Rasmus Seebach - De Ka' Sig' Hva' De Vil - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Rasmus Seebach - De Ka' Sig' Hva' De Vil

De Ka' Sig' Hva' De Vil
Whatever They Say
Vi, vi. Okay jeg er klar
We, We. Okay I'm ready
Vi kommer altid lidt for sent,
We are always a little late,
Vi to skal altid lave en scene,
We always have to make a scene,
Prøver at liste ind,
Trying to sneak in,
Men det bliver en hvirvelvind.
But it turns into a whirlwind.
De si'r vi burde være lukket ind,
They say we should be locked up,
Vi to vi danser i måneskind
We two dance in the moonlight
Vi passer sammen fint,
We go together so well,
Som ild og benzin
Like fire and petrol
Du den smukkeste katastrofe
You're the most beautiful catastrophe
Du vender op og ned mit liv
You turn my life upside down
Jeg ved der er torne hver en rose,
I know there are thorns on every rose,
Men baby, jeg' slet ikk' i tvivl
But baby, I have no doubt
Om at vi, er verdens mest umage par
That we are the world's most mismatched couple
Men åhh du er dejlig
But oh you're so pretty
Måske en smule vanvittig men,
Maybe a little crazy but,
Det nok det jeg godt kan li'
That's probably what I like about it
Lad det blive os to for evigt
Let it be just the two of us, forever
Det os to mod verden, du har mit hjerte
It's just the two of us against the world, you have my heart
De kan sig lige præcis hvad de vil,
They can say whatever they want,
Når vi kysser i regnvejr,(de ka' sig' hva' de vil)
When we kiss in the rain, (they can say whatever they want)
For der er kun dig og mig her(de ka' sig' hva' de vil)
Because there is only you and me here (they can say whatever they want)
Når vi fester en mandag (de ka' sig' hva' de vil) åh åh
When we party on a Monday (they can say whatever they want) oh oh
Du tager mig altid længere ud,
You always take me further out,
Du ser fandens fucking lækker ud,
You look so damn good,
Det der trick er fejt
That trick is unfair
Du ved jeg ikk' kan sige nej,
You know I can't say no,
De siger at vi ikk' er helt normal,
They say we're not normal,
Hele byen tror at det ender galt,
The whole town thinks it's going to end badly,
Prøver at spiltte os ad
They're trying to split us up
Men jeg er ligeglad
But I don't care
For du er den smukkeste katastrofe
Because you're the most beautiful catastrophe
Du vender op og ned mit liv
You turn my life upside down
Jeg ved der er torne hver en rose,
I know there are thorns on every rose,
Men baby, jeg' slet ikk' i tvivl
But baby, I have no doubt
Om at vi, er verdens mest umage par
That we are the world's most mismatched couple
Men åhh du er dejlig
But oh you're so pretty
Måske en smule vanvittig men,
Maybe a little crazy but,
Det nok det jeg godt kan li'
That's probably what I like about it
Lad det blive os to for evigt
Let it be just the two of us, forever
Os to mod verden, du har mit hjerte
Just the two of us against the world, you have my heart
De kan sig lige præcis hvad de vil,
They can say whatever they want,
Når vi kysser i regnvejr,(de ka' sig' hva' de vil)
When we kiss in the rain, (they can say whatever they want)
For der er kun dig og mig her(de ka' sig' hva' de vil)
Because there is only you and me here (they can say whatever they want)
Når vi fester en tirsdag (de ka' sig' hva' de vil)
When we party on a Tuesday (they can say whatever they want)
Åh åh åh
Oh oh oh
Når vi slår op for 10. Gang, lad dem sig' hva' de vil
When we break up for the 10th time, let them say whatever they want
Når vi igen finder sammen, lad dem sig' hva' de vil
When we get back together again, let them say whatever they want
Når vi en dag skal giftes, hey!
When we get married one day, hey!
lad dem sig' hvad de vil
Then let them say what they want
De kan sig' hva' de vil
They can say whatever they want
Lad dem sig' hva' de vil
Let them say whatever they want

Авторы: Nicolai Seebach, Rasmus Seebach, Lars Ankerstjerne Christensen

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