Ramón Ayala y Sus Bravos del Norte - Dos Monedas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ramón Ayala y Sus Bravos del Norte - Dos Monedas

Dos Monedas
Two Coins
Soy el mas desdichado del mundo
I am the most wretched man in the world
Y la culpa la tiene este vicio
And it is this bad habit that is to blame
Me dejo la mujer que tenia ahora pierdo tambien a mi hijo
I have lost the woman I had and now I am also losing my son
El jamas supo lo que era un padre
He never knew what it was like to have a father
Por que yo andaba siempre borracho
Because I was always drunk
El pidiendo en la calle limosna
He was begging for money in the street
Para que yo siguera tomando
So that I could go on drinking
Una noche llovio hasta el invierno
One night it rained into winter
Llego el pobre hasta donde yo estaba
The poor thing came to where I was
Y me dijo perdon papasito
And he said, "Forgive me, daddy,
Ahora si que no me dieron nada
This time they didn't give me anything.
Tengo hambre y tambien mucho frio
I am hungry and very cold
Por favor hoy no me digas nada
Please, don't say anything to me today.
Pero yo ciego de tanta ira
But I was blinded by anger
Le golpie hasta casi matarlo
I beat him until he was almost dead
Y le dije te vas a la calle
And I said, "Get out of here
Ya no pienso seguirte aguantando
I'm not going to put up with you anymore
Ya no tienes ni casa ni padre si no traes
You don't have a home or a father unless you bring
Para seguir tomando
Something to keep me drinking."
Salio el pobre temblando de frio
The poor man left trembling with cold
Y llorando por lo que le dije
And crying over what I had said to him
Mientras yo en la casa embrutecido
Meanwhile, at home, I was brutalized
Sabradios que tanto lo maldije
God knows how much I cursed him
El alcohol y el sueo me vencieron
Alcohol and sleep overcame me
Desperte casi ya amaneciendo
I woke up almost at daybreak
Al abrir la puerta de la casa
When I opened the door of the house
No crei lo que yo estaba viendo
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Alli estaba mi hijo tirado
There was my son lying there
Habia muerto de hambre y de frio
He had died of hunger and cold
En su mano le halle dos monedas
In his hand, I found two coins
Que me traiba pa comprar mas vino
To buy me more wine
Y yo briago no oi que tocaba
And I, drunk, didn't hear him knock
Y asi el pobre murio en el olvido
And so the poor boy died forgotten
Por borracho perdi yo a mi hijo
Because I was a drunk, I lost my son
Y a mi esposa que tanto adoraba
And my wife, whom I loved so much
Yo le quiero pedir a los padres
I want to ask all parents
Que no le hagan un mal a sus hijos
Not to do harm to their children
Tal vez dios me mando este castigo
Perhaps God sent me this punishment
Por tirarme a la senda del vicio.
For setting out on the path of vice.

Авторы: Jesus Armenta Minjarez

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