Reket - Ihaste - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Reket - Ihaste

Palju pahandust mõnest pisiasjast
Too much trouble from a little thing
Tulevik on tume, ennustama ei pea nastja
The future is dark, I don't have to predict it
Neid liigutusi teevad kui sa küsida julged
They do these moves if you dare to ask
Kõik keda sa tead kui on vaja unustada tunded
Everyone you know, when you need to forget your feelings
See on vaba maja
This is a free house
Paha maja
Evil house
Kuula kuidas seinad räägivad
Listen to the walls talk
Ja otse silma vaata tubadele tunnetusi jagub hoonele
And look the rooms straight in the eye, the building shares feelings
Nägu nagu hot rod
Face like a hot rod
Pane joonele
Put it in line
Siin lõpeb nädal, kõik on selge
This is where the week ends, everything is clear
Triivitakse pääsematu huku poole hei
They are drifting towards inevitable doom hey
Kubu all nad loevad sularaha
Under the hood they count the money
Magamistoas aga suitsetavad seda paha paha
But in the bedroom they smoke that bad bad
Lugematude ööde hotell
Hotel of countless nights
Keerleb maakera teravalt karusell
The earth spins sharply carousel
Kubu all nad loevad sularaha
Under the hood they count the money
Magamistoas aga suitsetavad seda paha
But in the bedroom they smoke that bad bad
Noor ingel
Young angel
Noor vale
Young lie
Käitumine mitterahuldav ja hinded on kahed
Unsatisfactory behavior and twos in grades
Siin reegleid pole a kui valesti käitud leiad oma muna postamendilt
There are no rules here, but if you misbehave, you will find your egg on a pedestal
Umbes nagu loo alev
Something like a village of animals
Erand kinnitab reeglid
Exceptions confirm the rules
Keegi kinnitab peeglid
Someone confirms the mirrors
Keegi pani tule põlema
Someone lit the fire
Laul lõppes ja kui peale läheb B-pool
The song ends and when the B-side starts
Näitab sulle mida teha vaja
It shows you what to do
Täpselt nagu e-kool
Just like e-school
Nüüd kuula kuidas tema süda lööb
Now listen to her heart beat
Kui paned huuled peale ja ta laulab püha ööd
When you put your lips on her and she sings "Silent Night"
Igal nv-l uus on algus mille lõpp paistab kaugelt nagu luunja valgus
Every weekend is a new beginning, the end of which seems far away like the light of a bonfire
Siin lõpeb nädal, kõik on selge
This is where the week ends, everything is clear
Triivitakse pääsematu huku poole hei
They are drifting towards inevitable doom hey
Kubu all nad loevad sularaha
Under the hood they count the money
Magamistoas aga suitsetavad seda paha paha
But in the bedroom they smoke that bad bad
Lugematude ööde hotell
Hotel of countless nights
Keerleb maakera teravalt karusell
The earth spins sharply carousel
Kubu all nad loevad sularaha
Under the hood they count the money
Magamistoas aga suitsetavad seda paha
But in the bedroom they smoke that bad bad
Siin lõpeb nädal, kõik on selge
This is where the week ends, everything is clear
Triivitakse pääsematu huku poole hei
They are drifting towards inevitable doom hey
Kubu all nad loevad sularaha
Under the hood they count the money
Magamistoas aga suitsetavad seda paha paha
But in the bedroom they smoke that bad bad
Lugematude ööde hotell
Hotel of countless nights
Keerleb maakera teravalt karusell
The earth spins sharply carousel
Kubu all nad loevad sularaha
Under the hood they count the money
Magamistoas aga suitsetavad seda paha
But in the bedroom they smoke that bad bad

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