Rapper school - No Hay Primera Sin Segunda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rapper school - No Hay Primera Sin Segunda

No Hay Primera Sin Segunda
There Is No First Without Second
Abran paso que primero voy yo
Make way that I will go first
Así como lo oyó
Just as he heard it
Quitense del medio que los atropello
Get out of the way I'm running over you
Saben que no fallo y los callo
They know I don't fail and I shut them up
Cuando se abre la pista me desplayo
When the track opens I drop
Y les caigo de arriba como un rayo
And I fall from above them like lightning
Hey tu a mi no me quieras hablar de flow
Hey you don't want to talk to me about flow
Si he visto tu show
If I've seen your show
Y dejame decirte que esta LO-CO
And let me tell you that this LO-CO
Y luego quedaos que
And then stay that
Somos los que dominamos
We are the ones who dominate
Aunque nos tranquen y quieran
Even if they block us and want
Que me estanquen
Let them stall me
Tu, no me quieras ni siquera tirar
You, don't even want to throw me
Porque mira que la tortilla se te vira
Because look that the omelet turns on you
Al girar
When turning
Y no vas a negar que tu te sueles inspirar
And you won't deny that you usually inspire
Cuando la promo sube a la tarima pa representar
When the promo goes up to the stage to represent
Asi que bajense y relajense, mire y agasajese
So get down and relax, watch and be entertained
Si quieren llegar a este nivel
If you want to reach this level
Entonces rajense
Then crack up
Nada es de regalo
Nothing is a gift
Aqui se aprende todo a palo
Here you learn everything by stick
Pero yo que tu me quito porque rapeando eres malo
But if you take me off because you're bad at rapping
Que mi cara de huevo no te confunda
Don't let my egg face confuse you
Que no habrá quien te defienda cuando te la hunda
That there will be no one to defend you when you sink it
Recuerda que no existe la primera sin segunda
Remember that there is no such thing as the first without a second
Y como la promo no hay dos
And as the promo there are no two
Pero como tu si abundan
But like you if they abound
Sigue asiendo musiquita con tu jerma
Keep holding on to music with your jerma
Hasta que se duerma
Until he falls asleep
Por aqui seguiremos en la berma, si
We'll still be on the berm this way, if
Yo soy humilde, si
I am humble, yes.
Pero saben bien a que todos los que me tiren
But they taste good to all who throw me
Me chupen la verga
Suck my dick
Hey, van pidiendo "May Day"
Hey, they're asking for "May Day"
"Mis hey Freed'
"My hey Freed'
Seguire saltando alturas como un skater
I'll keep jumping heights like a skateboarder
Un futuro oscuro como el traje de Darth Vader
A dark future like Darth Vader's suit
Yo sigo sirviendo la pista a cualquier Slater
I still serve the track to any Slater
No pierdas los paper soplon
Don't lose the paper snitch
Que para tu mala suerte tiene para rato esta canción
That for your bad luck has for a while this song
Razón por la cual tienes que
The reason why you have to
Soportarlo y aceptarlo
Endure it and accept it
Y despues de mi sigue Giancarlo, si
And after me follows Giancarlo, yes
Sabes que a la nota yo le pongo la tilde
You know that to the note I put the tick
Sin dejar de ser humilde
Without ceasing to be humble
Tu eres un gil de mierda
You are a fucking asshole
Que no sirve para na
Which is not good for na
Si ya me contaron que no te apoya ni tu mamá
If they already told me that neither your mom supports you
Yo no se que traman
I don't know what they're up to
Si es que buscan fama
If they are looking for fame
Se van a la cama
They're going to bed
Que yo estoy rapeando pa ganar mi jama
That I'm rapping to win my jama
Todo el mundo quiere la musica de mi emblema
Everybody wants the music of my emblem
Así es que yo vendo mis disco dime cual es tu problema?
So I sell my albums tell me what is your problem?
Este es mi trabajo
This is my job
Yo nunca lo tomo como un relajo
I never take it as a relaxation
Por eso a diferencia no salen de abajo
That's why unlike they do not come out from below
No es que sea mas viejo
It's not that I'm older
Pero aqui cuando yo comencé a rapear le metia con un flow
But here when I started rapping I used to mix him with a flow
Tan pendejo
Such an asshole
Te quedamos lejos
We stayed away from you
No estamos parejos
We are not even
Por eso de vez en cuando pongo un tema les doy yo pendejo
That's why from time to time I put a topic I give them asshole
