Renée Martel - L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Renée Martel - L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle

L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle
Winter Has Driven Away the Swallow
L'hiver sombre s'avance, adieu nos belles nuits
Sombre winter advances, farewell our beautiful nights
L'amour et l'espérance, les beaux jours nous ont fuis
Love and hope, the beautiful days have fled from us
Nous n'irons plus, madone, dans les sentiers fleuris
We will no longer go, my dear, along the flower-filled paths
Car les feuilles frissonnent dans nos rosiers fleuris
For the leaves tremble in our blooming rose bushes
L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle, l'hiver a chassé nos beaux jours
Winter has driven away the swallow, winter has driven away our beautiful days
Mais de notre coeur, ô ma belle, l'hiver n'a pu chasser l'amour
But from our hearts, oh my dear, winter has not been able to drive away love
Adieu tapis de mousse, petit ruisseau, adieu
Farewell moss carpet, little stream, farewell
Votre plainte si douce remonte vers les cieux
Your sweet complaint rises towards the heavens
Et vos charmants bocages, nous vous disons adieu
And your charming groves, we bid you farewell
Que votre doux ramage remonte vers les cieux
May your sweet warbling rise towards the heavens
L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle, l'hiver a chassé nos beaux jours
Winter has driven away the swallow, winter has driven away our beautiful days
Mais de notre coeur, ô ma belle, l'hiver n'a pu chasser l'amour
But from our hearts, oh my dear, winter has not been able to drive away love
L'hirondelle frileuse, quittant nos durs climats
The shivering swallow, leaving our harsh climate
S'en va, folle oublieuse, dans de plus doux climats
Flies away, a forgetful fool, to milder climates
Enfin la violette aux parfums les plus doux
Finally, the violet of the sweetest perfume
Après mille tempêtes, refleurira pour nous
After a thousand storms, will bloom again for us
L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle, l'hiver a chassé nos beaux jours
Winter has driven away the swallow, winter has driven away our beautiful days
Mais de notre coeur, ô ma belle, l'hiver n'a pu chasser l'amour
But from our hearts, oh my dear, winter has not been able to drive away love
L'hiver a chassé l'hirondelle, l'hiver a chassé nos beaux jours
Winter has driven away the swallow, winter has driven away our beautiful days
Mais de notre coeur, ô ma belle, l'hiver n'a pu chasser l'amour
But from our hearts, oh my dear, winter has not been able to drive away love

Авторы: Marcel Gaston Martel

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