Rapsusklei - Star solo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rapsusklei - Star solo

Star solo
Star solo
Yo aqui tan solo, despues de tantos tiempos,
Yo here, so alone, after all this time,
Recordando, 1998, 99yah.
Remembering, 1998, 99yah.
Aquellos maravillosos años, que cruzabamos fronteras sin nada, yahh.
Those wonderful years, when we crossed borders with nothing, yahh.
Hablar por hablar son comentarios sencillos,
Talking just to talk, those are simple comments,
Cuando mentes sencillas no dan mas de si al pensar
When simple minds can't think any further
Metere la cabeza dentro del agua hasta que no respire
I'll stick my head underwater until I can't breathe
Y solo así conseguiré extinguirme.
And only then will I manage to extinguish myself.
Dejarle paso a la señora guadaña para ser feliz
Make way for Mrs. Grim Reaper to be happy
Y para no agobiarme al vivir,
And so as not to burden myself while living,
Pienso en la muerte, tanto como en la vida,
I think about death, as much as I think about life,
No metas las zarpas co, esta es mi movida.
Don't stick your claws in, co, this is my move.
Y es que me estan exprimiendo, sudandome la ultima gota
And the thing is, they're squeezing me dry, sweating the last drop out of me
Y sin fe ya no te acepta la derrota,
And without faith, defeat is no longer accepted,
Por eso se que por mis huevos
That's why I know by my balls
Tengo que seguir intentando luchar sin entrar en manos de su juego.
I have to keep trying to fight without falling into their game.
Detesto tanto este momento,
I hate this moment so much,
Detesto tanto escribir testamento antes de tiempo,
I hate writing a will before my time so much,
Por desear morir tan pronto algun dia me daran pronto,
For wishing to die so soon, one day they will give me soon,
Y cambiare el delirio que m da el vidrio por el suicidio, ay que tonto.
And I will change the delirium that the glass gives me for suicide, oh how foolish.
De tan mal plan, es como lo monto,
Of such a bad plan, it's how I set it up,
Cara cara a la vida pregunto pues muerte fue quien me conto
Face to face with life I ask, because death was the one who told me
Que una vez muerto pocas promesas te quedan por cumplir,
That once dead, there are few promises left to keep,
Pocas ilusiones por destruir.
Few illusions to destroy.
Punto medio no lo inflavaloran,
They don't value the middle ground,
En el cielo traicionan, en el infierno te condemoran,
In heaven they betray, in hell they condemn you,
Que una vez muerto no se sufre
That once dead you don't suffer
Ni por esas caras de odio, envidia, ni por esa cara dulce.
Not for those faces of hate, envy, nor for that sweet face.
No puedo completar el puzzle, demasiadas nubes traen tormenta,
I can't complete the puzzle, too many clouds bring storms,
Demasiados angeles me tientan
Too many angels tempt me
Hay que ir de una vez por todas a la casa de dios
I have to go once and for all to the house of God
O al mismo infierno y perder mi alma, voto y voz.
Or to hell itself and lose my soul, vote and voice.
Demasiado lobo feroz para demasiado corderillo
Too much big bad wolf for too much little lamb
Asustadizo y, me cago en dios,
Scaredy-cat and, I shit on God,
El agua no riza mi rizo
The water doesn't ripple my curl
Y ayer me perdi en el panizo, va bien demasiado enfermizo.
And yesterday I got lost in the cornfield, it's going well, too sickly.
Esquizofrenico vagando por los mundos de dios,
Schizophrenic wandering through the worlds of God,
Cagandome en dios, cagandome en dios, cagandome en dios,
Shitting on God, shitting on God, shitting on God,
Me cague en dios de primerizo,
I shit on God as a first-timer,
Hoy medio pasao de arroz me autosodomizo.
Today, half-baked with rice, I self-sodomize.
No me persones hiphop,
Don't personify me hip hop,
Si te utilizo como no me perdona la vida,
If I use you as life doesn't forgive me,
Esto de tener que vivir muerto y sin gota en el grifo,
This having to live dead and without a drop in the tap,
Yo aqui marmota sin saber que es lo que me hizo pensar.
Me here, a marmot, not knowing what made me think.
Aquello de empezar a cagarme en todos, vivos o muertos.
That thing about starting to shit on everyone, dead or alive.
Y yo aqui tan solo,
And me here, so alone,
Tu alli danzando y bebiendo y yo aqui soñando, escribiendo,
You there dancing and drinking and me here dreaming, writing,
Yo a, yo aqui tan solo,
Yo a, me here, so alone,
Luna creciente creciente, mundo menguante menguante.
Crescent moon growing, waning world waning.
Yo aqui tan solo,
Me here, so alone,
Tu con todos en el aire y yo aqui tan solo y sin nadie,
You with everyone in the air and me here so alone and with no one,
Yo aqui tan solo,
Me here, so alone,
Ven a mi lado mi lady y ponme melodio a mi lodo.
Come to my side my lady and make my mud melodious.
Yo aqui tan solo,
Me here, so alone,
Yo aqui tan solo,
Me here, so alone,
Ven a mi lado mi lady y ponme melodio a mi lodo.
Come to my side my lady and make my mud melodious.
Detesto tanto este momento,
I hate this moment so much,
Detesto al texto cuando se pone violento
I hate the text when it gets violent
Detesto cuando se ciega y hasta que se pliega buen intento,
I hate when it goes blind and until it folds, good try,
