I'm worse than the devil, remember
Te iei dupa ambalaj, te fac din cuvinte
You go after the packaging, I make you out of words
Am atatea tinte ce nu au scapare
I have so many targets that have no escape
Astia cer mila si ci fratioare
These guys beg for mercy, bro
Sunt mai rau ca diavolu', tine minte
I'm worse than the devil, remember
Te iei dupa ambalaj, te fac din cuvinte
You go after the packaging, I make you out of words
Am atatea tinte ce nu au scapare
I have so many targets that have no escape
Astia cer mila si ci fratioare
These guys beg for mercy, bro
"Insta, m-au dat ai mei afar' din casa
"Insta, my folks kicked me out of the house
Primeste-ma la tine" in mortii tai, n-aveam ce pune pe masa
Take me in" to your dead, I had nothing to put on the table
Si tot te-am ajutat, dar trecem peste
And I still helped you, but let's move on
Ca pentru ma-ta, eu sunt cel mai bun peste
Because for your mom, I'm the best fish
Se spune ca razbunarea-i arma prostului
It is said that revenge is the weapon of the fool
Ok, sunt cel mai prost om de pe suprafata pamantului
Ok, I'm the stupidest person on the face of the earth
Am atata ura-n minte, te desfigurez din cuvinte
I have so much hate in my mind, I'll disfigure you with words
N-am nevoie de flinte, tinte, de-aia stai cuminte
I don't need rifles, targets, that's why you stay put
Ma uit la tine linistit, astept sa te descompui
I look at you calmly, I wait for you to decompose
Cu un sfert de neuron tu nu poti des sa compui
With a quarter of a neuron you can't often compose
Si n-o arde la modu' ca's o gluma proasta
And it doesn't burn like I'm a bad joke
Ca uitandu-ma la sor'ta. ma cam lasa masca
That looking at fate, it leaves me speechless

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