Recycled J feat. Selecta - 40 NOCHES - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Recycled J feat. Selecta - 40 NOCHES

Que venga a por la policía
Let the police come for me
Que me detengan que es culpa mía
Let them arrest me, it's my own fault
Por ti viviría en comisaría
I would live in a police station for you
Chuparía cárcel con alegría
I would happily go to prison
Que el mar me trague, que me ahogaría
Let the sea swallow me, let me drown
Por ti navegaría a la deriva
I would sail adrift for you
40 noches, 40 días
40 nights, 40 days
Con tal de ver si al final
Just to see if you would
Eras la media naranja que yo exprimiría
You were the soulmate I would wring dry
Ganas mi batalla perdida
You win my losing battle
Capturas tuyas en mi galería
Captures of you in my gallery
Pues no había otra forma para hacerte mía (no, no)
Because there was no other way to make you mine (no, no)
Hasta que el tiempo nos cubra de estrías
Until time covers us in stretch marks
Y no distingamos tu vida y la mía
And we don't distinguish between your life and mine
Con cualquier otro al follar fingirías
With anyone else, you would pretend when you f***
Pa′ un roto y un descosi'o te valía
You were worth a buck and a stitch
Como un tattoo, para toda la vida
Like a tattoo, for life
Yo para ti fui una calcomanía
I was just a sticker to you
Detrás tuyo, gritando en Gran Vía
Behind you, screaming on Gran Vía
Fui un cobarde por mi chulería
I was a coward for my arrogance
¿Cómo pretendes que no me ría?
How do you expect me not to laugh?
Que normalice esas manías
To normalize those quirks
Mira, en mi fondo tengo una avería
Look, I have a problem deep down
Me he puesto gordo de dormir de día (yeah)
I've gotten fat from sleeping during the day (yeah)
Que venga a por la policía
Let the police come for me
Que me detengan que es culpa mía
Let them arrest me, it's my own fault
Por ti viviría en comisaría
I would live in a police station for you
Chuparía carcel con alegría
I would happily suck up jail
Que el mar me trague, que me ahogaría
Let the sea swallow me, let me drown
Por ti navegaría a la deriva
I would sail adrift for you
40 noches, 40 días
40 nights, 40 days
Con tal de ver si al final
Just to see if you would
Eras la media naranja que yo exprimiría
You were the soulmate I would wring dry
Mi punta de lanza partida
My broken spearhead
Paso las horas fumando Gorila
I spend hours smoking Gorilla
Y bebiendo tequila pa′ ver si me miras
And drinking tequila to see if you will look at me
La oveja negra, manzana podrida
The black sheep, the rotten apple
El yerno que toda suegra querría
The son-in-law that every mother-in-law would want
Eras aquello que me llevaría
You were what would take me
A la isla desierta pa'l resto 'e mis días
To the desert island for the rest of my days
mi gata pa′ gastar siete vidas
You are my cat to waste seven lives on
Gota a gota, tu saliva en mi herida
Drip by drip, your saliva on my wound
Se nos quedan frías las espinas
Our thorns are getting cold
Como tus manitas, Catalina
Like your little hands, Catalina
Ya no hay giras, pibas, bambalinas
No more tours, chicks, footlights
Aún así, nunca te fías
Even so, you never trust
Yo soy el tate, y eres la María
I am the daddy, and you are Maria
Mi bate y tu toto son lead y armonía (yeah)
My bat and your p**** are lead and harmony (yeah)
Que venga a por la policía
Let the police come for me
Que me detengan que es culpa mía
Let them arrest me, it's my own fault
Por ti viviría en comisaría
I would live in a police station for you
Chuparía cárcel con alegría
I would happily suck up jail
Que el mar me trague, que me ahogaría
Let the sea swallow me, let me drown
Por ti navegaría a la deriva
I would sail adrift for you
40 noches, 40 días
40 nights, 40 days
Con tal de ver si al final
Just to see if you would
Que venga a por la policía
Let the police come for me
Que ya he reza′o 100 Ave Marías
I have already prayed 100 Hail Marys
Por ti volvería a la frutería
I would go back to the fruit shop for you
Y esa carita a la vera mía
And that little face next to mine
Que alguien me quite esta brujería
Someone get me out of this witchcraft
O me enredaré en tu lencería
Or I'll get tangled in your lingerie
40 noches, 40 días
40 nights, 40 days
40 noches y días
40 nights and days

Авторы: Pablo Diaz-reixa Diaz, Pau Riutort Sanchez, Pablo Jimenez Saez, Jorge Escorial Moreno, Alba Farelo Sole, Pablo Martinez Alborch

Recycled J feat. Selecta - 40 NOCHES - Single
40 NOCHES - Single
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