Ahi clavame, clavame y tenme contento co.
There, nail me, nail me and keep me happy co.
Que voy a hacer si escribo negro,
What am I going to do if I write black,
Si veo negro, oigo negro, si esto esta mas podrido que el Ebro,
If I see black, hear black, if this is more rotten than the Ebro,
Que voy a hacer si no enebro listo,
What am I going to do if I don't juniper ready,
Pido un misto, fumo un pisto y me visto de negro si.
I ask for a mixed one, I smoke a pistol and I dress in black yes.
Que vuestro mundo multicolor esta perdiendo el brillo,
That your multicolored world is losing its shine,
Listillo espera a que se borre,
Smarty pants wait for it to erase,
Espera a que narre historias de este peon
Wait for me to narrate stories of this pawn
Sin caballo, ni rey, ni torre corres y barre.
Without a horse, or king, or rook, you run and sweep.
Erre que erre, ayer agarre, veo hora tras hora,
Erre que erre, yesterday I grabbed, I see hour after hour,
Recorri Babilonia, Sodoma y Gomorra,
I toured Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah,
Solo camorra buscan macarras,
Only brawls are sought by thugs,
Yo sin perras ni porros estoy que me subo a la parra.
I without bitches or joints am that I climb the vine.
Para Rapsus lo que te queda de raper perdido en jarra perdido en barra,
For Rapsus what's left of you rapper lost in jar lost in bar,
No parlas sin farla y sin farla con guerra en el tarro,
You don't talk without farla and without farla with war in the jar,
Como en el erria un etarra con tierra,
Like in the erria an etarra with earth,
Echa barro por perreria contra el que narra.
Throw mud out of meanness against the one who narrates.
Ahhh, cagado con todos y cosalada,
Ahhh, pissed off with everyone and salty,
Ya no entiendo nada de esta vida loca que me ampara,
I no longer understand anything about this crazy life that protects me,
Si, si desenfoca mi lampara yo sigo dando vara,
Yes, yes, if my lamp is out of focus, I keep giving a stick,
En taravara que mi se no se quede en tara.
In taravara that my it doesn't stay in tara.
Nunca quise ser Pele, para no ser pelele,
I never wanted to be Pele, so as not to be a puppet,
No quise salir en tele por si acabo en telele,
I didn't want to go on TV in case I ended up on TV,
Solo salir de atmosfera,
Just get out of the atmosphere,
Perderme en el cosmos, de toos moos lo que sea sera.
Get lost in the cosmos, of all moos whatever will be will be.
Ahhh, estare tan solo en todos lados,
Ahhh, I'll be so alone everywhere,
Ya que no tengo movil y Batman y Robin estan retirados,
Since I don't have a cell phone and Batman and Robin are retired,
Drogas pueden hacer milagros,
Drugs can work miracles,
Y hay milagros haciendo el burro y yo aqui desmadro.
And there are miracles working the donkey and me here in a mess.
Aunque yo paso de ir al baño,
Even though I don't go to the bathroom,
Si no son 3 por cada caño mientes engaño entre plata y estaño,
If it's not 3 per pipe you lie deceit between silver and tin,
Elige entre el cielo o el infierno,
Choose between heaven or hell,
Verano o invierno, ir al sueño eterno.
Summer or winter, go to eternal sleep.
Ya te dije, me antoje aquello de morir vivo,
I already told you, I craved that thing about dying alive,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, cerrado por derribo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, closed for demolition.
Y yo aqui tan solo,
And me here, so alone,
Luna creciente creciente mundo menguante menguante,
Crescent moon growing, waning world waning,
Yo a, yo aqui tan solo,
Yo a, me here, so alone,
Tu alli danzando y bebiendo y yo aqui soñando escribiendo.
You there dancing and drinking and me here dreaming, writing.
Yo aqui tan solo,
Me here, so alone,
Tu con todos en el aire y yo aqui tan solo y sin nadie,
You with everyone in the air and me here so alone and with no one,
Yo aqui tan solo,
Me here, so alone,
Ven a mi lado mi lady y ponme melodio a mi lodo.
Come to my side my lady and make my mud melodious.
Yo aki tan solooooo
Me here, so aloooooone
Con tanto mongolo suelto.
With so many mongrels on the loose.
Detesto tanto tanto esto,
I hate this so much,
Pero tengo que hacerlo por lo menos pa sentirme honesto
But I have to do it at least to feel honest
Un gran lo siento a todos, a mi viejo lo propuesto,
A big sorry to everyone, to my old man what I proposed,
A mi vieja un indigesto gesto, al Leo el don del texto.
To my old lady an indigestible gesture, to Leo the gift of the text.
Al mayor todo mi poco valor le presto,
To the eldest I lend all my little courage,
A mi chunguiñaos el caos os lo dare al resto,
To my chunguiñaos the chaos I will give to the rest,
No puedo daros mucho mas,
I can't give you much more,
Lo escondido lo escondere para que no lo abrais jamas.
What is hidden I will hide so that you never open it.
Yeahhh, yo aqui tan solo,
Yeahhh, me here, so alone,
Tu alli danzando y bebiendo, soñando, escribiendo,
You there dancing and drinking, dreaming, writing,
Luna en creciente y el mundo en menguante,
Crescent moon and the world waning,
Yahhh yahhh.
Yahhh yahhh.

Авторы: Diego Gil Fernandez, Eric Rafael Cunningham Sarabia

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