Ramma - Fieles - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ramma - Fieles

Loyal Ones
Aunque sepa que
Even though I know that
La verdad es lo que a vos te duele
The truth is what hurts you the most
Vos necesitas subirte a ese Mercedes
You need to get into that Mercedes
Porque lo que digo es lo que más te hiere
Because what I say is what hurts you the most
No sos enemigo pero no te quieren
You're not an enemy but they don't like you
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
Pero preferiste que la puerta se me cierre
But you preferred the door to be closed to me
Ya no quiero mirar atrás
I don't want to look back anymore
Me traslade a otro lugar
I've moved on to another place
La verdad es lo que a vos te duele
The truth is what hurts you the most
Vos necesitas subirte a ese Mercedes
You need to get into that Mercedes
Porque lo que digo es lo que a vos te hiere
Because what I say is what hurts you the most
No sos enemigo pero no te quieren
You're not an enemy but they don't like you
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
Pero preferiste que la puerta se me cierre
But you preferred the door to be closed to me
Ya no quiero mirar atrás
I don't want to look back anymore
Me traslade a otro lugar
I've moved on to another place
Yeah por favor quiero que
Yeah please I want them to
Me suban los decibeles
Increase the decibels
Voy a realizar el esfuerzo que me conlleve
I'm going to make the effort that it takes
Voy a elevar hasta al que menos se eleve
I'm going to elevate even the lowest
Yeah, nunca intereso lo que
Yeah, I never cared about what
Me gritaron ustedes
You guys yelled at me
En su tren se les descarrilaron los rieles
Your train ran off the rails
No aman ni a su familia ni a sus bienes
You don't love your family or your possessions
Armado tenían el camino
The path was paved for you
Para que lo hayan perdido
So that you would lose it
Siempre hay un desagradecido
There's always an ungrateful person
Paquete que ya está vencido
A package that's already expired
Esta historia llegó a su final
This story has come to an end
Corta iba a ser de esperarse
It was going to be short, it was to be expected
Que iba a ser difícil anhelar ese lugar
That it was going to be difficult to long for that place
Llegar y echar a perder todo pero no importa porque
To arrive and spoil everything but it doesn't matter because
La verdad es lo que a vos te duele
The truth is what hurts you the most
Vos necesitas subirte a ese Mercedes
You need to get into that Mercedes
Porque lo que digo es lo que más te hiere
Because what I say is what hurts you the most
No sos enemigo pero no te quieren
You're not an enemy but they don't like you
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
Pero preferiste que la puerta se me cierre
But you preferred the door to be closed to me
Ya no quiero mirar atrás
I don't want to look back anymore
Me traslade a otro lugar
I've moved on to another place
¡La verdad es lo que a vos te duele
The truth is what hurts you the most
Vos necesitas subirte a ese Mercedes!
You need to get into that Mercedes!
Porque lo que digo es lo que a vos te hiere
Because what I say is what hurts you the most
No sos enemigo pero no te quieren
You're not an enemy but they don't like you
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
Pero preferiste que la puerta se me cierre
But you preferred the door to be closed to me
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
No si seguís acá
I don't know if you're still here
Espero que sigas acá
I hope you're still here
No si seguís acá
I don't know if you're still here
Quiero volverme a sentir como me sentí
I want to feel the way I felt again
Quiero volverme a sentir que estoy free
I want to feel free again
Quiero poder volver a desinhibirme
I want to be able to relax again
Cuando volvía al ring
When I was in the ring
Quiero volverme a sentir como me sentí
I want to feel the way I felt again
Quiero volverme a sentir que estoy free
I want to feel free again
Quiero poder volver a desinhibirme
I want to be able to relax again
Cuando volvía al ring
When I was in the ring
La verdad es lo que a vos te duele
The truth is what hurts you the most
Vos necesitas subirte a ese Mercedes
You need to get into that Mercedes
Porque lo que digo es lo que más te hiere
Because what I say is what hurts you the most
No sos enemigo pero no te quieren
You're not an enemy but they don't like you
Volabas conmigo, vivíamos fieles
You were flying with me, we were living loyally
Pero preferiste que la puerta se me cierre
But you preferred the door to be closed to me
Ya no quiero mirar atrás
I don't want to look back anymore
Me traslade a otro lugar
I've moved on to another place

Авторы: Ramiro Domínguez, Tadeo Vázquez

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