Refentse - Sally Williams Nougat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Refentse - Sally Williams Nougat

Sally Williams Nougat
Sally Williams Nougat
Ek het jou dopgehou
I watched you
Met 'n jas in jou hand
With a jacket in your hand
Deur doeane gespook
Haunted by customs
Na 'n nuwe land
To a new land
Jou was natgehuil
Your eyes were wet with tears
Maar jou hart was braaf
But your heart was brave
Mens is eenkeer jonk
One is young only once
Mens is eenkeer laf
One is once a coward
Daar 'n vreemde daarbuite
There lies a stranger out there
Daar 'n pond of twee
There lies a pound or two
Selfs die liefde kan wag
Even love can wait
Die tyd sal leer
Time will teach
Maar ek moet nou gaan
But I have to go now
Ek sien jou eendag weer
I'll see you again someday
Met die internet kan ons tog kommunikeer
With the internet we can still communicate
Ek mis die Dinsdagaand movies by die Brooklyn mall
I miss the Tuesday night movies at the Brooklyn mall
Ek mis die stoei geveg sessies as ek oor jou rol
I miss the wrestling sessions when I roll over you
Ek mis die Sally Williams Nougat by die Groenkloof Spar
I miss the Sally Williams Nougat at the Groenkloof Spar
Ek mis die lekker sagte leerseats van jou nuwe kar
I miss the nice soft leather seats of your new car
Ek mis die koffie met die skuim op en jou stywe jean
I miss the coffee with the foam and your tight jeans
Ek mis die vat van jou hande soos in 'n moviescene
I miss taking your hand like in a movie scene
Ek mis jou naam op my foon en jou sms
I miss your name on my phone and your text message
Ek mis jou mond en jou hande en ook al die res
I miss your mouth and your hands and everything else
Ek mis die Sondagoggend breakfast en jou DSTVee
I miss the Sunday morning breakfast and your DSTVee.
Ek mis jou liefde, jy't belowe jy vir my nog sou gee.
I miss your love, you promised you'd give me more.
'N Brief in die pos is wat ons liefde was
A letter in the mail is what our love was
Ek en jy is met die tyd belas
You and I are burdened by time
Vir die eerste maand was my hart verniel
For the first month my heart was broken
Oral waar ek kom is ek 'n derde wiel
Everywhere I go I'm a third wheel
Maar tyd sal leer
But time will teach
Was ons woorde
Were our words
Ek het lief was jou brief
I loved your letter
Jy's 'n poet my ding, jy moet aanhou sing
You're a poet my dear, keep singing
Deur die internet praat ons gou gou weer.
Through the internet we'll talk again soon.

Авторы: jak de priester

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