Tu nunca cambias de musicaSolo cambias de instrumentoNo hablo por boca de otrosLo he aprendido sufriendo
You never change your music, you only change your instruments. I don't speak for others, but I've learned my lesson the hard way.
Esperando a que abrieras la puertaY mirando tu pelo revueltoY tu siempre esquivando mis ojosY el adentro escondido en silencio
Waiting for you to open the door, and looking at your messy hair. And you always avoiding my gaze, and the inside hidden in silence.
Tu engaÑando, yo sufriendo
You deceiving, me suffering.
Te declaroPersona no grataTe retiroMi amor por estafa
I declare you persona non grata, I take back my love for the fraud that it was.
Y no voy a escuchar tus disculpasNo te creo ni media palabraQue perdona y perdonaAqui no hay perdon que valga
And I'm not going to listen to your excuses, I don't believe a word you say. That you forgive and forgive, there's no forgiveness here that's worth anything.
No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no.
Tu nunca cambias de musicaSolo cambias de instrumentoNo hablo por boca de otrosLo he aprendido sufriendo
You never change your music, you only change your instruments. I don't speak for others, but I've learned my lesson the hard way.
Esperando en la calle desiertaY mordiendo mis uÑas y el tiempoY tu siempre inventando pretextosY yo siempre callando y creyendo
Waiting on the deserted street, and biting my nails and the time. And you always making up excuses, and me always staying silent and believing.
Tu engaÑando y yo sufriendo
You deceiving and me suffering.
Te declaroPersona no grataTe retiroMi amor por estafa
I declare you persona non grata, I take back my love for the fraud that it was.
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