Redstar Radi - Jungle - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Redstar Radi - Jungle

راب قردب لرادي كيلر مش قمز ما يغني bella
Radi Killer's monkey rap, not Bella's flirting songs
راب زناقي و droque della اذكا شتيحك كي
Street rap and della droque, if you understand, you understand
Rodggi mella
Rodggi mella
عجعاجي ما ينيك ستيلا ما نطمعشي فصريمك للى
My noise won't please you, Stella, we don't desire your money
كلام بذيئ ما تحبو سملى روح نيك شعل karella
Vulgar words, if you don't like them, Samla, go and have sex, light Karella
هاتي فما مقابل يا رود قلي فلوسك قل راس لمبوط
Bring what's in exchange, oh Rod, say your money, say your head is flat
جيل تكحل فيه فات الفوت يحب كي يقوم يفطر Nutella
A generation lost in eyeliner, loves to wake up and have Nutella
هات روفري خليني نشوط شعندو شادد كان
Bring a joint, let me smoke, he was holding it
زق فالصوت جاي تحريذ متبع مالجنود شمن ربواط تكور لغولا
Shout loud, you're coming to warn, following the soldiers, which gangs play marbles
شتحب فيه سمي بسم الله ورقا قلم تشفي مالعلا نحنا عباد ما تيق لمذلى
You love him, say "Bismillah" (in the name of God), paper and pen heal from the high, we are servants, don't trust the one who lies
حوم زناقي راسك تكلها بحذاكم تشوفونا بقلى درجين
Wander the streets, your head will get hit, you see us in pairs
ليهود فللا انتما قوم خرجتوا مالملى و احنا منعنا ما
Jews in villas, you are a people who came out of the flood, and we were prevented
دمنا زولا انتوما انداد بونيشا عفاطا تعيشوا
Our blood is Zola, you are enemies, Punisha, Afata, you live
بالريشا تربيو قطوس كانيشا لنا فوق السطح مربي
With feathers, raise a cat, Kanisha, we have a monkey raised above the roof
غورلا شعب ادغال
Go away, people of the jungle
وعريشا 20 طربوق تحويشا بينت معنا تلكيشا و كمل
And Uraysha, 20 turbans, Tawisha, you showed up with your talk and finished
الضلم يخرج ساكت مندلا
The darkness comes out silently, Mandela
تشق لعمر وقعدت ليام دام الفعل ما دام لكلام بين ربي
Splitting life and days have remained, as long as the action remains, the talk is between me and God
مش العزام اكا
Not Al-Azam aka
اعلاش محال حسبت ناكل قسمي بالسترا ظلام نعيش
Why is it impossible, I thought I would eat, I swear by the star, we live in darkness
واقع ما نعيش احلام
Reality, we don't live dreams
ما عندي هتره تقشقيش افام او اعلاش اعلى صغري
I don't have nonsense to chatter, Afam, or why, since my youth
شبت دنيا قحبة يالا
The world grew up as a whore, Yala
سلام ناس بالعطى ناس بالفلام بو عصبة لنا ما نكون
Peace, people with giving, people with movies, with a gang, we won't be
غلام قوتي و خبزي بيديا جبت
A slave, I brought my strength and bread with my own hands
Fuck ورغة fuck السمام fuck لجبال ما عليا ملام
Fuck the paper, fuck the sky, fuck the mountains, I'm not to blame
عربي و حر مانيك لجام حتى كان في روحي عبت
Arab and free, I don't have a bridle, even if I played in my soul
كاينا جيت منغير اتعب مقادير و كل شي بسبب
It's there, I came without getting tired, ingredients and everything because of
مكتيب من عند الرب لكره كره
A letter from the Lord to hate, hate
حب الي حب انتي ولدي شعندك تقلي متبع زبي اكثر
Love whoever loves, you are my son, what do you have to say, follow my dick more
من ضلي اني اشهرى كيفكيف مخلي لي ملنسيك تحتي
Than my shadow, I am Ashra, the same, leaving the one who forgot you under me
ما وصلي تجي بحذنا تي لاأ باهي نجيوك احنا ماهأه
Don't pray, come to us, no, okay, we come to you, what's up
ما تهوبو نحيت الشقة
Don't be afraid, I moved the apartment
Killer ميشني احمد السقا real live مش سيما بطرا
Killer, Mishni, Ahmed El Sakka, real life, not Sima Batra
Fight فكولي main لنا زنقة مش سينيما حي رياض مش الغردئا
Fight in Kuli Main, we have a neighborhood, not a cinema, حي رياض, not Al-Gharde'a
بعدنا احنا غنيت تي باهي قلت بالك
We are gone, I sang, okay, I said maybe
الكازي شاهي ناك 0 ف أول شيفاهي رجع يتجوسس
The lazy one is tea, you have 0 in the first, your lips went back to gossiping
ب زبييييي لهي عيشه فطرا من عندي لهي؟ كتيبة
With my dick, let him live his life, from me to him? A battalion
غرام تقعد تي ماهي؟هاك تبعت شربحة بلهي ؟؟ مشى ما
Love remains, what is it? Take, I followed Sharbaha, really?? He left, what
فيبالك فخرة تابهي شكون قعد ما غنى شطر كلامو من
Do you think it's an honor, okay, who stayed and didn't sing half of his words from
عنا راب scoola لنا علمنا عمرو تعدا لخيط فوذنا عبد
Us, rap scoola, we taught him, Amr never crossed the thread of our ears, servant
الله من يحنا جيهاد بالكلما حكينا امينا فاخت بوقنة
God is the one who protects us, jihad with words, we spoke, trust in our voice
فن المقحب ملهوش لينا
The art of the whore is not for us
تشق العمر و بقات ليام بان الفعل ما دام كلام بين ربي
Splitting life and days remain, as long as the action remains, the talk is between me and God
مش العزام اكا علاش موحال حسبت ناكل قسمي
Not Al-Azam aka, why is it impossible, I thought I would eat, I swear
بالسترة ضلام نعيش واقع ما نعيش احلام ما عندي
By the star, we live in darkness, reality, we don't live dreams, I don't have
هتره تقشقيش افام او علاش على صغري شبت دنيا
Nonsense to chatter, Afam, or why, since my youth
قحبة يلا سلام ناس بالعطى ناس بالفلام بوعصبة لنا
The world grew up as a whore, Yala, peace, people with giving, people with movies, with a gang, we
ما نكون غلام خبزي و قوتي بيديا جبت fuck ورغة
Won't be a slave, I brought my bread and strength with my own hands, fuck the paper
Fuck السمام fuck لجبال ما عليا ملام
Fuck the sky, fuck the mountains, I'm not to blame
عربي و حر ما نيك لجام حتى كان في روحي عبت ...
Arab and free, I don't have a bridle, even if I played in my soul ...

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