Redimi2 - Rafy Mendez III - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Redimi2 - Rafy Mendez III

Rafy Mendez III
Rafy Mendez III
Hey Raphy que hay loko vi tu abogado ahi
Hey Raphy, what's up, crazy? I saw your lawyer over there.
Dame buena noticia vas pa fuera si o no
Give me good news, are you getting out of here or not?
Bueno papa ahora si que el asunto
Well, pops, now the matter
Se puso complicado
Has gotten complicated.
No relaje
Don't worry.
Que la gente taba investigando
People were investigating
Que el carro que yo taba que taban averiguando
The car that I had, that they were investigating.
Era de otra persona era reportado que fue robado
It belonged to someone else, it was reported stolen.
Yo cometi el error de meter ese auto sin papeles
I made the mistake of taking that car without papers,
Confiando en el pana mio el que nunca me abia
Trusting my buddy, the one who had never
Oye loko pero tu nunka sales de uno y ke lokera contigo
Hey, crazy, but you never get out of one thing, what craziness with you.
Parese que todo a parado pero
It seems everything has stopped but
A mi ta bueno que me pase a mi ta bueno que me pase
It's good that it happens to me, it's good that it happens to me.
Todo sucedio por no ayudarme de mi madre
Everything happened because I didn't ask my mom for help.
Si tu supieras todo lo que me a pasado en esta vida
If you knew everything that has happened to me in this life,
Loko yo no se ke hacer
Crazy, I don't know what to do.
Pero kuentame alomejor yo te puedo ayudar no se
But tell me, maybe I can help you, I don't know.
Lo ke sea dime
Whatever it is, tell me.
To se ke tu puedes ayudarme pero te cuento
I know you can help me, but I'll tell you.
Tell me.
Si dale dale
Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
Te vo a contar
I'll tell you.
Todo empezo cuando ya tenia uso de razon
It all started when I was old enough to understand.
Mi madre era cristiana y mi padre un borrachon
My mother was a Christian and my father a drunkard.
Yo sufria cuando veia el rostro de mi madre
I suffered when I saw my mother's face,
Marcado por los golpes que le daba mi padre
Marked by the blows my father gave her.
Ella me cuidaba y ayudaba con empeño
She took care of me and helped me with dedication,
Y me enseño el camino hacia Jesus desde pequeño
And taught me the way to Jesus from a young age.
Pero mi padre nunca estubo ahi para ayudarme
But my father was never there to help me,
Solamente se acercaba a mi para pegarme
He only came near me to hit me.
Y asi creci en hogar dividido
And so I grew up in a divided home:
Padre malo madre buena y yo confundido
Bad father, good mother, and I was confused.
Nunca entendi por que ella no lo dejaba
I never understood why she didn't leave him,
Pero ahora entiendo lo mucho que lo amaba
But now I understand how much she loved him.
Y fue una noche del mes de enero yo con mi madre en la iglesia
And it was one night in January, I was with my mother in church,
Y mi padre de parrandero
And my father was out partying.
Ella oraba por el ella lloraba por el
She prayed for him, she cried for him,
El le pagaba maltratandola y siendole infiel
He repaid her by mistreating her and being unfaithful.
Aquella misma noche regresabamos al hogar
That same night we were returning home,
Y esactamente cuanbdo yo me iba acostar
And exactly when I was going to bed,
Alguien tocaba fuerte la puerta de mi casa
Someone was knocking hard on the door of my house.
Quedate aqui dijo mama
"Stay here," said Mom,
Yo ire a ver que pasa
"I'll go see what's going on."
Ella abrio la puerta y era la policia
She opened the door and it was the police.
Asustada y alarmada pregunto que sucedia
Frightened and alarmed, she asked what was happening.
Y aquel señor le responde friamente
And that gentleman coldly replied:
"Su esposo acaba de tener un acciedente"
"Your husband has just had an accident."
Que triste noche y amarga madrugada
What a sad night and bitter morning,
Mi padre estaba muerto y mi madre destrozada
My father was dead and my mother was devastated.
Yo tenia trece años no sabia que decir
I was thirteen years old, I didn't know what to say.
Todo era agonia ver mi madre sufrir
It was all agony to see my mother suffer.
Pasaron tres años de esa noche tan terrible
Three years passed since that terrible night,
Y nos recuperamos de ese tiempo tan horrible
And we recovered from that horrible time.
Empeze a tomar un nuevo rumbo en mi vida
I started to take a new direction in my life,
Pensaba que mi vida de cristiano era aburrida
I thought my Christian life was boring.
Comenze a alejarme a descuidarme
I started to distance myself, to neglect myself,
Y la curiosidad por la calle empezo a llamarme
