Rayden - Gargantua - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rayden - Gargantua

Deja que hablen
Let them talk, my dear
Que se suban y suman
Let them climb and sum
Que presuman de alas, de cera y de plumas
Let them boast of wings, of wax and feathers
Ícaro, que ninguno bajará la luna
Icarus, none will bring the moon down
Deja que atraiga los focos
Let them attract the spotlight's glare
Que busque la foto y las ponga a la alfombra
Seek the photo op and flaunt it everywhere
Deja que atraiga las moscas
Let them attract the flies
Que yo soy el pasto que crece en la sombra
For I am the grass that grows in the shade, wise
Deja que se crean los nuevos ritmos
Let them think they've crafted new beats
Que se crean jeques, Tío Gilito
Believe they're sheiks, Scrooge McDuck, elites
Que no toco bola
I don't play ball, you see
Toco el cora' con un gusto exquisito
I touch the heart with exquisite artistry
Que ya te lo dije
I've told you before, my love
Que a no me comen cuando ni siquiera me tragan
They can't eat me if they can't even shove
Dejad que derrochen
Let them waste their wealth and fame
Parecen el crío que pule su primera paga
Like a child polishing his first paycheck, it's a shame
Que les oigan de fondo
Let them be heard in the background noise
Pero que en el fondo me escuchen a
But deep down, let them hear my voice
Luego que suenen frescos
Let them sound fresh, a fleeting trend
Os dejen fríos, bolsillos llenos, sartén vacío
Leave you cold, pockets full, but a frying pan empty, my friend
Mucho artificio el que veo
So much artifice I see
Mucho postureo el que veo
So much posturing, believe me
Pero algo no cuadra cuando el que te canta saluda
But something's off when the singer greets
Y usa el Auto-Tune hasta para dar gracias (¡palabra!)
And uses Auto-Tune even to give thanks in the streets (word!)
No me lo creo, no me los creo, no se lo creen
I don't believe them, they don't believe themselves, it's a lie
Se autoparodian haciendo un papel
They self-parody, playing a role, oh my
Que me de pe a pa, vaya paripé
I know it by heart, what a charade
Se vanaglorian sin saber de qué
They boast without knowing why, it's sad
Si más bien nos hacen un flaco favor
Doing us a disservice, that's bad
Por cada billete lanzado en un vídeo
For every bill thrown in a video's scene
La música pierde todo su valor
Music loses its value, it's obscene
Hmm, no me digan que no os avisé
Hmm, don't say I didn't warn you, dear
Mucho invento, mucho intento de
So much invention, so much attempt to appear
Todo lo que se hace en USA
Like everything done in the USA
Mucha copia, mucho control C
So much copying, control C all the way
Mucha pose, mucho maniquí
So much posing, mannequins on display
Poca musa, mucho marketing
Little muse, just marketing's sway
Simpre tienen algo que contar
They always have something to impart
Pero pocas saben qué decir
But few know what to say from the heart
Ah, deja que coja las llaves del carro
Ah, let me grab the car keys, let's ride
Y que quemen rueda
And let them burn rubber with pride
Que tallen la cara en madera
Carve their faces in wood, it's their way
Y en piezas de barro, que creen escuela
And in pieces of clay, let them create their own clay
Que estén de la modo, ¡qué rayos!
Let them be in vogue, what the heck!
Que sean la moda y les ponga la estrella
Let them be the trend, get the star on their neck
Y que luego se estrellan con letras vacías
And then crash with empty lyrics, it's true
Cuando toda moda sea pasajera
When all trends fade, what will they do?
Deja que miren por encima o se miren solo al ombligo
Let them look down their noses or at their own navel
Que se pierdan en su continente
Lost in their continent, unable
Y lo antepongan a dar contenido
To prioritize giving content that's real
Que contenten a un cliente objetivo
Let them please a target clientele
Llamando producto a lo que llamo ruido
Calling product what I call noise, it's a tale
Donde un uno porciento es extracto
Where one percent is extract, pure and raw
El resto son aditivos
The rest are additives, that's the law
Y que me miran mal
And I know they look at me with disdain
Pero nunca cambiará el plan
But the plan will never change, it's plain
Sin miedo al miedo, sin miedo a lo que dirán
Without fear of fear, of what they'll say
Me miran de reojo
They glance sideways, come what may
Pero odiar es para flojos
But hating is for the weak, I say
Y que me miran mal
And I know they look at me with disdain
Pero nunca cambiará el plan
But the plan will never change, it's plain
Sin miedo al miedo, sin miedo a lo que dirán
Without fear of fear, of what they'll say
Me miran de reojo
They glance sideways, come what may
Pero odiar es para flojos
But hating is for the weak, I say
Deja que caigan en la dejadez
Let them fall into laziness' hold
En la cola mordida del pez, en la ostentación
In the fish's bitten tail, ostentation bold
Que caigan las torres más altas sin manos que van de farol
Let the tallest towers fall without hands, a bluff we see
A todo impostor que deja escenarios
To every impostor who leaves stages bare
Como escenas del crimen
Like crime scenes, beyond compare
Matando este arte
Killing this art, it's a cruel game
Cada vez que se canta lo que no se vive
Every time they sing what they don't live, it's a shame
Deja que se arruinen y aprendan de nuevo
Let them go broke and learn anew
Y de nuevo vuelvan a ser la persona
And once again become the person true
Que dejen de hablar de dinero o al menos que sea en otro idioma
Let them stop talking about money, or at least in another tongue
Que yo solo tres idiomas
For I only know three languages, my song
Directo, de frente y con huevos
Direct, head-on, with guts and might
Palabras grabadas a fuego
Words engraved in fire, burning bright
No son solo pólvora, no son fogueo
Not just gunpowder, not a mere display
Duele como pelotas de goma
It hurts like rubber bullets, come what may
Como injusticias, como recortes, como pagar a la corte
Like injustices, cuts, paying the court's fee
Como el rescate de muertos en alta mar
Like rescuing the dead at sea
Que huyen de la muerte sin pasaporte
Fleeing death without a passport, you see
Como corruptos que generan odio
Like corrupt officials who breed hate's fire
Para que encierren después al ratero
So they can lock up the thief, their desire
Que por el atraco lo escriban en un folio
Let the robbery be written on a page, their game
Como monopolios que pagan miserias
Like monopolies paying measly wages, it's a shame
Como programas de tele que asedian
Like TV shows that besiege and intrude
Como buitres por el morbo
Like vultures drawn to morbid food
A familias que sufren tragedias
Families suffering tragedies untold
Y demás temas que tocan la fibra
And other issues that touch the soul so deep
Y supuran haciendo que yo las describa
Festering, making me describe the weep
Yo por eso escribo
That's why I write, can't you see?
Para hacer que se cierre la herida
To help the wound finally heal, set it free
¿Y por qué escribes?
And why do you write, tell me?
Y que me miran mal
And I know they look at me with disdain
Pero nunca cambiará el plan
But the plan will never change, it's plain
Sin miedo al miedo, sin miedo a lo que dirán
Without fear of fear, of what they'll say
Me miran de reojo
They glance sideways, come what may
Pero odiar es para flojos
But hating is for the weak, I say
Y que me miran mal
And I know they look at me with disdain
Pero nunca cambiará el plan
But the plan will never change, it's plain
Sin miedo al miedo, sin miedo a lo que dirán
Without fear of fear, of what they'll say
Me miran de reojo
They glance sideways, come what may
Pero odiar es para flojos
But hating is for the weak, I say
Yo soy puro amor
I am pure love, come what may

Авторы: David Martinez Alvarez

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