Régulo Caro - Los Chanates - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Régulo Caro - Los Chanates

Los Chanates
Se vieron pasar chanates
We saw the Chanates pass by
Iva bailando en la cuesta
Riding on the slopes
Se miraban decididos
They looked determined
A cazar en una fiesta
To hunt at a party
Donde se alegraba arturo
Where Arturo was celebrating
La traicion ya estaba puesta
The betrayal was already set
Cuando llegan los chanates
When the Chanates arrived
No fueron bien resividos
They were not well received
Y se armo una balacera
And a shootout ensued
Donde quedo arturo herido
Where Arturo was wounded
Con rumbo asia cuernavaca
Heading towards Cuernavaca
Se les escaba el tio
The "tio" escaped
La oportunidad traidores
An opportunity betrayers
Pa los que quedaron vivos
For those who survived
Dan puntos y direcciones
They gave out details and directions
Le siguen la huella al tio
They followed the "tio's" tracks
Y peleo como los hombres
And he fought like a man
Apesar de estar herido
Despite being wounded
Les gritaba arturo herido
Arturo yelled out, wounded
Con coraje mis muchachos
With courage my boys
Que se oigan sonar los cuernos
Let the horns sound
Tambien se agachan los wuachos
The guards will also duck
Si el comboy viene blindado
If the convoy is armored
Pa que son los bazucazoz
What are the bazookas for?
Se les acababa el parque
They ran out of ammunition
Continuaron las granadas
The grenades continued to fall
Callendo muchos chanates
Many Chanates fell
Con las alas desplumadas
With their wings plucked
Arturo murio en la guerra
Arturo died in the war
Demostro que tenia agallas
He showed he had guts
Una cruz en el panteon
A cross in the pantheon
Se divisa en el camino
Can be seen on the road
Indicando que en su pie
Indicating that at its foot
Esta enterrado un amigo
A friend is buried
Que nacio y vivio a su modo
Who was born and lived his own way
Asi forjo su destino
That's how he forged his destiny

Авторы: Villarreal Juan Garcia

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