And curiosity about the street began to call me.
Mama preocupada empezo a aconsejarme
Mom, worried, began to advise me,
Y yo le decia no vengas a fastidiarme
And I would tell her, "Don't bother me."
Para mi era como nada contestarle
To me it was like nothing to answer her,
Todo era ignorarla y desobedecerle
It was all about ignoring her and disobeying her.
Y volvi a traer la amargura hasta mi casa
And I brought bitterness back to my house,
Pues me converti en un rebelde sin causa
Because I became a rebel without a cause.
Como muchos me deje envolver por la ignorancia
Like many, I let myself be enveloped by ignorance,
Deje la escuela por la vagancia
I left school because of laziness.
Empeze a salir de noche y llegar bien tarde
I started going out at night and coming home late.
Si no lo hacia mis amigos me decian cobarde
If I didn't, my friends would call me a coward.
Fumaba cigarrilos con la unica intencion
I smoked cigarettes with the sole intention
Que vean que soy fuerte y llamar la atencion
Of showing that I was tough and attracting attention.
A la edad de 17 ya estaba vendiendo drogas
At the age of 17, I was already selling drugs.
Empeze en el juego de la cuerda floja
I started on the tightrope game.
A los 18 no solo la vendia
At 18, I didn't just sell it,
Sino que del pedido la hierba consumia
But I also consumed the weed from the order.
Trabajaba para un tipo al que no conocia
I worked for a guy I didn't know,
Le enviava el asunto y yo distribuia
He would send me the stuff and I would distribute it.
Hola Raphy men soy yo Tony
Hello, Raphy, man, it's me, Tony.
Oh, loko dime keloke
Oh, crazy, tell me what's up.
Llamo para decirte que ya no te voi a
I'm calling to tell you that I'm not going to
Llevar el asunto de ahora en adelante
Bring you the stuff from now on
Por que voi a estar trabajando en otra area
Because I'm going to be working in another area.
Oh, okay.
Perote voi a mandar una muchacha que es de confianza
But I'm going to send a girl who's trustworthy.
Ella va a llegar a la misma hora y
She's going to arrive at the same time and
En el mismo lugar
At the same place.
Ella va a ir vestida de uniforme de escuela
She's going to be dressed in a school uniform
Y con una mochilita negra
And with a black backpack.
Tu la saludas con la clave que ya ella sabe
You greet her with the code word she already knows.
Esta bien y como se llama ella?
Okay, and what's her name?
Ella se llama... Teresa
Her name is... Teresa.
Asifue como conoci a Teresa en el negocio
That's how I met Teresa in the business.
Ella se convirtio en la suplente por mi socio
She became my partner's replacement.
Con solo 16 y ya estaba en el asunto
She was only 16 and already in the game.
Ella traia el material para mi punto
She brought the material to my spot.
Empeze a ganr dinero y el negocio estaba creciendo
I started making money and the business was growing,
Pero al mismo tiempo mi madre estaba sufriendo
But at the same time, my mother was suffering.
Sus consejos ysermones comensaron a cansarme
Her advice and sermons began to tire me,
Hasta que un dia dije "ya es tiempode marcharme"
Until one day I said, "It's time for me to leave."
Me fui de la casa y ella quedo llorando
I left the house and she was left crying,
Que no me fuera ella me estaba suplicando
Begging me not to go.
Y para no hacerte largo el cuento
And to make a long story short,
Me fui a vivir solo en un apartamento
I went to live alone in an apartment.
A la edad de 20 años ya era todo un mujeriego
At the age of 20, I was already a womanizer,
En drogas y alcohol la verdad estaba ciego
I was blind in drugs and alcohol.
Y por vivir en una vida de desobediencia
And for living a life of disobedience,
Me miran aqui pagando las consecuencias
You see me here paying the consequences.
En esta carcel preso y sin salida
In this jail, imprisoned and with no way out,
Y eso me pasa por seguir en esta vida
And that's what happens to me for continuing in this life.
Cuanto quisiera estar en libertad
How I wish I was free,
Y que la vida me de otra oportunidad
And that life would give me another chance.
Yo conoci la verdad
I knew the truth,
Y me aparte de ella
And I turned away from it.
Y estoi consiente que el que
And I am aware that he who
Pone su mano en el arado
Puts his hand to the plow
Y pone su mirda hacia atras
And looks back,
No es digno del reino de Dios
Is not worthy of the kingdom of God.
Ojala y que Dios me de
I hope God gives me
Otra oportunidad
Another chance.
Siquieres saber que paso con Raphy Mendez
If you want to know what happened to Raphy Mendez,
No se pierdan la tercera parte de esta historia
Don't miss the third part of this story.

Авторы: Willy Gonzalez Cruz

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