Ramoncín - Tormenta en la carretera (Remaster 2017) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ramoncín - Tormenta en la carretera (Remaster 2017)

Tormenta en la carretera (Remaster 2017)
Storm on the Highway (2017 Remaster)
Dejarlo todo por salir al camino
Leaving everything to get out on the road
Cambiar la vida por una ilusion
Exchanging life for an illusion
Gritar la guerra que te come dentro
Screaming about the war that’s eating you alive
Vender el alma por el cuadro de honor
Selling your soul for the honor roll
Tendras dinero hablaran de ti
You will have money, they will talk about you
Seras famoso muchos te envidiaran
You will be famous, Many will envy you
Tendras mujeres en tu habitación
You will have women in your room
Tendras un coche que te hara especial
You will have a car that will make you feel special
Veras las cosas con otro color
You will see things in another color
Y el horizonte te podrá cegar
And the horizon will be able to blind you
Te haran la fiesta que soñaste siempre
You will have the party you have always dreamed of
Te diran las cosas que quisite oir
They will tell you the things that you have always wanted to hear
Mentiras, desprecio, no hay eleccion
Lies, contempt, there is no choice
Poderes, dinero, ellos son dios
Power, money, they are gods
Ideales, principios, es el precio que tendras que pagar
Ideals, principles, that’s the price you had to pay
Una tormenta se desatara, la luz se apagara
A storm will break out, the light will go out
Las promesas volaran y solo te veras
The promises will fly away, and you will only see yourself
En el suelo el corazón, el sueño se perdio
The heart on the ground, the dream is gone
Nada tuviste, nada te dieron, tienes que empezar
You had nothing, nothing was given to you, you have to start over
Una noticia entre un millon
A news story among a million
Una persona mas que dejo de ser
One more person who stopped being
Al escenario nunca llegara
She will never get to the stage
La carretera roja le quito la piel
The bloody highway stripped her bare
Pagar con sangre lo que tanto amaste
Paying with blood what you loved so much
Recoger las lagrimas de quien te amo
Collecting the tears of those who loved you
La carretera jamas perdera
The road will never lose
El mundo entero ignora lo que te costo
The whole world ignores what it cost you
Buscar la gloria con una cancion
To seek glory with a song
Contar la vida esperar el amor
To recount life, to wait for love
Tener agallas para no caer
To have the courage not to fall
Luchar sin tregua para ser el mejor
To fight relentlessly to be the best

Авторы: Jose Ramon Julio Marquez Martinez, Julio Maria Gonzalez Fernandez

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