Rakova feat. Trvxzen - Crack prototip - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rakova feat. Trvxzen - Crack prototip

Crack prototip
Crack prototype
Ei vor sa opreasca Crogul, dar nu reusesc
They want to stop the Hook, but they can't
Daca zic ca trebuie sa castig n-o sa glumesc (bang bang)
If I say I have to win, I'm not kidding (bang bang)
Sunt istoria X a Romaniei
I am the history X of Romania
Ei vorbesc gresit de mine, sunt cu gandul la hartie
They talk wrong about me, they're thinking about paper
Ei vor sa opreasca Crogul, dar nu reusesc
They want to stop the Hook, but they can't
Daca zic ca trebuie sa castig n-o sa glumesc (bang bang)
If I say I have to win, I'm not kidding (bang bang)
Sunt istoria X a Romaniei
I am the history X of Romania
Ei vorbesc gresit de mine, sunt cu gandul la hartie
They talk wrong about me, they're thinking about paper
Nu ma dau batut pana nu reusesc
I won't give up until I succeed
Spune-mi ospatar ca muia ti-o servesc
Tell the waiter I'm serving you the pussy
Mi-e stricata frana, nu pot sa m-opresc
My brake is broken, I can't stop
Nu ma refer la social media cand zic ca te urmaresc
I'm not referring to social media when I say I'm following you
Trvxzen din Crog, cred in mine ma rog
Trvxzen from Crog, I believe in myself, I pray
Sound-u asta-ti fute capu ti-o da si-analog
This sound will fuck your head, I'll give it to you analog
Jur ca te bat man de aici din barlog
I swear I'll beat you man from here from the den
Intru direct in poveste ma fut in prolog
I'm going straight into the story, I'm fucking in the prologue
Am inima de piatra, deci nu is fragil
I have a heart of stone, so I'm not fragile
Esti batran in gandire, te trimit in azil
You are old in thinking, I send you to the nursing home
Am la baza plutoniu deci is cam instabil
I have plutonium at the base, so I'm a bit unstable
Daca esti tradator te trimit in exil
If you are a traitor I will send you into exile
Spune-mi Sasori, am venit din nisip
Tell me Sasori, I came from the sand
Propriu meu idol, am cel mai cioplit chip
My own idol, I have the most chiseled face
Piesa ta cea mai buna la mine-i prototip
Your best track is a prototype for me
Cheama-l pe Bill pan' la poarta. tre' sa imi dea un cip
Call Bill to the gate, he has to give me a chip
Ei vor sa opreasca Crogul, dar nu reusesc
They want to stop the Hook, but they can't
Daca zic ca trebuie sa castig n-o sa glumesc (bang bang)
If I say I have to win, I'm not kidding (bang bang)
Sunt istoria X a Romaniei
I am the history X of Romania
Ei vorbesc gresit de mine, sunt cu gandul la hartie
They talk wrong about me, they're thinking about paper
Ei vor sa opreasca Crogul, dar nu reusesc
They want to stop the Hook, but they can't
Daca zic ca trebuie sa castig n-o sa glumesc (bang bang)
If I say I have to win, I'm not kidding (bang bang)
Sunt istoria X a Romaniei
I am the history X of Romania
Ei vorbesc gresit de mine, sunt cu gandul la hartie
They talk wrong about me, they're thinking about paper
Vreau sa vad de-as avea pistol sub geaca
I want to see if I had a gun under my jacket
Ai avea curaj sa ma vezi in strada
Would you have the courage to see me in the street
Nu sunt las daca raspund cu fieru'
I'm not a coward if I answer with the iron
Ca tu ma ataci fiindca nu pot sa ma apar
Because you attack me because I can't defend myself
Jur, eu cu crewul nu suntem de pe pamant
I swear, my crew and I are not from this earth
N-am brigada in spate, n-am facut juramant
We don't have a brigade behind us, we didn't take an oath
Kova Baby, arunc un zar, ies trei de sase
Kova Baby, I roll a die, I get three sixes
Nu suport tipa asta care cere sanse
I don't support this chick who asks for chances
Capcanat in trap, blindat ca militarii
Trapped in a trap, armored like the military
Peste cativa ani o sa fim si mai tari
In a few years we'll be even stronger
Peste cativa ani o sa fim number one
In a few years we'll be number one
Ca aduc in Romania numai rap italian
Because I only bring Italian rap to Romania
Suntem ascultati, deci trebuie s-o cant
We are listened to, so I have to sing it
Nu tre' sa ne oprim, atunci o sa o spun
We don't have to stop, then I'll tell you
Dissul tau de sarpe o sa fie ignorat
Your snake diss will be ignored
Crog Crew va fi noua generatie de trap
Crog Crew will be the new generation of trap
Futu-te-n gura, Kova!
Fuck you, Kova!
Crog Crew va fi noua generatie de trap
Crog Crew will be the new generation of trap

Rakova feat. Trvxzen - Crack prototip (feat. Trvxzen) - Single
Crack prototip (feat. Trvxzen) - Single
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