Rambo Cristiano - El Rescate - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rambo Cristiano - El Rescate

El Rescate
The Rescue
Mucha gente muriendo
There are so many people dying out there, sweetheart
No estamos predicando
We aren't just saying this
Que es lo que está pasando
Why is all this happening?
El tiempo se está acabando
Time is running out
Escasez de obreros, la obra está sobrando
There aren't enough workers, so much work is left undone
Únete al llamado!
We need you to join us!
Bebe y fuma pa' sentirse bien y
They drink, they smoke, they do whatever it takes to feel good
Del pecado es su rehén
They're held captive by their sin
Amanece en la acera,
They wake up on the streets
Vida pasajera
Life is just passing them by
Todo lo tiene pero no está bien
They have everything but still aren't happy
El se creé que el billete de 100
They think their one hundred dollar
Compra la salvación pero no
Can buy them salvation but they don't see
Lo que no sabe cual es su destino
That they don't even know where they're going
Asechado por satán
Satan is waiting to pounce
cruzó el retén
They can't escape him
El no sabe hasta cuando estará respirando
They don't know how much longer they have left to breathe, darling
Que se lleve de consejo
They need to listen
Que no sea viejo
Before it's too late
Dios está hablando
God is speaking
No es que sea el más santo de todos los santos porque hice este canto es que no estoy happy cuando algo no es acto
I'm not saying that I'm the holiest of all, but I wrote this song because I'm not happy when something isn't right, babe
Llora tu madre y se ahoga en llantos
Your mother cries and drowns in her tears
Jesús a tocado ha tu puerta y lo sabes
Jesus has knocked on your door and you know it
Entonces porque esperas que se ponga grave
So why are you waiting for things to get worse?
El en tus manos ha puesto la llave
He has put the key in your hands
Tuya es la desición
The decision is yours
Jesús ha tocado tu puerta y lo sabes
Jesus has knocked on your door and you know it
Entonces porque esperas que se ponga grave
So why are you waiting for things to get worse?
El en tus manos ha pueta la llave
He has put the key in your hands
Tuya es la desición
The decision is yours
Mucha gente muriendo
There are so many people dying, baby
No estamos predicando
We aren't just saying this
Que es lo que está pasando
Why is all this happening?
El tiempo se está acabando
Time is running out
Escasez de obreros, la obra está sobrando
There aren't enough workers, so much work is left undone
Únete al llamado!
We need you to join us!
Mucha gente muriendo
So many people are dying out there
No estamos predicando
We aren't just saying this
Que es lo que está pasando
Why is all this happening?
El tiempo se está acabando
Time is running out
Escasez de obreros, la obra está sobrando
There aren't enough workers, so much work is left undone
Únete al llamado!
We need you to join us!
Llegaste a la iglesia porque alguien te predicó
You came to church because someone else talked to you
A ese que te predicó alguién más también le habló
And that person was talked to by someone else
El mensaje llego con Jesucristo en belén
The message came through Jesus Christ in Bethlehem
12 discípulos
12 disciples
Y hoy aquí lo ven
And here we are today
Se acercan los últimos tiempos
The end is coming
No cerremos nuestras bocas
Let's not stay quiet
Si no hablamos nosotros
If we don't speak up
Entonces lo harán las rocas
The rocks will
Soy un guerrero
I'm a warrior, sweetheart
El evangelio encima de la ropa
The Gospel is all over my clothes
Que no se quedé anotado en una mascota
It's not just written on a t-shirt
Predica en la calle
Preach in the streets
In the neighborhood
En la oficina
At work
En el supermarket
At the supermarket
Parque, la vecina
In the park, to your neighbor
Residenciales, altos sociales
In exclusive neighborhoods, to high society
No tengas miedo predica en la esquina
Don't be afraid to preach on the street corners
Al morenito, mulato, la china
To the brown people, the black people, the Chinese people
En el salón, en la barbería
In the salons, in the barbershops
Que suleten la fria la idolatría
Where people read magazines instead of the Bible
En vez de un periódico lean la biblia
Instead of reading the newspaper, they should read the Bible
Este es el llamado no digas que
This is the call, don't say no
La biblia lo dice no lo digo yo
The Bible says it, not me
Búscalo en Mateo el 28 con el 19 la gran comisión
Look it up, Matthew chapter 28, verse 19, the Great Commission
Esta es mi visión
This is my mission
Lo hago con pasión, nada me distrae, concentrado estoy
I do it with passion, nothing can distract me, my focus is sharp
Vidas restauradas por Cristo marcadas pa'na que en el cielo un fiestón
Lives restored by Christ, marked so that there will be a big party in heaven
Mucha gente muriendo
So many people are dying out there, darling
No estamos predicando
We aren't just saying this
Que es lo que está pasando
Why is all this happening?
El tiempo se está acabando
Time is running out
Escasez de obreros, la obra está sobrando
There aren't enough workers, so much work is left undone
Únete al llamado!
We need you to join us!
Mucha gente muriendo
So many people are dying
No estamos predicando
We aren't just saying this
Que es lo que está pasando
Why is all this happening?
El tiempo se está acabando
Time is running out
Escasez de obreros, la obra está sobrando
There aren't enough workers, so much work is left undone
Únete al llamado!
We need you to join us!

Авторы: Anderson Alexander Peña

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