Régulo Caro - Diario de un Sicario - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Régulo Caro - Diario de un Sicario

Diario de un Sicario
Diary of a Hitman
Confiase poes señor
Trust you, sir
O que mijito uste lo mato
Or I'll kill your little son
O que pos ya diga
What are you saying?
Si, yo lo mate y si vuelve a nacer
Yes, I killed him, and if he's born again
Lo vuelvo a matar al hijo de su chingada madre
I'll kill him again, the son of your fucked up mother
Tuve encaramada la muerte en mis hombros
I had death perched on my shoulders
Por varios años surti funerarias
For several years, I supplied funeral homes
Carge la lumbre y pesaban mis brazos
I carried the fire, and my arms were heavy
Todo el coraje descarge en mis manos
I unloaded all my courage in my hands
Maso recuerdos primeras batallas
Heavy memories, first battles
Las lecciones que se aprenden con sangre
The lessons learned in blood
Jamas se te olvidan
Are never forgotten
(Que paso oiga que me mando a llamar?
(What's up, why did you call me here?
Adelante, estas listo para tu primera mision?
Go ahead, are you ready for your first mission?
No viejon, usted ya sabe
No, dude, you know
Que aqui estamos listos pa los chingasos
That we're ready for some heavy shit here
Como esta es tu primera vez yo te boy a compañar
Since this is your first time, I'll accompany you
Agarra el rifle y la pistola que esta ahy
Grab the rifle and the gun that's there
Y que no se te olvide la pechera, ni cargadores amonos)
And don't forget your chest plate and magazines, let's go)
Empuñe la escuadra y una carabina
I gripped my gun and a carbine
Repase mi mente como atacaria
I went over in my mind how I would attack
Invente mil formas de causar eridas
I invented a thousand ways to inflict wounds
Seran mis nervios o la adrenalina
It must be my nerves or the adrenaline
Jugamos al juego de la caceria
We played the game of hunting
Segui al enemigo lo enmarque y lo puse en la mira
I followed the enemy, framed him, and put him in my sights
Vamos a llegar, te bas a bajar de la camioneta
We're going to arrive, you're going to get out of the truck
Bas a tocar la puerta y le das un balaso
You're going to knock on the door and shoot him
Y asegurate que no quede vivo
And make sure he doesn't stay alive
Y bien segurito y que no le tiemble el dedo
And make very sure that your finger doesn't tremble
Y yo estoy el a camioneta esperando con mi cuerno
And I'll be in the truck waiting with my gun
Ya esta viejon no lo voy a dejar abajo
That's it, dude, I'm not going to leave you alone
Andale poes
Come on then
Y despues de esto nos bamos a ir a festejar
And after this, we'll go and celebrate
Corte cartuchos, balas espansibas
I cut cartridges, expanding bullets
Once balazos con mucha energia
Eleven shots with a lot of energy
Le di uno en la nuca, doblo las manitas
I gave him one in the back of the neck, his hands folded
Su cuerpo sin fuerzas cayo de rodillas
His lifeless body fell to his knees
Remate al encargo solte una risita
I finished the job, let out a little laugh
Aqui me graduaba lindo me agregama
Here I graduated, nice, I added to my list
Mas gente a la lista
More people on the list
Listo viejon ya quedo
Ready, dude, I finished
Eso es todo no esperaba menos de usted
That's all, I expected nothing less from you
Y ya sabe donde tiene mi casa
And you know where my house is
Y como llegar, para agregar mas a la lista
And how to get there, to add more to the list
No poes grasias a usted jefe
No, thanks to you, boss
Ya sabe que de aqui pa delante
You know that from now on
Los que vienen como si nada
Those who come as if nothing happened
Los boy a trosar
I'm going to cut them to pieces
Les doy un consejo a todos los muchachos
I give some advice to all the young guys
Respeto al trabajo si estan enrolados
Respect the job if you're enrolled
Si reparten lumbre que sea el contrario
If you spread hell, let it be to the enemy
A los inocentes dejenlos a un lado
Leave the innocent aside
Y nos que sea bueno tampoco sea malo
And let's not be too good or too bad
El que la hace la debe
He who does it owes it
Y el que no la anda gozando
And he who doesn't, enjoys

Авторы: Regulo Caro

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