Remzie Osmani feat. Lumnie - Kthehu Moter - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Remzie Osmani feat. Lumnie - Kthehu Moter

Kthehu Moter
Come Back, Sister
Hören dieses Lied
Listening to this song
Prej se je ne gurbet moj moter
From that distant land, my sister
Sa her ulna ne sofer
Every time I look out the window
Me mall tanin me ta ni zanin
I miss you, I don't even know
Ne asnje gzim e as merzi
No path, no journey, no distance
Asnje her s'qellove ti
No time can separate us
Nga ky mall zemra mu kall
This longing fills my heart
Rralle shum rralle po shihemi
We meet rarely, very rarely
Gjith kush qan hallin e vet
Everyone cries their own sorrows
Askush nuk rri me cef n'gurbet
No one stays content in a foreign land
Mos mendo se baj sefa
Don't think I'm doing well
Cdo moment ti me mungon
Every moment I miss you
Ne cdo lote ce me pikon
Every tear that falls
Syte mu kan verbu me te pa
My eyes have become blind to see
Rralle shume rrale po shihemi
We meet rarely, very rarely
Nuk ndahet motra prej motres
Sisters are never parted
Nuk ndahen dy syte e ballit
Two eyes on one face are never separated
Malli moter per ty me kalli
Sister, I yearn for you
Me pas pasurin e botes
Even with all the wealth of the world
Asgje smunesh me marre me veti
Nothing can replace you
Kthehu moter nga gurbeti
Come back, sister, from that distant land
Kthehu moter nga gurbeti
Come back, sister, from that distant land
Shum her naten gjumi me doli
Many times at night, sleep has left me
Ishe larg por zema me foli
You were far away, but your voice spoke to me
Kush si motra nuk te kupton
Who, like a sister, can understand you?
Kurr nga mendja nuk te ndaj
Never will I forget you
As kur te qesh as kur qaj
Neither when you laugh nor when you cry
Prap me u pa shpirti jeton
My soul still lives to see you again
Rralle shume rralle po shihemi
We meet rarely, very rarely
Nuk ndahet motra prej motres
Sisters are never parted
Nuk ndahen dy syte e ballit
Two eyes on one face are never separated
Malli moter per ty me kalli
Sister, I yearn for you
Me pas pasurin e botes
Even with all the wealth of the world
Asgje smunesh me marre me veti
Nothing can replace you
Kthehu moter nga gurbeti
Come back, sister, from that distant land
Kthehu moter nga gurbeti
Come back, sister, from that distant land

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