No necesito mas palabras de amorNi ser un trovador por tiNi una estrella yo te alcanzarePero siempre te amare
I don't need any more love wordsOr to be a troubadour for youNor a star I will reach for youBut I will always love you
Un verso yo no te podre escribirAunque por ti voy a morirNi con las flores de comparareJunto a ti mi vida estare
I won't be able to write you a verseThough I'm going to die for youNor compare you with the flowersWith you my life will be
Bastara con que estes en mis brazosSin que sea don juanPorque yo no soy romanticoY no se expresarLo que pasa por mi menteSi a mi lado tu estasAl rozar mi cuerpo me vas a encenderY pensare locuras
It will suffice that you are in my armsWithout being Don JuanBecause I'm not romanticAnd I can't expressWhat goes through my mindIf you are by my sideWhen you touch my body you will turn me onAnd I will think crazy things
Yo no soy romanticoY no se decirQue hay sol en tus cabellosY en tus ojos el marSolo se que te amoY no se vivir sin tu amor
I'm not romanticAnd I can't sayThat there is sunshine in your hairAnd in your eyes the seaI only know that I love youAnd I can't live without your love
No necesito mas palabras de amorNi ser un orador por tiNi serenata a tu balcon traereCon mil besos te cubrireUna cancion nunca sabre componerPero te hare sentir mujerY dia a dia vas a descubrirUn poema si estas junto a mi
I don't need any more love wordsNor to be an orator for youNor will I bring a serenade to your balconyWith a thousand kisses I will cover youI will never know how to compose a songBut I will make you feel like a womanAnd day by day you will discoverA poem if you are by my side
Bastara con que estes en mis brazosSin que sea don juanPorque yo no soy romanticoY no se expresarLo que pasa por mi menteSi a mi lado tu estasAl rozar mi cuerpo me vas a encenderY pensare locuras
It will suffice that you are in my armsWithout being Don JuanBecause I'm not romanticAnd I can't expressWhat goes through my mindIf you are by my sideWhen you touch my body you will turn me onAnd I will think crazy things
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