Realidade Cruel - Tristes Recordações - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Realidade Cruel - Tristes Recordações

Tristes Recordações
Sad Memories
- Grandma, Grandma
- Que foi filho?
- What is it, son?
- Cade meu pai?
- Where's my dad?
Mano ve sua foto me da um aperto no peito
Bro, seeing your picture gives me a tightness in my chest
A saudade é infinita e não tem jeito
The longing is infinite and there's no way around it
Se preferio role com os maluco do crime
He preferred hanging out with the bad guys
Farinha avontade, roupa de grife
Plenty of cocaine, only designer clothes
De nike shox, no pulso swat, na cinta as glock
Nike Shox, a Swatch on his wrist, a Glock on his belt
Obsecado pela morte
Obsessed with death
Foi várias vezes destaque no cidade alerta
He was featured many times on "Cidade Alerta" [Brazilian news program]
Ve sua história interpretada no linha direta
See his story interpreted on "Linha Direta" [Brazilian true crime show]
Foi como um premio, neh, um oscar, um máximo
It was like an award, right, an Oscar, the best
Saber q tava na lista
Knowing he was on the list
Dos 10 mais procurados dos dek
Of the 10 most wanted by the DEIC [Department of Criminal Investigations]
Pra você foi motivo de orgulho
For you, it was a source of pride
Contagem regressiva no IML, cadaver com furos
Countdown at the IML [Medical Legal Institute], a corpse riddled with bullets
So questao de tempo mano se sabia
It was only a matter of time, bro, you knew it
Então do que valeu ser sanguinario na jualheria
So what was the point of being bloodthirsty at the jewelry store
Ter sempre na goma, so os baguiu da hora
Always having the good stuff, the latest things
E acaba com o cranio furado de bala pelos tiro da rota
And ending up with a skull full of bullet holes from the cops
Mano me diz do que que valeu
Bro, tell me, what was the point
Do que valeu, do que valeu
What was the point, what was the point?
Dinheiro maldito, cadeia, enterro
Cursed money, prison, burial
Do que que valeu, do que que valeu
What was the point, what was the point?
Mano me diz do que que valeu
Bro, tell me, what was the point
Do que que valeu, do que que valeu
What was the point, what was the point
Se no mundo do crime o final é o mesmo do que que valeu
Because in the world of crime, the end is the same, what was the point
A vida é loka
Life is crazy
Lembro de nois no campão
I remember us at the field
Empinando pipa, correndo atraz de balão
Flying kites, running after balloons
Os anos se passaram o destino foi ironico
Years went by, fate was ironic
Vc troco a igreja pra assalta no caixa eletronico
You traded the church to rob ATMs
Quantos e quantos pais de familia me falam
So many fathers tell me
enquadro no farol com a PT na cara
You pulled up at the traffic light with a PT [pistol] in your face
Era divertido neh vc com 16, roubando até umas hora
It was fun, right, you were only 16, robbing until late
No trafico fregues
A regular in the drug trade
Com uma de vagabunda interessera a sua volta
With a bunch of sluts interested around you
Ouro no pescoço, H externa, carteira, os dolar
Gold chains, an external hard drive, a wallet, dollars
Ainda lembro da mãe com a biblia e as lágrimas angustiada
I still remember mom with the Bible and tears of anguish
Orando no canto da sala
Praying in the corner of the living room
Então do que valeu sonha com civic sonha com audi
So what was the point of dreaming of a Civic, dreaming of an Audi
Se a passagem rumo ao inferno pelo crime é a morte
If the ticket to hell through crime is death
Ter sempre ao redor so os baguiu dahora
Always having the good stuff around you
E acaba com o cranio furado de bala pelos tiro da rota
And ending up with a skull full of bullet holes from the cops
Mano me diz do que que valeu
Bro, tell me, what was the point
Do que valeu, do que valeu
What was the point, what was the point?
Dinheiro maldito, cadeia, enterro
Cursed money, prison, burial
Do que que valeu, do que que valeu
What was the point, what was the point?
Mano me diz do que que valeu
Bro, tell me, what was the point
Do que que valeu, do que que valeu
What was the point, what was the point
Se no mundo do crime o final é o mesmo doque que valeu
Because in the world of crime, the end is the same, what was the point
Mano eu não esqueço a mãe
Bro, I don't forget mom
Desconsolada aos prantos
Inconsolable, in tears
Quandu viu você caindo na porta do banco
When she saw you falling at the bank door
Todo furado de bruso no chão com a matraca
All riddled with bullets, on the ground with the mattress
E os pm se abraçando e dando risada
And the PMs [Military Police] hugging each other and laughing
Comemorando sua morte, estilo vitoria
Celebrating your death, as a victory
Te exibindo na poça de sangue em frente
Showing you off in a pool of blood in front
A giratoria
Of the roundabout
Foi como um baque irmão, um tiro que atravessa a nuca
It was like a shock, bro, a shot that goes through the back of your neck
Em meio a multidão as flores e a sepultura
Amidst the crowd, the flowers, and the grave
Mo gritaria, lágrimas, tristes lembranças
Screaming, tears, sad memories
Sua mulher com recem-nascido e 2 crianças
Your wife with a newborn and 2 children
Se deixo pra traz mano cade a quadrilha
You left them behind, bro, where's the gang
Que tanto se amava, tanto defendia
That you loved so much, that you defended so much
Não te deram nem se quer velorio descente
They didn't even give you a decent wake
Nem ao menos ligaram pra dar os meus pesames
They didn't even bother to call to offer their condolences
Então foi ilusão ter moto nervosa e joia
So it was an illusion to have a fast motorcycle and jewelry
E acaba com o cranio furado de bala pelos tiro da rota
And end up with a skull full of bullet holes from the cops
Mano me diz do que que valeu
Bro, tell me, what was the point
Do que valeu, do que valeu
What was the point, what was the point?
Dinheiro maldito, cadeia, enterro
Cursed money, prison, burial
Do que que valeu, do que que valeu
What was the point, what was the point?
Mano me diz do que que valeu
Bro, tell me, what was the point
Do que que valeu, do que que valeu
What was the point, what was the point
Se no mundo do crime o final é o mesmo doque que valeu...
Because in the world of crime, the end is the same, what was the point...

Авторы: Douglas Aparecido De Oliveira

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