Renato Carosone - Pigliant 'na Pastiglia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Renato Carosone - Pigliant 'na Pastiglia

Pigliant 'na Pastiglia
Take a Pill
Neapolitan Song.
Napoli in farmacia.
Naples in a pharmacy.
Eh eh
Heh heh
Io cammino ogne notte,
I walk every night,
Io cammino sbarianno,
I walk around yawning,
Io nun tengo maje suonno,
I never get sleepy,
Nun chiudo maje ll'uocchie e nun bevo cafè.
I never close my eyes and I don't drink coffee.
Va' te cócca, siente a me!
Listen to me, my dear!
Va' te cócca, siente a me!
Listen to me, my dear!
Na perziana ca sbatte,
A shutter banging,
Nu lampione ca luce
A streetlight shining
E nu 'mbriaco ca dice,
And a drunkard saying,
Bussanno a na porta:
Knocking on a door:
"Mm'arape, Cuncè'!"
"Open up for me, Connie!"
'A tre mise nun dormo cchiù,
I haven't slept in three nights,
Na vucchella vurría scurdá.
I wish I could forget a certain little mouth.
Gente, diciteme comm'aggi"a fá.
People, tell me what I should do.
Pígliate na pastiglia!
Take a pill!
Pígliate na pastiglia,
Take a pill,
Siente a me!
Listen to me!
Pe' mme addurmí,
To make me fall asleep,
Pe' mme scurdá
To make me forget
Il mio dolce amor.
My sweet love.
Pígliate na pastiglia!
Take a pill!
Pígliate na pastiglia,
Take a pill,
Siente a me!
Listen to me!
Pe' mme sentí
To make me feel
Come un gran pasciá
Like a great pasha
E mm'inebria il cuor.
And intoxicate my heart.
Dint"e vvetrine 'e tutt"e farmaciste,
In the windows of all the pharmacists,
La vecchia camomilla ha dato il posto
Old chamomile has given way
Alle palline 'e glicerofosfato, bromotelevisionato,
To glycerophosphate, bromo-television...
Grammi zero, zero, tre.
Zero, zero, three grams.
Pígliate na pastiglia,
Take a pill,
Siente a me!
Listen to me!
Dint"o scuro na gatta,
In the dark, a cat,
Mastecanno na sarda,
Chewing on a sardine,
Doce doce mme guarda,
Looks at me sweetly,
Mme guarda, se struscia,
Looks at me, rubs against me,
Miagola e fa:
Mies and says:
Siente a me, vatte a cuccá!
Listen to me, go to bed!
Siente a me, vatte a cuccá!
Listen to me, go to bed!
Só' nu ciuccio 'e carretta
I'm a stubborn mule,
Carrecato d'ammore
Loaded with love,
Ca se tira stu core,
That pulls on my heart,
Stu core ca cerca la felicitá.
This heart that seeks happiness.
'A tre mise nun dormo cchiù,
I haven't slept in three nights,
Na vucchella vurría scurdá.
I wish I could forget a certain little mouth.
Gente, diciteme comm'aggi"a fá.
People, tell me what I should do.
Dint"e vvetrine 'e tutt"e farmaciste,
In the windows of all the pharmacists,
La vecchia camomilla ha dato il posto
Old chamomile has given way
Alle palline 'e glicerofosfato, bromotelevisionato,
To glycerophosphate, bromo-television...
Diddittí, bicarbonato, Borotalco e seme 'e lino,
Diddittí, bicarbonate, Borotalco, and flaxseed,
Cataplasma e semolino, Na custata â fiorentina,
Poultice and semolina, Florentine steak,
Mortadella e duje panine cu nu miezu litro 'e vino,
Mortadella and two rolls with half a liter of wine,
Nu caffé con caffeina,
A coffee with caffeine,
Grammi zero, zero, tre.
Zero, zero, three grams.
Pígliate na pastiglia,
Take a pill,
Siente a me!
Listen to me!

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