Redstar Radi - Ebola - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Redstar Radi - Ebola

سبب الحال أمثالنا
Reasons for our present state
ساء من سوء اعمالنا
have deteriorated due to our evil deeds
سرقنا قلنا مالنا
We steal and say we own it
حرام يغلف حلالنا
forbidden veiling our halal
قل الخير وفالنا
speak good, and our bad deeds follow us
مشى كيف قلت رجالنا
behave as our men have told us
تبعنا الوهم مصدقين
We have pursued our delusions, believing them
ضحينا براحة بالنا
sacrificed our peace of mind
عمر لي فيه تتخاصموا
In my life, you are arguing with each other
دنيا غاية تقاسموا
The material world, that you share
لهفه جريان عل مادة فادة لافام يتباسمو
eager to run, to acquire wealth, so that your families may have fun
أصفر مضحك لي راسمو
yellow mockingly, to my mind
كحل لقلوب سواد
kohl for hearts that are black
الكره صار طبع عباد
hatred has become the nature of man
جاب فتنة ليوما بكاتنا
it brought forth tribulation, of which we now cry
بلادنا الاولى لنساتنا
our original homeland, we have forgotten
باعت لا نهار شراتنا
it was sold, as we slept soundly
عبات في الحبس مساجين
inmates imprisoned in jail
قفة شقات اماتنا
a basket of bread, has killed us
لعلام طريق و فاتنا
why has our path failed us?
خاطر عزوة لباتنا
The risk was for our sake
ما خرجنا طوع الوالدين
we did not leave home against our parents' will
و لا نوينا نهار في حياتنا
nor did we intend to die at any time in our lives
الضلم سبب سكاتنا
oppression is the reason for our silence
الفقر بنادم رادمو
poverty has broken and destroyed us
Coup وتات deal حياتنا ماماتنا وتات
coup and deal, our lives, they come and go
احنا المحنة لي بلاتنا غصباً في العيبة نتشاركو
we are the trial for our homeland, forced to participate in a shameful game
. ونتم لي نسيتو الخاتمة نسيتو إلحال من حال أعمالكم
And you have forgotten the outcome, you have forgotten the state of your deeds
وقت صعيب مخلٌي لي معلٌي بنية معلٌي لقدر
Difficult times have left me hung, giving strength to strength
سارق سي فلان يولٌي شتقولي رجلة نايكك الشر
Thieving Mr. So-and-so runs, what do you say? may evil befall you
تو اوٌل ما تسالي آش مالك ؟ قداش فلوس وفر؟
Now you first ask, what's wrong with you? How much money have you saved?
لي عندو غير احوالك امثالك محسوبة معاه صور
Those with similar situations to yours, their pictures are taken with you
لقياس صاير باموالك تكبر
measurement is made with your wealth, it grows
بلاها مايعبروك
ignore them, they will not help you
فاصل قاش وراه من صفر
a gap, a break from zero
بيهم تيقدروك
With them, you can afford
مظهر وعشرة خيولة دوٌر
looks and a dozen horses, roam
تحبهم يتذكروك ؟؟
do you want them to remember you?
إنتي كي تمنع قوت تفور
when you withhold sustenance, you explode
للحبس يصدروك
they send you to prison
بلاد لروحها ضالمَا
A country that is unjust to itself
ناسها بالهجّا حالمَا
its people dream of emigrating
زوالي فيها يفسّخوك حقّك ما نقلّك كالمَا
The weak are ruined there, your rights are not given to you, as they should be
كلها بالحالة عالمَا امّا الصُّلاح قلال
everyone there is in the same situation, but there are few good people
الراجل صَار توّا فال أهوال البلاد موشْ سالمَا
men have now become afraid, there is no peace in the country
كان الفاسد موالما
if the corrupt were in charge
الوقتْ بشرّ للبيع بقتْ
the time for selling people has come
بلاد شَعطات كان يأْس مقتْ
A ruined country, where despair has taken hold
أول مصْمَار في النّعش دقّت
the first nail in the coffin has been hammered in
تحيَا علْ الفضلة فيها لقتْ
it lives on scraps, it has found
خلي تكبرالكروشْ
let the bellies grow large
كي رضيت الذّل كيفهم نافقت
when you accept humiliation, you are like them, a hypocrite
.تي حلال فيكم كرتوشْ
it is now halal for you to be shot

Авторы: Redstar Radi

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