The solution is therefore on the other side of the river,
Maman! Papa! Si je m'en vais comme ça
Mom! Dad! If I leave like this
C'est que l'ambassadeur ne veut plus nous donner de visa
It's because the ambassador no longer wants to give us visas
Ne m'en voulez pas, je ne vais pas à Ibiza
Don't be mad at me, I'm not going to Ibiza
Je suis dans une pirogue et on va vers Les Canaries Ah (oua oua),
I'm in a canoe and we're going to the Canary Islands Ah (oua oua),
Voici le premier jour du reste de ma vie
Here's the first day of the rest of my life
Condamné à la clandestinité comme un bandit
Condemned to clandestinity like a bandit
Faut que j'apprenne à limiter mes désirs et mes envies
I have to learn to limit my desires and my cravings
Everyday i'm husteling du lundi au lundi,
Everyday i'm hustling from Monday to Monday,
(Falta la letra entre 1: 07 y 1: 19)
(Falta la letra entre 1: 07 y 1: 19)
Él vino pensando que aquí todo eran trofeos
He came thinking that everything here was trophies
Y los sueños al desnudo en el pozo de los deseos
And dreams naked in the well of desires
En busca de una tierra prometida
In search of a promised land
Y en vez de princesas se encontró promesas incumplidas,
And instead of princesses he found broken promises,
Quería darle a su familia vida entera
He wanted to give his family a whole life
Per mama llora, perdió a su otro hijo en la patera, quiso
But mom cries, she lost her other son in the boat, he wanted to
Cruzar fronteras y encontrar otro camino
Cross borders and find another way
Mas por cosas del destino le tocó ser clandestino, vino,
But by things of fate he had to be a clandestine, he came,
Le salió bien y murió a garras del abismo
He did well and died in the clutches of the abyss
Y su hermano sufre la discriminación del racismo
And his brother suffers the discrimination of racism
Europa es un seísmo
Europe is an earthquake
La paz mundial un espejismo
World peace is a mirage
A pesar de ser todos lo mismo
Despite being all the same
Nada es como creía si solo muerte te alcanza
Nothing is as I believed if only death reaches you
Aunque digan que lo último que se pierde es la esperanza,
Although they say that the last thing that is lost is hope,
Nadie te dice que todos tenemos dueños
Nobody tells you that we all have owners
Tú ya compraste el billete de viaje a los falsos sueños.
You already bought the ticket to travel to false dreams.
Je vois la lumière de la ville, j'ai quitté ma famille pour le chemin de l'asile. C'est le destin qui m'appelle, il m'a promit une existence beaucoup plus belle.
I see the city lights, I left my family for the path of asylum. It's destiny calling me, it promised me a much better life.
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