Reynaldo Armas - El Morrocoyero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Reynaldo Armas - El Morrocoyero

El Morrocoyero
The Morrocoyero
El golpe que aqui les canto
The beat that I sing to you here
Se llama el morrocoyero
It's called the Morrocoyero
Del sello de Jose Archila
From the label of Jose Archila
Hombre criollo y parrandero
Creole man and party lover
Que una noche a media luna
That one night under a half moon
De estrellitas y luceros
Of little stars and bright stars
Mientras el arpa sonaba se desbordo el cancionero
While the harp was playing, the songwriter overflowed
Se alvoroto el muchacheje se inspiraron los copleros
The young men got excited, the copleros were inspired
Y alla en la madrugaita solo se veia el tierrero
And there at dawn, only the tierrero could be seen
Ahora anda de baile en baile
Now he's dancing from party to party
Por todo el suelo llanero
Throughout the plains
En oriente y en los andes
In the east and in the Andes
Se escucha el morrocoyero
You hear the Morrocoyero
Lo zapatea y lo canta el sifrino y el vejero
The sifrino and the traveler dance and sing it
Y hasta los mismos turistas que vienen del extranjero
And even the same tourists who come from abroad
Bailalo tu marco tulio
Dance it, you, Marco Tulio
Saca pareja ligero
Get a partner quickly
Que el dia viene despuntando al son de un morrocoyero
That the day is dawning to the sound of a morrocoyero
Por la llanura de oriente
Through the plains of the east
Cerquita del pueblo e zuata
Near the town of Zuata
En previos paraguaneros
In previous paraguaneros
Donde el folclore se destaca
Where folklore stands out
El doctor Jose Maria
Doctor Jose Maria
Llanero puro y de casta
Pure llanero and of caste
Hombre de toro y caballo
Bull and horse man
De sombrero y alpargata
With hat and espadrilles
En su hato morrocoy
At his Morrocoy ranch
Donde la vida es bien grata
Where life is very pleasant
Y la alegria se ameniza con arpa, cuatro y maraca
And the joy is enhanced with harp, cuatro and maracas
Ahi se inspiro este coplero
There this coplero was inspired
Con Jose Archila en el arpa
With Jose Archila on the harp
Nacio este morrocoyero
This Morrocoyero was born
Un homenaje a la patria
A tribute to the homeland
De morrocoy a la tribu
From morrocoy to the tribe
De pariaguan a zaraza
From Pariaguan to Zaraza
Santa maria de ipire
Santa Maria de Ipire
Por el zocorro y la pascua
For the Zocorro and Easter
En el tigre ni se diga
In El Tigre, don't even say it
Donde hay bastantes muchachas
Where there are plenty of girls
Como seria yo en el tigre repartiendo serenatas
How would I be in El Tigre giving serenades
Una muchacha me dijo en maturin
A girl told me in Maturin
Cantame un morrocoyero
Sing me a Morrocoyero
Le dije estate tranquila mi amor
I told her, “Take it easy, my love”
Yo tengo que ver primero
“I have to see first”
Si me le meto de frente o me le voy orillero
If I go straight in or go to the side
Por detras no me confio ese bicho es muy ligero
I don't trust myself from behind, that thing is very light
Dame valor padre santo pa jorunga este avispero
Give me courage, Father Saint, to jorunga this hornet's nest
Y cuenta que te lo canto sino lo canto me muero
And realize that I sing it to you, if I don't sing it, I'll die
Otra vez en margarita
Another time in Margarita
En un encuentro que hicieron
At a meeting they had
Oh virgencita del valle
Oh, Virgin of the Valley
Diosa de los marineros
Goddess of sailors
La fiesta estaba sabrosa
The party was delicious
Todos gozando un pullero
Everyone enjoying a pullero
Alli se dieron la mano el oriental y el llanero
There the eastern and the llanero shook hands
Todos cantaron su pena yo cante un morrocoyero
Everyone sang their sorrow, I sang a Morrocoyero
Margarita margarita no sabes cuanto te quiero
Margarita Margarita you don't know how much I love you
Una vez en cunaviche
Once in Cunaviche
Que yo andaba parrandeando
That I was partying
Junto con unos amigos
Along with some friends
Del pueblo de san fernando
From the town of San Fernando
La fiesta estaba sabrosa
The party was delicious
La gente seguia llegando
People kept coming
Y a las orillas del rio todos se iban arrimando
And on the banks of the river everyone was approaching
De pronto una melodia todo lo iba contagiando
Suddenly a melody was infecting everything
Y era un morrocoyero que estaban interpretando
And it was a Morrocoyero that they were playing
Era Daniel Villanueva, que en paz descanse
It was Daniel Villanueva, rest in peace
El que lo estaba tocando
The one who was playing it
Me le acerque lentamente
I approached slowly
Y me le fui acomodando
And I settled down
Jaleme el arpa maestro
Pull me the harp, maestro
Vayamela bordoneando
Vayamela strumming
Que traigo un morrocoyero que me viene atropellando
That I bring a Morrocoyero that is running over me
Saquen pareja muchachos
Get a partner, boys
Quiero mirarlos bailando
I want to watch them dance
Y palo por ese pico pa alegrar este parrando
And stick for that beak to cheer up this parrando
Cantando un morrocoyero
Singing a Morrocoyero
Nadie se queda dormido
No one falls asleep
A golpecito pa bueno
A little tap for good
Pa despertar los sentidos
To awaken the senses
El que lo canta una vez
The one who sings it once
Se queda comprometido
He is compromised
A cantalo nuevamente y acomodarlo al oido
To sing it again and adjust it to the ear
Vitico un dia lo canto y se quedo conmovido
Vitico sang it one day and was moved
Y el papelon del chaparro carga un morrocoy prendido
And the papelon del chaparro carries a morrocoy lit
Bastante sentimental
Quite sentimental
Con buena porcion de aliño
With a good portion of dressing
Este es el original
This is the original
Para ustedes con cariño
For you with love
William Centella en barinas
William Centella in Barinas
Me dijo muy sonrreido
He told me smiling
Hazle una letra al morroco
Write a letter to the morroco
Pa yo cantalo a mi estilo
So I can sing it my way
Adios amigos del alma
Goodbye soul friends
Ya con esta me despido
With this I say goodbye
Cantando el morrocoyero que les habia prometido
Singing the Morrocoyero that I had promised you

Авторы: Armas Enguaima Reynaldo

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