Rapsusklei feat. Hazhe - Bailando Con Lobos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rapsusklei feat. Hazhe - Bailando Con Lobos

Bailando Con Lobos
Dancing With Wolves
Pobre de este angel, siempre con problemas a la espalda,
Poor this angel, always with problems on his back,
¿Por que esta carcel no me deja ver el alba?
Why doesn't this prison let me see the dawn?
No me salva nadie, si,
Nobody saves me, yeah,
Con fea vida me toco ir al baile, aaaile,
I had to go to the dance with an ugly life, aaaile,
Rompieron el corazon y lo tengo pegado con superglue,
They broke my heart and I have it glued together with superglue,
Desde los 4, 5 o 6 años,
Since I was 4, 5 or 6 years old,
Te doy las gracias,
Thank you,
Pero has de saber que tengo ansias
But you should know that I have cravings
Y esperanzas de que todo acabe, bien,
And hopes that everything will end well,
Que quiero cien males tuyos,
That I want a hundred of your evils,
Para estudiarlos y no estar escaso de recursos, no,
To study them and not be short of resources, no,
Se que hay alguien ahí que escucha mis pensamientos,
I know there's someone out there listening to my thoughts,
Sin nisiquiera tener que expresarlos,
Without even having to express them,
Le doy las gracias a él, a Carlos, Leo,
I thank him, Carlos, Leo,
Marga y Abel, Bárbara, Sharif, Oscar, Hazhe y demas hermanos,
Marga and Abel, Barbara, Sharif, Oscar, Hazhe and other brothers,
Vamos, que tiro, palante, y miro el pasado,
Come on, I throw, go ahead, and look at the past,
Y sigo cansado de estar cansado de,
And I'm still tired of being tired of,
Morir por mi estado,
Dying for my state,
De dormir malhumorado,
Sleeping in a bad mood,
Y disgustado con pasado, ¡que putada!
And disgusted with the past, what a bitch!
Ahora que ya empezaba a estar acostumbrado a algo, claro,
Now that I was starting to get used to something, of course,
Te fumas 8 porros en ayunas, te bebes 3 cervezas,
You smoke 8 joints while fasting, you drink 3 beers,
Comes mal y duermes poco, yo no se de que te quejas,
You eat badly and sleep little, I don't know what you're complaining about,
No estas activo,
You are not active,
Te evades sin motivo,
You evade without reason,
Vida sedentaria,
Sedentary life,
Es el abrigo de este amigo mio,
It's the shelter of this friend of mine,
Ahora que ya empezaba a estar acostumbrado a algo, claro,
Now that I was starting to get used to something, of course,
No puedo dejarme caer,
I can't let myself fall,
Tendria que volver a subir,
I'd have to go back up,
Volver a perder,
Go back to losing,
Volver a sufrir,
Go back to suffering,
Volver a tener que ese punto de mira del poder,
Having to go back to that point of view of power,
Volver a volver a volver,
Go back to go back to go back,
Palabras se las lleva el aire,
Words are carried away by the air,
Llamame Don Diego, o Don Nadie,
Call me Don Diego, or Don Nobody,
O buscame en la calle, ye ye,
Or look for me on the street, ye ye,
O sal de la cueva del silencio callejero donde te encontre,
Or get out of the cave of street silence where I found you,
Ven, donde el olvido no tenga nombre,
Come, where oblivion has no name,
Donde felicidad nos corresponde, y no habite el hombre,
Where happiness belongs to us, and man does not dwell,
Pez, grande se come al chico, y el rico se come al pobre, ay,
Fish, big eats the small, and the rich eats the poor, oh,
La historia es sobre,
The story is about,
Esta fea vida con la que nos toco bailar aquel dia de ayer con un terror enorme,
This ugly life that we had to dance with that day yesterday with enormous terror,
Cuenta la leyenda, que este menda,
Legend has it that this beggar,
Que este niño de la selva, juega con fuego y no se quema,
That this jungle boy plays with fire and doesn't get burned,
Que mas da si el tema,
What does it matter if the subject,
Nos, sale luego, que yo me quedo contemplando,
We, come out later, that I stay contemplating,
Ya que ando algo pedo y no me importa,
Since I'm a little drunk and I don't care,
Bailar con la mas fea, bailar con la vida mas perra,
Dancing with the ugliest, dancing with the bitchiest life,
La vida mas perra...
The bitchiest life...
¡Bailando con lobos!
¡Dancing with wolves!
Me conto el viejo olmo,
The old elm told me,