La gente que sabe bien
The people who know well
Que si la musica suena elegante pues es de quien
Que si la musica suena elegante pues es de quien
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We We Don't
We We Don't
We We Dont
We We Dont
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We We Don't
We We Don't
We We Dont
We We Dont
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We We Don't
We We Don't
We We Dont
We We Dont
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
We We Don't
We We Don't
We We Dont
We We Dont
We Don't Play
We Don't Play
Tu eres MC?
Are you MC?
Dime quien carajo no es asi?
Tell me who the fuck is not like that?
Si pa la tierra que yo naci
If for the land that I was born
Puede que en el guiño no te vi
Maybe in the wink I didn't see you
Rapero de tv que solamente sueña con sacar un CD
TV rapper who only dreams of releasing a CD
Yo voy a parar cuando le metan al nivel la primera letra
I'm going to stop when they put the first letter on the level
Que yo le compuse al papel
That I composed to the paper
Soy un Papa Noel
I am a Santa Claus
Tu eres un flojo se te aflojó
You're a slacker you got slacked off
Cuando tire Flow
When I pull Flow
Para que tu entiendas el show
So that you understand the show
Pero me loqueo cada vez que yo rapeo
But I get crazy every time I rap
Como niño bueno que sale pal recreo
As a good kid who goes out... recess
(You Know)
(You Know)
Soy como Popeye en espinaca
I'm like Popeye in spinach
Si quieren combatan
If you want to fight
Que la promoción se arrebata
That the promotion is snatched
Apaga la PC y ya sal para la calle
Turn off the PC and go out to the street
No hagas que el cerebro se te raye
Don't make your brain scratch
Check this sound
Check this sound
Rapero Underground
Rapper Underground
Tus logros son finta como
Your achievements are feint like
En Smack Down
On Smack Down
La saben afuera y tambien en presidios
They know it outside and also in prisons
Opera la escuela rapero y suicidio
Opera school rapper and suicide
Cara de malo me quiere dar miedo
Bad face wants to scare me
Me paro a su costado mientras que me tiro un pedo
I stand next to her while I fart
Poff, te dejamos el micro en off
Poff, we leave the microphone off to you
Aqui tu sirves ni para el BeatBox
You're not even good for the Beatbox here
Vayan mas pa ya
Go more pa ya
Y no me pidan batalla que no dan la talla
And don't ask me for battle you don't measure up
A partir de la raya es papaya
From the stripe is papaya
Y a la competencia el culo todavia se les mueve
And the competition's ass is still moving
Pocos son los que se atreven a querer retar
Few are those who dare to want to challenge
Porque saben que los cartones se pueden reventar
Because they know that the cartons can burst
Cataplum, por aquí no te miramos ni con zoom
Cataplum, we don't even look at you with zoom around here
Ni cagando suenas bien ni aunque
Neither shitting you sound good even though
Te mentan auto tune
They lie to you auto tune
Soy como una bala tun tun
I'm like a bullet tun tun
Te reviento la entraña
I'm blowing up your insides
Si tu te vas ni tu mamá te extraña
If you leave, even your mom doesn't miss you
Yo tengo la caña para llevar este vehículo
I have the rod to carry this vehicle
Por eso es que me gusta atropellar ridículos
That's why I like to run over ridiculous
En tu compota caberan mis testículos
In your compote will fit my testicles
Nivel de Dios para estos discípulos
The level of God for these disciples
Que se encuentran verdes como Pícoro
That are found green as a Roguery
Por eso es que yo los corto como Fígaro
That's why I cut them like Figaro
Hajamaraja tu primo se raja
Hajamaraja your cousin cracks
Con el bombo y caja que suena mas paja
With the bass drum and snare drum that sounds more straw
Y es mucha ventaja el estilo es foraja
And it's a lot of advantage the style is foraja
Tu lírica está baja
Your lyrics are low
Por aquí no encaja
It doesn't fit around here
Suave no mas que tiene mas y que tiras?
Soft no more what has more and what do you throw away?
Pedirás la paz mientras que te vas para atrás
You'll ask for peace while you're going back
Soy el Sensei repartiendo la Ley
I'm the Sensei handing out the Law
"May Day" "May Day"
"May Day" "May Day"
Cuando sale
Cuando sale
"We Don't Play"
"We Don't Play"

Авторы: Braulio Gamarra Guevara, Giancarlo Quiroz Gonzales, Jean Paul Hernando Mendoza, Miguel Angel Calle Cornejo

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