Rhoma Irama - Seni - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rhoma Irama - Seni

Wahai teman, kita adalah bangsa yang berketuhanan
Oh my friends, we are a nation that believes in God
Tentu tak patut bersikap seperti syetan
Surely it's not right to act like the devil
Kita adalah bangsa yang berkemanusiaan
We are a nation that believes in humanity
Tentu tak patut bersikap seperti hewan
Surely it's not right to act like animals
Kaudendangkan kesesatan (kaudendangkan kesesatan)
You chant heresy (you chant heresy)
Kaudewakan nafsu syetan (kaudewakan nafsu syetan)
You idolize the devil's lust (you idolize the devil's lust)
Tiada lagi halal-haram (tiada lagi halal haram)
There is no longer halal-haram (there is no longer halal-haram)
Tiada lagi kesopanan (tiada lagi kesopanan)
There is no longer decency (there is no longer decency)
Kaulupakan agama, kauhancurkan budaya
You forget religion, you destroy culture
Kautebarkan bencana, kauhapuskan susila
You spread disaster, you erase morality
Hayo kita kembali ke jalan Tuhan (hayo, hayo)
Let's get back to God's way (come on, come on)
Hayo kita tunjukkan kepribadian (hayo, hayo)
Let's show our personality (come on, come on)
Hayo kita tegakkan sendi agama (hayo, hayo)
Let's uphold the pillars of religion (come on, come on)
Hayo kita budaya bangsa (hayo, hayo)
Let's [preserve] our nation's culture (come on, come on)
Mari bernyanyi dan bergembiralah
Let's sing and be joyful
Tapi tetap dalam kesopanan dan iman
But still within decency and faith
Setuju kalau kita menyanyi bersama-sama?
Agree if we sing together?
Dan kalau sambil bertepuk tangan, setuju?
And if while clapping, agree?
Aaa... (aaa...) ooo... (ooo...) aaa... (aaa...)
Aaa... (aaa...) ooo... (ooo...) aaa... (aaa...)
Aa (aa) oo (oo) ao (ao) ao (ao)
Aa (aa) oo (oo) ao (ao) ao (ao)
Ye (ye) ye (ye) aaa...
Ye (ye) ye (ye) aaa...
Seni adalah bahasa (seni adalah bahasa)
Art is a language (art is a language)
Pemersatu antarbangsa (pemersatu antarbangsa)
A unifier among nations (a unifier among nations)
Seni adalah mulia (seni adalah mulia)
Art is noble (art is noble)
Suci murni tiada dosa (suci murni tiada dosa)
Pure and holy without sin (pure and holy without sin)
Tetapi manusia telah menodainya
But man has tarnished it
Seni pun diperkosa demi hawa nafsunya
Art is raped for the sake of his lust
Hayo gunakan seni 'tuk kebaikan (hayo, hayo)
Let's use art for goodness (come on, come on)
Hayo gunakan seni 'tuk keindahan (hayo, hayo)
Let's use art for beauty (come on, come on)
Hayo gunakan seni untuk agama (hayo, hayo)
Let's use art for religion (come on, come on)
Hayo gunakan seni untuk negara (hayo, hayo)
Let's use art for the country (come on, come on)
Mari bernyanyi dan bergembiralah
Let's sing and be joyful
Tapi tetap dalam kesopanan dan iman
But still within decency and faith
Bagaimana, masih mau nyanyi lagi?
How about it, still want to sing again?
Baik, kalau begitu, kembali semua tepuk tangan, setuju?
Alright, then, everyone clap again, agree?
Aaa... (aaa...) ooo... (ooo...) aaa... (aaa...)
Aaa... (aaa...) ooo... (ooo...) aaa... (aaa...)
Aa (aa) oo (oo) ao (ao) ao (ao)
Aa (aa) oo (oo) ao (ao) ao (ao)
Ye (ye) ye (ye) aaa...
Ye (ye) ye (ye) aaa...

Авторы: Rhoma Irama

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