Humano sea ha quedado sin recursos llegado hasta el colmo,
Human being has been left without resources reaching the top,
Desagradable vidilla de plomo poned el pomulo,
Unpleasant little lead life put the cheekbone,
El lomo y todo y no encontrar un solo, camino apto,
The loin and everything and not finding a single, suitable path,
Bien sabe Dios que si no pacto con diablo, ni hablo ni capto.
God knows well that if I don't make a pact with the devil, I don't speak or capture.
Ni relajo mis taquicardias, rabias,
Neither do I relax my tachycardia, anger,
De un par de dias, varias,
From a couple of days, several,
Sobre mis sandalias,
On my sandals,
Busco el porque de este sin nombre,
I look for the reason for this nameless,
Busco todo aquello que se esconde,
I look for everything that hides,
Detras del uniforme,
Behind the uniform,
De mi inconsciente,
Of my unconscious,
Quiero vivir lejos de la gente,
I want to live away from people,
Con mi familia siguiente,
With my next family,
Y que niños no me nazcan en probetas,
And that children are not born to me in test tubes,
Quiero un niño y una niña no muy fumetas,
I want a boy and a girl, not too stoned,
Y los dos poetas,
And both poets,
Y el Pirineo como entorno,
And the Pyrenees as an environment,
Y no ver como engordo,
And not see how fat I get,
En un sofa de una ciudad que gira entorno a,
On a sofa in a city that revolves around,
Su propio intento,
Its own attempt,
De salir del pueblo y codearse con cierto,
To get out of town and rub shoulders with certain,
Amor desierto,
Love deserted,
Y tu,
And you,
¡porque no me cuentas algo nuevo?
Why don't you tell me something new?
Niño, quizás sea por miedo a mi dominio,
Child, perhaps it is for fear of my dominion,
Quizas sea por miedo al exterminio,
Perhaps it is for fear of extermination,
Todos intentan ser alguien,
Everyone tries to be someone,
Chachi o maca,
Chachi or maca,
Y yo tengo momentos como todos,
And I have moments like everyone else,
Momentos de lucidez, si,
Moments of lucidity, yes,
Momentos de pasar de todo,
Moments to move on from everything,
Tengo momentos que estoy tan mongolo,
I have moments when I'm so dumb,
Que jodo maño la estamos dando desde luego,
That jodo maño we are giving it of course,
Hazte otra "L", y que el humo suba, suba,
Make yourself another "L", and let the smoke rise, rise,
Quema, lia, enchufa, fuma y rula
Burn, lia, plug in, smoke and roll
Y prepara otro,
And prepare another,
Que vamos de viaje al paraiso de esta china o de esta flor de loto,
That we are going on a trip to the paradise of this china or this lotus flower,
Dejemos de bailar con esta vida,
Let's stop dancing with this life,
Pintada con maquillaje y disfrazada de chica fina,
Painted with makeup and disguised as a fine girl,
Todos sabemos que no se puede,
We all know that you can't,
Hacer que depresiones nos consuelen,
Make depressions comfort us,
Prisiones nos huelen, aunque,
Prisons smell us, although,
No dejare que nadie impida, que mis pensamientos vuelen,
I will not let anyone prevent my thoughts from flying,
A pan y agua nos mantienen,
They keep us on bread and water,
A mi me da igual lo que piensen,
I don't care what they think,
Pobrecitos de ellos que no sienten,
Poor them that don't feel,
Y hacen lo de todos,
And they do everyone's,
Agua que no has de beber,
Water that you should not drink,
Dejar correr,
Let it run,
Sería lo mas sabio que podria hacer tu lengua viperina
It would be the wisest thing your viperine tongue could do
Yo tengo un mundo,
I have a world,
Y un cielo,
And a heaven,
Y un mar de dudas,
And a sea of doubts,
Que no se si quiero, de veras prefiero
That I don't know if I want, I really prefer
Vivir alejado del pastor aquél al que llaman dinero,
Live away from the shepherd they call money,
Que yo no quiero ser cordero,
That I don't want to be a lamb,
Apartao del rebaño estará Rapsus,
Rapsus will be separated from the flock,
Homo homini lupus,
Homo homini lupus,
Mi manada de lobitus, no.
My pack of little wolves, no.
Siempre bailando con la vida mas fea,
Always dancing with the ugliest life,
Con la vida mas perra.
With the bitchiest life.
¡Bailando Con Lobos!
¡Dancing With Wolves!

Авторы: Diego Gil Fernández

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