Redimi2 - El Rey - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Redimi2 - El Rey

El Rey
The King
Mi nombre es redimi2
My name is Redimi2
Y se me ha salido el honor
And the honor has fallen upon me
De contarle al mundo entero
To tell the whole world
La historia mas importante del planeta
The most important story on the planet
Damas y caballeros, pueblos y naciones todas
Ladies and gentlemen, all peoples and nations
Ríndanle homenaje AL REEY
Pay homage TO THE KING
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ha nacido el rey en un rincón del oriente
The King is born in a corner of the East
Se dice q va a ser el salvador de la gente
It is said that He will be the savior of the people
Una estrella en el cielo anuncia su nacimiento
A star in the sky announces His birth
La tierra se estremece de la corte cimiento
The earth trembles from the court's foundation
Los reyes magos llevan oro para adorarlo
The wise men bring gold to worship Him
Pero hay un hombre malo q planea matarlo
But there is an evil man who plans to kill Him
Por mas q intenta no puede lograrlo
No matter how hard he tries, he cannot achieve it
Xq hay un plan divino y nadie puede evitarlo (aja!)
Because there is a divine plan and no one can prevent it (aha!)
El niño crece en estatura y en sabiduría
The child grows in stature and wisdom
Siempre sabia lo q sucedería
He always knew what would happen
Con solo 12 años quien lo diría
With only 12 years, who would have thought
Q a los doctores de la ley sorprendería
That He would surprise the doctors of the law
Nadie lo imaginaba, nadie lo sabia
No one imagined it, no one knew
Q el niño q admiraban era el de la profecía
That the child they admired was the one from the prophecy
El q un dia vendría y q moriría resucitaría y nos salvaría
The one who would come one day and who would die, rise again, and save us
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Veintiún años después empieza su función
Twenty-one years later, His work begins
Reclutando 12 hombres para su misión
Recruiting 12 men for His mission
Haciendo milagros de sanación
Performing miracles of healing
De liberación de resurrección
Of liberation, of resurrection
Ciegos y cojos caminaban veían
The blind and lame walked and saw
Eran sanos y salvos todos los q creían
All who believed were safe and sound
Cada vez eran mas los q le seguían
More and more people followed Him
Pero el ya sabia q lo entregarían
But He already knew they would betray Him
Y por solo 30 monedas de plata
And for only 30 pieces of silver
Lo venden a traición como mercancía barata
They sell Him out as cheap merchandise
Vienen a prenderlo y el rey se percata
They come to arrest Him, and the King realizes
Q con un beso traicionero se delata
That with a treacherous kiss, He is revealed
Lo azotan escupen maltratan le pegan
They whip Him, spit on Him, mistreat Him, beat Him
Pero de zafiedad al pueblo lo entregan
But they deliver Him to the people out of wickedness
La muchedumbre los doctores de la ley
The crowd, the doctors of the law
Lo acusan de falso de proclamare rey
They accuse Him of being false, of proclaiming Himself King
Lo llevan a la cruz con el rostro desfigurado
They take Him to the cross with His face disfigured
Y clavan una lanza en su constado
And they pierce His side with a spear
El grita padre mio xq me has desamparado
He cries out, "My Father, why have you forsaken me?"
Y muere por el pecado sin conocer pecado
And He dies for sin without knowing sin
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Después de caminar por la vía dolorosa
After walking the path of sorrow
Después de derramar su sangre preciosa
After shedding His precious blood
Herido y traspasado hasta quedar moribundo
Wounded and pierced until He was dying
Murió en una cruz y para salvar al mundo
He died on a cross to save the world
Pero ahí no se termina la historia
But the story doesn't end there
Xq lo q fue su muerte también fue su victoria
Because what was His death was also His victory
Al tercer dia la tierra hico memoria
On the third day, the earth remembered
Resucito y se levanto lleno de gloria
He rose again and rose full of glory
El esta vivo la tierra esta vacia
He is alive, the tomb is empty
Su resurrección es eterna garantía
His resurrection is an eternal guarantee
El mismo lo dijo q se levantaría
He Himself said that He would rise again
Es q la muerte detenerlo no podía
Death could not hold Him
Cumplió con su misión murió y resucito
He fulfilled His mission, died, and rose again
Con la crucifixión nos da la redención
With the crucifixion, He gives us redemption
Se llama JESUS dale hoy tu corazón
His name is JESUS, give Him your heart today
Es el único camino hacia la salvación
He is the only way to salvation
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
Ábranle paso al rey q viene con poder
Make way for the King who comes with power
Q todos sepan q el vive
Let everyone know that He lives
You esta es una historia viva y real
Yo, this is a living and real story
Vivida por el maestro y narrada por redimi2
Lived by the Master and narrated by Redimi2

Авторы: Willy Gonzalez

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