Rasta - Moja Stvar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rasta - Moja Stvar

Moja Stvar
My Thing
Ja sam k′o klinac napustio školu, batalio klupu
I dropped out of school like a kid, fought in the class
Hteo svoj dinar, tad im'o sam 15, nastup′o u klubu
I wanted my money, then I was 15, I played in the club
I mama je rekla "Slaba je vajda", ništa od mene
And my mother said, "It's a bad idea", nothing about me
Dok jednog dana na sto nisam bacio evre
Until one day I threw money on the table
I hvala Bogu, nisam bogat rođen
And thank God, I wasn't born rich
Sećam se, nekad živeo sam u tries kvadrata
I remember, I used to live in a three-room apartment
I znao sam da jednom sve na svoje dođe
And I knew that one day everything will get better
Vidi me sada, luksuzna gajba u centru grada
Look at me now, living in a luxury mansion in the city center
A vidi sad koje smeće bi da zna
Now look at this trash, they want to know
Koga to viđam s kim spavam i da li imam lovu
Who do I see, who do I sleep with, and do I have money?
Ali sve je samo moja stvar, je-e
But it's all just my business, you know
I ulice su moje
And the streets are mine
A vidi sad koje smeće bi da zna
But look at this trash, they want to know
Koga to viđam s kim spavam i da li imam lovu
Who do I see, who do I sleep with, and do I have money?
Ali sve je samo moja stvar, je-e
But it's all just my business, you know
I ulice su moje
And the streets are mine
A ja sam odavno izgubio sve svoje
And I lost everything I had a long time ago
A to su, kažu mi, posledice rata
And they tell me are the consequences of the war
I tad su me poslali moji da znali su biće mi mnogo bolje
And then my parents sent me away, because they knew I could do better
Zvao sam mamu stalno da pitam kako je tata
I kept calling my mother to ask how my father was doing
A ja, klinac k'o klinac, sam lutao gradom i gledao ljude
And I, just a kid, wandered around the city and watched people
Nisam im'o za kartu, al′ šofer me pusti da uđem i sednem
I didn't have money for a ticket, but the bus driver let me in anyway
I danas kad imam, veruj mi, dao bi′ kol'ko mu treba
And today, when I have money, believe me, I would give him as much as he needs
Jer danas se uvek setim dok vozim svoj Jeep, Mercedes
Because today, I always remember when I used to drive my Jeep, Mercedes
I hvala Bogu, nisam bogat rođen
And thank God, I wasn't born rich
Sećam se, nekad snimao sam u deset kvadrata
I remember, I used to record in a ten-room apartment
I znao sam da jednom sve na svoje dođe
And I knew that one day everything will get better
Vidi me sada, novi studio na dva sprata
Look at me now, a new studio on two floors
A vidi sad koje smeće bi da zna
But look at this trash, they want to know
Koga to viđam s kim spavam i da li imam lovu
Who do I see, who do I sleep with, and do I have money?
Ali sve je samo moja stvar, je-e
But it's all just my business, you know
I ulice su moje
And the streets are mine
A vidi sad koje smeće bi da zna
But look at this trash, they want to know
Koga to viđam s kim spavam i da li imam lovu
Who do I see, who do I sleep with, and do I have money?
Ali sve je samo moja stvar, je-e
But it's all just my business, you know
I ulice su moje
And the streets are mine

Авторы: Stefan đurić

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